Unexpected News

B A R O N - Весник од Turkey -
[BARON] Farewell

Објавено во Germany - Првите чекори во еRevollution - 12 Oct 2021 10:54 - 39

Time Has Come


I am now completely leaving this game that I have been playing for more than 5 years. It's a really weird feeling for me. Because it was like a part of my life :)

There are reasons why I left the game, both due to the game and my own real life.

In case anyone is wondering, here are the game-related reasons:

The gap between labor and money in the game has been widened so that it cannot be closed. This environment was prepared by the Admin himself.

To give a small example;

Of the two wolves you see below, mine is level 7 (I started the game in February 2016.) The wolf with level 147 belongs to a player who started the game in April 2016.

https://i.hizlir.com/3haoz3j.png            https://i.hizlir.com/cwvqjz3.png

2- The decrease in the number of players and activity in the game.

3-This game is no longer enjoyable and playing the game every day is a chore for me.

Reason related to my real life:

I am about to enter an important turning point in my life. I have to make some big decisions.
One of them (and most importantly) is to move to a new country for good and start a new life.. 
That's why I don't want to waste time on games anymore.


I had a great time and I met very nice people in game. Thank you to all my friends who made this game enjoyable.

Kind regards



Child of FireDarken RahlGigaDarken RahlAntiterrorisKocaelispor41Kocaelispor41Kame SenninPrleIoaahawkoulishawkoulishawkoulisNoJobBunnyLiuBunnyLiuBunnyLiuBunnyLiuPatroklosMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosPeakyTHE END for PericSSTHE END for PericSSTHE END for PericSSThe Last Lynx PardinusThe Last Lynx Pardinus

Коментари (39)

Reel hayatında başarılar Baron
The administrator killed the game a long time ago ... money is more important to him than the players. sooner or later this game will die totally. Each new introduction harms the average player. It s only a matter of time before the game is over!
hayatıında basarılar. gitme la
V for n4z
Good luck in RL. Cheers
+1 darken rahl
Good Luck!
Hergun girmek angarya ise canin istediginde gir. Bazen hergun girmek ve event yapmak eziyet oluyor. Gelecek olursan bu taraflara mesaj at bakarsin yakin yere yerlesiesin 2 bira iceriz.
I decided not to spend more than 2 minutes for this game daily otherwise its a stupid waste of time and makes me feel like a moron. its completely admins fault and eventually many more people will stop playing this game
Good luck!
Good luck
Good luck Baron bro 🥰 We will be in contact. I also stoped to play active and spending more than 2 minutes per day. Change your life my friend i wish you all the best.
Good luck in RL bro. Nice to play with you. o7
Good luck!
Good luck
@afatdede Kısmet 😉
Good luck !
Srećno o7
@BATASHA Thank you so much 😊
I completely understand you, good luck man!
Take Care
My friend Baron Good luck But did you forgot who is your owner? Dont make it so dramatic one sea is diving us and you will make a small trip Cheeky My friend seriously i wish you good luck at your choices.
Allaha emanet ali
afganistana git o.çLaugh
GL in RL o7
@yomadafakaa Eyvallah sağolasın 🙏
Daha sana düşmanlık besleyecektim, neyse. Hayatında başarılar Smile
@hawkoulis hehehe thank you 😋 I hope we meet in real life 😉
@MetoTR Teşekkür ederim Smile
Oyun pert oldu admin sağolsun bende wt suanlık sana hayatında başarılar dilerim ali riza @@@@@@thank you admin for you did bullshit with fucink stones bu arada gerçekten admin ekmeğini taştan çıkartmış oldu ahaha
I just learned the sad news, I m so sorry you made this decision, the reasons are more than enough, I wish you all the best and that you can find the best solution for everything! Take care of yourself and a big wolf s mouth (good luck an old Italian saying)!💪💪Wink
Başka ülke derken, biz mallar gibi Avrupa tercih etmezsin umarım. Oyun içinde : Sal rahvan gitsin. Stres atacak veya yapacak şeyler bulmak zor değil bu sitindirik dünyada
@Baba Voss Teşekkür ederim Smile (Sadece ekmeğini değil evini arabasını.. 😛)
Good luck Baron. And be happy in your new life. All the best. It was a pleasure to meet you on the game. ♥
Good luck for your installation. It s always an adventure to live in a different country.
So long Baron, I do not know you other than the name appearing in game. I wish you well in your new country... where are you moving to? You are correct on why the game is dying (see my profile link)
@Miltiados Thank you so much Milti Smile You are a really good man.
All the Best in RL bro, and don t forget AIR BALLOON and my FREE BEER🍻🍻🍺🍺🍻🍻🍺🍺. GL from PericSS bro🥰.