Објавено во Hungary - Финансиски бизнис - 17 Jul 2020 04:45 - 23
So yeah.
Why this game is dead?
Because the economy module is completely dead. There is only supply on the market and nearly 0 demand.
Nobody buys anything anymore, because it is not worth it to use your weapons, only to sell them.
Why would you blame them? The new medal system is a bad joke.
So, everyone wants to sell, nobody wants to buy.
Couple of weeks my friends and Q6 airs will go for 30g/k on the market...
Have fun if you can, I can not....
Why this game is dead?
Because the economy module is completely dead. There is only supply on the market and nearly 0 demand.
Nobody buys anything anymore, because it is not worth it to use your weapons, only to sell them.
Why would you blame them? The new medal system is a bad joke.
So, everyone wants to sell, nobody wants to buy.
Couple of weeks my friends and Q6 airs will go for 30g/k on the market...
Have fun if you can, I can not....
BlitztodcasadeliBunnyLiuKeyserSozeJulcsi82Gottfried BouillonGottfried BouillonGottfried BouillonCaptain HarlockVadgesztenyechicagolupanpachicagolupanpachicagolupanpachicagolupanpachicagolupanpachicagolupanpachicagolupanpachicagolupanpachicagolupanpachicagolupanpaMurat MonstrumHomer_SvratarxFightMasterHonfoglaloHonfoglaloGabrielz HornDeo ZeusКоментари (23)

Dead game.

admins killed the game

admins killed the game x2

game killed the admins

At this time of the Corona virus pandemic, eRev is like a patient on a respirator, has a 50% chance of surviving. Will it the game survives depends on the Admin, which as well as doctors, don t know much about it.

Vladika+1... why buy weapons if now we fight with a loss, and with less players and less activities, there is no point in spending € in the game for the VIPs (after all, fighting is not rewarding now). Specially naval battles - they always were less lucrative, but now they hardly gives any gold

game killed admins!

Because of the pandemic, more people stuck home than usual. Therefore more people should have time to play this game, yet the game is dead.
Admins! Fix the game!

Admins killed the game!!! Admin=💩💩💩

It s time for some new updates. With empty pockets, there can not be any suitable trade. There are to possibilities - how to solve current issue.
1. Rearrange (gold)reward system in all kind of battles.
2. Invent some new ways of making gold in the game (something like gold industry, or additional reward system for the wars).
The first one is, if you ask me, more simple but less likely. Nobody likes to admit own mistakes, I don t expect admin neither. The second option is demanding more creativity, and I am not sure does he have enough time and interest to spend own time these days for that.
Let s see how this will be resolved.

Admins killed this game, so sad 

Yep, it s pointless to buy weapons when you dont get any gold for medals
Just fight without weapons...

its exacly true. Purple donation for you. Green donation for Admin!

Here is a fine update for us:
1. Give equipment 15 quality slots instead of the current 10.
2. Degrade current equipment values for ˝balance reason˝.
3. Give us a massive gold discount at the Store.
4. Profit!

money killed admin lol

Shisui Uchiha
The current admin has no idea how to code, hence 0 chance to create something new, he just changes numbers/variables in code to show us that he isnt dead lmao.
about gold change, he wouldnt change it to current one if he would then reroll it back in 2 months, this is a final decision of his, same as in erev2
long story short this game will never have more active players than it currently has, moreover, it will lose his players over the time, so sit back and 2click before admin hits the turn off button on the server

admins killed the game x1000...

@davidking, admin could find someone who has some skills in coding.

@Shisui, but that means he would need to pay this someone - so he will retain less €€€ from MPs (and the few SPs that the last multimakers still buy, although even these guys seems to have lost interest in the game...)

Pony, the problem is that economy module is so messed up, that you either have to be major producer or SP multi to be relevant. If you don t mind spending 30 eur on this crap each month, then just become nomad in terms of accounts - buy SP and 3 MPs, tank like hell, switch to next account next month. In this way, you will always have gold for airs etc.

Us dead poneys always appreciate SHOVELS like you!

@casadeli, yes, unfortunately the system admin created incentives to act against the rules of their own game... Anyway, being relevant in this game is no more relevant

when game came out(few months after) in one article i said game shouldnt be based on real money for ingame currency aka gold.. and more on some sort of subscirption like extra tools, be it for production (better managment, bettter/faster sellection) etc. I sugested than and predicted that this kind of game module always leads to the point of Not worth it to spend real money thus and with admin trying stubborntly make money that way, well it only lead to cutting down on players ability to enjoy game and in trun making game borring and more and more people quit . Game was dead then and there just many didnt see that or as me decided to play just or fun of being part of comunity... In any case, if admin would change some things around and figure out that there is better way for him to make money while and stop killing game, there could still be chance for things to turn around but i just dont see it happeningg