Објавено во Peru - Анализа на војување - 31 Oct 2023 11:14 - 8
El 23 de Octubre de 2023, Rumania mediante invasión war atacó al Perú con la intención de borrarnos y quedarse con el petroleo peruano. En el Perú hubo consenso en ese momento de luchar hasta la muerte, inclusive ya invadidos pelear una guerra de guerrillas para desgastar al invasor. Durante la madrugada del 23 de octubre Rumania atacó al Perú apoyado por el serbio Stevan G, el Perú se defendió durante todo el dia como pudo todos pegaron incluido el suscrito, llegado la noche al CP Mariscal Cáceres le empezó a temblar las piernas, lo que junto a su gabinete decidieron rendirse ante los Rumanos firmando un NAP que por cierto el Perú no lo ha publicado hasta ahora.
ACUERDO NAP / 23-10-2023:
1.- Rumania alquilará el Oil de Perú por 3 meses (monto que no se sabe hasta ahora)
2.- Perú cederá el Steel de Montevideo a Rumania por 3 meses.
3.- Rumania cesará toda hostilidad contra el Perú y devolverá las areas ocupadas.
4.- Los ciudadanos peruanos podrán producir en Rumania obteniendo el 100% de manager work tax return, esto siginifica que sera para todos, como producir en Perú a precio local con bonus 4x100. (Esto no me consta, produzco como cualquier extranjero sin beneficios)
5.- Compra de cc rumano a 0.005 precio de emision con fines manager work (Esto es falso hasta ahora pago 0.006)
6.- Perú mantendra el resto de sus colonias y podra gozar del 80x4% quienes producen en Perú.
El Consejo del Gobierno aprobó esta moción con los siguientes resultados:
**SI al NAP = 10 votos (Mariscal Cáceres, Deo Zeus, Chorrillano, El Tito Thedonito, Mao Lenin, Pedro Castillo, Mandraque85, Lino Negron, Arkantos
** NO al NAP = 2 votos ( Sirvampiro, Gral Velasco)
* Abstención = NSP 1 voto (Lijaser)
1.- El gobierno esta siguiendo el camino de argentina? que lejos de luchar contra Rumania termino siendo su aliado.
2.- La excusa del actual gobierno peruano es de que invadidos y borrados no pueden crecer. Lo que no es cierto, se puede producir en el extranjero, inclusive producir en el pais enemigo y luchar contra ellos, en las posibilidades de cada soldado y crecer.
3.- Lamentablemente si uno es Presidente de un país, si no lidera las batallas con visa no puede representar como es debido a sus soldados. En el Perú el gobierno esta acostumbrado a ser supuesto lideres, pero a costa del esfuerzo de la visa del soldado, cuando ellos no dan el ejemplo.
4.- Muchos creen que el suscrito no pegó por el Perú, claro que pegué pero sin Visa, inclusive quede en 2do lugar en daño, el 1er lugar fue de Mao Lenin. Pero como me van exigir la Visa si el propio Cp y el MoD no dan el ejemplo.
5.- Que solo la verdadera determinación se demuestra en las adversidades, cuando las papas queman.
6.- Que es importante que el administrador equilibre el game por lo menos con la venta de un Starter Pack de 300,000 mínimo de fuerza a la que todos quieran comprar, asi habria motivación que un soldado principiante al ver que su daño es de utilidad se enganche al game, y que los antiguos con baja fuerza, puedan actualizarla y animarse a la visa en las batallas del game. Los antiguos fuertes no tendrian porque quejarse del starter pack porque ellos ya tienen la ventaja del nivel de sus mascotas y armaduras completas.
7.- Que el egoismo de la alianza de Rumania, Serbia y Grecia a que el adminis repotencie el crecimiento de los paises débiles ocupados por esta triologia van terminar por desanimarlos a continuar en el game.
8.- Si estos 3 paises mencionados siguen en su egoismo, pues que se queden solos en el game.
Dia 2,851
Martes, 31 de Octubre de 2023.
Gral Velasco
English version
On October23, 2023, Romania attacked Peru through a war invasion with the intention of erasing us and keeping Peruvian oil. In Peru there was a consensus at that time to fight to the death, even once invaded to fight a guerrilla war to wear down the invader. During the early hours of October 23, Romania attacked Peru supported by the Serbian Stevan G. Peru defended itself throughout the day as best it could, everyone hit him, including the undersigned. When night came, CP Mariscal Cáceres's legs began to tremble, which Together with his cabinet they decided to kneel before the Romanians by signing a NAP that, by the way, Peru has not published until now.
1.- Romaniawill rent the Oil from Peru for 3 months (amount that is not known until now)
2.- Peruwill transfer Steel de Montevideo to Romania for 3 months.
3.- Romaniawill cease all hostility against Peru and will return the occupied areas.
4.-Peruvian citizens will be able to produce in Romania obtaining 100% manager work tax return, this means that it will be for everyone, like producing in
Peru at a local price with a 4x100 bonus. (I don't know this, I produce like any foreigner without benefits)
5.-Purchase of Romanian cc at 0.005 issue price for manager work purposes (This is false until now payment 0.006)
