Објавено во United States of America - Социјална интеракција и забава - 25 Mar 2016 14:22 - 1

Today's Date: 3/25/16
Author(s): Apollos, White House Press Secretary
Topic(s): Escapism
Happy Friday, all.
Yes, yes. The country is burning all around us, and even the strength of EAGLE seems to be no match for our cowardly, backstabbing enemies. It took the better part of the day to even get a DO up, and it seems that high profile citizens are moving away. I'm not sure how much longer we will be speaking English, unless the country wakes up. In the light of all that, I think it's time to remember that this is just a game. To help us get back to that realization, I am going to avoid further doom, gloom, and exhortation and simply share some of my favorite comics:

If you are currently attacking the USA, please note that we have been non-aggressive for the entire game. We didn't ask for this, and this "betray our friends, violate treaties, and then gang up on said friends" gig really isn't entertaining for anyone. If you are so moved, a cease-fire would improve the experience for most of us. Otherwise, we are headed for Reset City in a hurry, while player retention continues to weaken. Just a thought.
Thank you. That is all.
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Stay in perspective, America!
WaffleКоментари (1)