Објавено во Japan - Првите чекори во еRevollution - 27 Mar 2016 20:23 - 16
- Exploiting other players and being exploited is forbidden.
- Having players work for a low wage (under the average salary for the concerned skill) in the country where the company is located, without any transaction in return equivalent to this salary.
This includes account boosting. Meaning that one/several accounts are used to send their ets/work for free for another user to gain resources even if it’s by the citizens own will.
Receiving most properties (currencies, items, gold, companies) from another player, without any approximately equivalent transaction in return.
Procedure: The staff is not concerned whether the exploit is done by good will or not. The concerned player(s)/Military Unit(s)/Organisation(s)/Stock Company(s) will be fined depending on the scale of the exploit. Repeat offences might lead to a permanently ban of the concerned user(s).
No loan, how admin will know how long it will repay ??
how about the Unilateral devotion to the country of player ??
No free supply ??
You can't have low wage workers !!
- We reserve the right to change the aforementioned laws at any moment.
Please do not have any transaction, Mod and Admin will ban you 100%.
- Any type of abuse towards the administration team will be penalised.
- Insulting, threatening, provoking, abusing, or petitioning the administration team or any of its members with false or trivial issues is forbidden and will result in permanent ban.
Impersonating in any kind of way, any member of the Mod Team, is strictly prohibited. Using a nickname almost identical to a Mod member is not allowed. The actual Mod Team members are displayed on the Moderators page.
Procedure: Depending on the purpose/type of the abuse, citizens breaking this law can be banned temporarily or permanently.
Me and my wife and my colleagues are the same IP, we use WiFi play game. And we got warning 2 months ago,
we still play save 2 months. They got banned now, But I'm not banned. So I no longer have any murmurings.
- We reserve the right to change the aforementioned laws at any moment.
Dear greatest administrator thank you ! change the aforementioned laws at any moment.
Saved my account no banned
1 IP to 4 account >>>>> 1 IP to 2 account >>>>>> Can't trade anything in each players, If not also the same IP admins still can ban you.
Players careful rules
If you see me account is banned,
Because I insulted administrator team.
If not, I very thank administrator team saved me again.
HaNFluXmrcowКоментари (16)

Voted o7

what hppened ?


Was it an insult or criticism? People can at least grow from criticism.
Regardless I hope you're not b& for something so trivial.

eRevollution needs more admins, or have a big congress who vote for the changes

as i said before... more than one account per IP should be forbidden... no matter if they trade/work/vote for each other or not... that whould clear a lot of things... the problem whould just be that everyone who wants to and have enough time can change ip/mac adress and delete the cookies to use his multi accs... the only way of reducing multi accounting is to make it less profitable...

@Nico This is not a public game, this is a game owned by a certain group of people, and that group of People are the one's who administrate this game. So a "Congress" is not something logical, since the admins always have the last word.
After all, is THEIR game.

This is STUPID-->The staff is not concerned whether the exploit is done by good will or not. The concerned player(s)/Military Unit(s)/Organisation(s)/Stock Company(s) will be fined depending on the scale of the exploit. Repeat offences might lead to a permanently ban of the concerned user(s).

@RAF904 Raf, YouGodme, his wife, and his colleagues create account at 1st month of erev when the rules still "you can have 4 account in 1 shared ip", after admin change the rule then what they going to do? Leaving house to play erev in somewhere? lol


And if I give everyone Food around the world, they need pay back for me or ban ????
coz : The staff is not concerned whether the exploit is done by good will or not. The concerned player(s)/Military Unit(s)/Organisation(s)/Stock Company(s) will be fined depending on the scale of the exploit. Repeat offences might lead to a permanently ban of the concerned user(s).

@mrcow its not my and its not admins problem how they manage that... but 1 account per IP whould have been the easiest way to control everything from the start... if there is someone who has the time and the knowledge how to cheat he can do it and admins cant do anything against it... and the text with changing the rules is in the rules of every game i know... so its nothing special... if you dont want to play a game with that text in the rules you have to play cards...

A couple suggestions for a new rules
1. There must be a defined period for loan
2. Every suspicious transaction should be announced and explained
3. The articles should be used for previous explanation of working mechanism

well what about mercenary some gives helis to take damage is that ilegal too
. this game is becoming worst from day to day 

"The staff is not concerned whether the exploit is done by good will or not. The concerned player(s)/Military Unit(s)/Organisation(s)/Stock Company(s) will be fined depending on the scale of the exploit. Repeat offences might lead to a permanently ban of the concerned user(s)."
quotes from someone comment on admin news "you just need many players who can donate a little quantity of gold in order to have enought gold for tanks or helis. In Ukraine there's a team that care about whole nation and not just for theyselves. This is your problem now and of all that people who is crying. There wasn't any bug, it was Teamwork."
is donate a little quantity of gold in order to have enought gold for tanks or helis an exploitation or teamwork? 

@RAF904, dont be stupid, this is admins problem as well, how about sharing room and you want your roommate play with you? buy new wifi?? OMG! if you want 1 ip for 1 id, keep this game for private game, dont make it public,
cheater always around you, tell me what kind of game doesnt have cheater? Especially when those game begin to bigger?