Pisco Sour

Deo Zeus - Весник од Peru -

Објавено во Brazil - Политички дебати и анализи - 18 Nov 2023 20:24 - 7

Good evening, friends. I inform you that due to internal discrepancies regarding the strategy and gameplay of this game, the Peruvian community has decided to establish itself in Brazilian territory. We express our gratitude to the Brazilian community, especially to Milk00 and Volkofff, for trusting us. We will not disappoint them and will strive to uphold the name of Brazil.
To the Peruvian players who have chosen to stay, we wish you luck and success in the development of your community. However, when there is division, the best and healthiest option is to cut all ties. We hope that in the future, we can be allies, and if that's not possible, we will understand.
To all those players who want to do something different, we invite you to apply for Brazilian citizenship, especially South Americans, and Spanish and Portuguese-speaking players. Also, to Brazilian players with different nationalities, we invite you to come back home.



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Коментари (7)

Hail Peruvian-Brazilian Confederacy!!!. o7
Great o7
Liars and traitors do not respect the citizens who stayed in Peru, because they continue to attack them, taking away their regions. They say that they are allies of Peru, however right now they are attacking them with direct attacks. https://www.erevollution.com/es/battlefield/94470/1
Confederación? Han vendido al Perú por sus intereses personalísimos, llevándose las arcas y moviendo hasta sus multis al Brasil. Suerte Brasil, con los nuevos ciudadanos.
How is Peru doing without this evil government?
I m coming back
We are waitting for you