6.- Peruwill maintain the rest of its colonies and will be able to enjoy 80x4% of those who produce in Peru.TheGovernment Council approved this motion with the following results:
**YES toNAP = 10 votes (Mariscal Cáceres, Deo Zeus, Chorrillano, El Tito Thedonito, Mao Lenin, Pedro Castillo, Mandraque85, Lino Negron, Arkantos
** NO toNAP = 2 votes (Sirvampiro, General Velasco)
*Abstention = NSP 1 vote (Lijaser)
1.- Is thegovernment following Argentina's path? that far from fighting against Romania, he ended up being its ally.
2.- Theexcuse of the current Peruvian government is that if they are invaded and erased, they cannot grow. What is not true, it can be produced abroad, even produced in the enemy country and fight against them, within the possibilities of each soldier and grow.
3.-Unfortunately, if you are President of a country, if you do not lead the battles with a visa, you cannot represent your soldiers properly. In Peru the
government is accustomed to being supposed leaders, but at the cost of the soldier's visa effort, when they do not set an example.
4.- Manybelieve that the undersigned did not hit for Peru, of course I hit but without Visa, I even came in 2nd place in damage, 1st place went to Mao Lenin. But how are they going to demand my Visa if the CP itself and the MoD do not set an
5.- Thatonly true determination is demonstrated in adversity, when the potatoes burn.
6.- That itis important for the administrator to balance the game at least with the sale of a Starter Pack of 300,000 minimum strength at which everyone wants to buy, so there would be motivation for a beginner soldier to see that his damage is useful. get hooked on the game, and that the old ones with low strength can update it and be encouraged to compete in the battles of the game. The old strongmen would not have to complain about the starter pack because they already have the advantage of the level of their pets and full armor.
7.- Thatthe selfishness of the alliance of Romania, Serbia and Greece for the administration to boost the growth of the weak countries occupied by this
triology will end up discouraging them from continuing in the game.
8.- Ifthese 3 countries mentioned continue in their selfishness, then let them be alone in the game.
Day 2,851
Tuesday,October 31, 2023.
Atte.Gral Velasco
Subscribe I have 78 left to reach 100
ACUERDO NAP / 23-10-2023:
1.- Rumania alquilará el Oil de Perú por 3 meses (monto que no se sabe hasta ahora)
2.- Perú cederá el Steel de Montevideo a Rumania por 3 meses.
3.- Rumania cesará toda hostilidad contra el Perú y devolverá las areas ocupadas.
4.- Los ciudadanos peruanos podrán producir en Rumania obteniendo el 100% de manager work tax return, esto siginifica que sera para todos, como producir en Perú a precio local con bonus 4x100. (Esto no me consta, produzco como cualquier extranjero sin beneficios)
5.- Compra de cc rumano a 0.005 precio de emision con fines manager work (Esto es falso hasta ahora pago 0.006)
6.- Perú mantendra el resto de sus colonias y podra gozar del 80x4% quienes producen en Perú.
El Consejo del Gobierno aprobó esta moción con los siguientes resultados:
**SI al NAP = 10 votos (Mariscal Cáceres, Deo Zeus, Chorrillano, El Tito Thedonito, Mao Lenin, Pedro Castillo, Mandraque85, Lino Negron, Arkantos
** NO al NAP = 2 votos ( Sirvampiro, Gral Velasco)
* Abstención = NSP 1 voto (Lijaser)
1.- El gobierno esta siguiendo el camino de argentina? que lejos de luchar contra Rumania termino siendo su aliado.
2.- La excusa del actual gobierno peruano es de que invadidos y borrados no pueden crecer. Lo que no es cierto, se puede producir en el extranjero, inclusive producir en el pais enemigo y luchar contra ellos, en las posibilidades de cada soldado y crecer.
3.- Lamentablemente si uno es Presidente de un país, si no lidera las batallas con visa no puede representar como es debido a sus soldados. En el Perú el gobierno esta acostumbrado a ser supuesto lideres, pero a costa del esfuerzo de la visa del soldado, cuando ellos no dan el ejemplo.
4.- Muchos creen que el suscrito no pegó por el Perú, claro que pegué pero sin Visa, inclusive quede en 2do lugar en daño, el 1er lugar fue de Mao Lenin. Pero como me van exigir la Visa si el propio Cp y el MoD no dan el ejemplo.
5.- Que solo la verdadera determinación se demuestra en las adversidades, cuando las papas queman.
6.- Que es importante que el administrador equilibre el game por lo menos con la venta de un Starter Pack de 300,000 mínimo de fuerza a la que todos quieran comprar, asi habria motivación que un soldado principiante al ver que su daño es de utilidad se enganche al game, y que los antiguos con baja fuerza, puedan actualizarla y animarse a la visa en las batallas del game. Los antiguos fuertes no tendrian porque quejarse del starter pack porque ellos ya tienen la ventaja del nivel de sus mascotas y armaduras completas.
7.- Que el egoismo de la alianza de Rumania, Serbia y Grecia a que el adminis repotencie el crecimiento de los paises débiles ocupados por esta triologia van terminar por desanimarlos a continuar en el game.
8.- Si estos 3 paises mencionados siguen en su egoismo, pues que se queden solos en el game.
Dia 2,851
Martes, 31 de Octubre de 2023.
Gral Velasco
English version
On October23, 2023, Romania attacked Peru through a war invasion with the intention of erasing us and keeping Peruvian oil. In Peru there was a consensus at that time to fight to the death, even once invaded to fight a guerrilla war to wear down the invader. During the early hours of October 23, Romania attacked Peru supported by the Serbian Stevan G. Peru defended itself throughout the day as best it could, everyone hit him, including the undersigned. When night came, CP Mariscal Cáceres's legs began to tremble, which Together with his cabinet they decided to kneel before the Romanians by signing a NAP that, by the way, Peru has not published until now.
1.- Romaniawill rent the Oil from Peru for 3 months (amount that is not known until now)
2.- Peruwill transfer Steel de Montevideo to Romania for 3 months.
3.- Romaniawill cease all hostility against Peru and will return the occupied areas.
4.-Peruvian citizens will be able to produce in Romania obtaining 100% manager work tax return, this means that it will be for everyone, like producing in
Peru at a local price with a 4x100 bonus. (I don't know this, I produce like any foreigner without benefits)
5.-Purchase of Romanian cc at 0.005 issue price for manager work purposes (This is false until now payment 0.006)
6.- Peruwill maintain the rest of its colonies and will be able to enjoy 80x4% of those who produce in Peru.TheGovernment Council approved this motion with the following results:
**YES toNAP = 10 votes (Mariscal Cáceres, Deo Zeus, Chorrillano, El Tito Thedonito, Mao Lenin, Pedro Castillo, Mandraque85, Lino Negron, Arkantos
** NO toNAP = 2 votes (Sirvampiro, General Velasco)
*Abstention = NSP 1 vote (Lijaser)
1.- Is thegovernment following Argentina's path? that far from fighting against Romania, he ended up being its ally.
2.- Theexcuse of the current Peruvian government is that if they are invaded and erased, they cannot grow. What is not true, it can be produced abroad, even produced in the enemy country and fight against them, within the possibilities of each soldier and grow.
3.-Unfortunately, if you are President of a country, if you do not lead the battles with a visa, you cannot represent your soldiers properly. In Peru the
government is accustomed to being supposed leaders, but at the cost of the soldier's visa effort, when they do not set an example.
4.- Manybelieve that the undersigned did not hit for Peru, of course I hit but without Visa, I even came in 2nd place in damage, 1st place went to Mao Lenin. But how are they going to demand my Visa if the CP itself and the MoD do not set an
5.- Thatonly true determination is demonstrated in adversity, when the potatoes burn.
6.- That itis important for the administrator to balance the game at least with the sale of a Starter Pack of 300,000 minimum strength at which everyone wants to buy, so there would be motivation for a beginner soldier to see that his damage is useful. get hooked on the game, and that the old ones with low strength can update it and be encouraged to compete in the battles of the game. The old strongmen would not have to complain about the starter pack because they already have the advantage of the level of their pets and full armor.
7.- Thatthe selfishness of the alliance of Romania, Serbia and Greece for the administration to boost the growth of the weak countries occupied by this
triology will end up discouraging them from continuing in the game.
8.- Ifthese 3 countries mentioned continue in their selfishness, then let them be alone in the game.
Day 2,851
Tuesday,October 31, 2023.
Atte.Gral Velasco
Subscribe I have 78 left to reach 100
RomyAugustoLijaserКоментари (8)

What will be the fate of this game?

Nice from 280 000 starter pack, now is 300 000 😂

some countries have to learn somethings from ePeru about strategy..

Yes great strategy. They were able to get bonus by signing a deal with Greece(they were wiped for months), but they promised that they will give us bonuses if we do not have them. When during the latest reshuffle we asked for a bonus they said they cannot now, but they will give us during the next reshuffle. At least Romania did something good and took the one bonus for free. For me they should not pay for the other bonus as well.


Dude. It s embarrassing. 5 likes. Itso have more accounts than that 😂😂

Sesebi Point 5 is when the potatoes burn you discover if you have nerve or are a coward, that is why that NAP has no strategy at all, it was an act of cowardice by those who govern my country. 

