Објавено во Greece - Политички дебати и анализи - 18 Apr 2016 06:17 - 33
We heard that you think to join TRS alliance!
People of Aegean just say Don't trust those Imperial Nuts!
Trust your real Friends, your Family!
(if you dont see the video click)
Dostluk ,sevgi ve gözyaşı seni bana getirdi. (Friendship,love and tears brought you to me)
Elimdeki zeytin dalı Egeyi birleştirdi. (The olive brach in my hands connected the Aegean)
Geia sou ile merhaba buzuki ile bağlama (Geia sou and Merhaba;buzuki with baglama)
Kardeşlik şarkıları hep bir arada (The songs of friendship to be sung all together)
Hayde bre Lefteri hayde be Mehmetim (Hayde bre Lefteri,Hayde be Mehmet)
Uzat şu kadehini dostluğa içelim (Reach your cup to drink for friendship)
Bir gün senin adada bir gün Büyükadada (One day on your island,one day on Buyukada)
Kardeşlik şarkıları hep bir arada. (The songs of friendship to be sung all together)
Bir gün sana içelim, bir gün bana içelim (One day lets drink for you,one day for me)
Sirtakiler zeybeklerle gel meşk edelim. (Lets get exuberant dancing to sirtakis and zeybeks)
Geia sou ile merhaba;buzuki ile balgama (Geia sou and Merhaba;buzuki with baglama)
Kardeşlik şarkıları hep bir arada (The songs of friendship to be sung all together)
Haydi bre Lefteri aydi bre Mehmetim (Hayde bre Lefteri,Hayde be Mehmet)
Uzat şu kadehini dostluğa içelim. (Reach your cup to drink for friendship)
Hayde bre Mehmetim, (Hayde bre Mehmet)
Sevgiye,barışa ve dostluğa içelim. Lets drink for love,peace,and friendship)
Geia sou ile merhaba buzuki ile bağlama
Kardeşlik şarkıları hep bir arada
Hayde bre Lefteri hayde be Mehmetim
Uzat şu kadehini dostluğa içelim
Το γελεκάκι που φορείς (the jacket you are wearing)
Εγώ στο 'χω ραμμένο (I have sewn it)
Με πίκρες και βάσανα (With bitterness and suffering)
Σ΄το ΄χω φοδραρισμένο (I have lined it)
Άιντε το μαλώνω, το μαλώνω (I am scolding it, scolding it)
Άιντε κι ύστερα το μετανοιώνω (and then I regret it)
Άιντε το μαλώνω και το βρίζω (I am scolding it and swear at it)
Άιντε την καρδούλα του ραγίζω (I break its little heart)
Φόρα το μωρό μου (Wear it my baby)
Φόρα το μικρό μου (Wear it my little one)
Γιατί δε θα το ξαναφορέσεις άλλο πια (Because you will never wear it again anymore)
Φόρα το για να ΄σαι (Wear it so that you are)
Για να με θυμάσαι (So that you remember me)
Για μετάξι έχω τα σγουρά σου τα μαλλιά (I have your curly hair as silk)
Άιντε το μαλώνω, το μαλώνω (I am scolding it, scolding it)
Άιντε κι ύστερα το μετανοιώνω (and then I regret it)
Άιντε το μαλώνω και το βρίζω (I am scolding it and swear at it)
Άιντε την καρδούλα του ραγίζω (I break its little heart)
Φόρα το μωρό μου (Wear it my baby)
Φόρα το μικρό μου (Wear it my little one)
Γιατί δε θα το ξαναφορέσεις άλλο πια (Because you will never wear it again)
Φόρα το για να ΄σαι (Wear it so that you are)
Για να με θυμάσαι (So that you remember me)
Για μετάξι έχω τα σγουρά σου τα μαλλιά (I have your curly hair as silk)
Άιντε Λευτέρη, πάμε για αγάπη, για ειρήνη και για φιλία (Come Lefteri, Let's go for love, for peace and for friendship)
unalrobysurferSultan Haydar BasКоментари (33)





That will be the decision of our friends, and we will respect to them. Our relations with Greece is eternal, and wont change, we will keep our relations quite close like used to.


No matter what alliance we will end up, our people will decide, one thing I can tell you is that, I might have lots of allies, change maybe from time to time, but I got only one BROTHER

Saçma sapan sürtüşmelerimizi bir kenara bırakırsak gerçekten de kültürel olarak en yakın olduğumuz halktır rumlar

@ktab i have a brother too, but i used this sentence as my respect and truthfulness. You know that Aegean people are more friendly then others
be safe mate!

I have also one brother but he don t play the game :/


@Dorian Grey - Vrh! (što bi Srbi rekli XD )
@Turks - Ako ti je brat zaista brat, treba li ga podsećati na to? I može li brat ratovati protiv tebe, a da ga ti i dalje bratom zoveš? Ne zaluđujte se 

Respect o/

I don t speak monkey Miyamoto. :/

Erenrandir by *brother* in game i mean turkey mate o7

@Dorian Grey, this words of yours show your parental culture - to call one language monkey language is fascist and uncivilized words
I presume that your mother and father are peoples with no culture what so ever, and that they have not been able to teach you civilized manner s - therefore I forgive you these insults of yours

silly me

@Miyamoto You deserved it, why we have to use google translete instead of you?

@Sultan Haydar Bas - Who said you have to use, or must use - google translate? You do not need to read anything you are not interested to read
If you are interested in what someone have said on his native language - you will use translate or ask someone to translate it to you, but you do not have an obligation to read anything you do not want to read. Admin have an obligation to write on English, I am not admin and I have the right to write on whatever language I want.

@Miyamoto Amk beyinsizi nasılmış?

Bah alors mon gros Myamoto Musashi, ça t’embête si je parle en français, pas vrai ? Il existe une convention commune sur ce jeu qui veut que tous les joueurs parlent en anglais s ils désirent se faire comprendre de tous. Toi tu me parles dans ta langue et t’espère que je vais m’embêter a tout déchiffrer ? Quelle erreur.



@Sultan Haydar Bas- Možda je tebi ovo budalasto, ne sporim, ali meni je baš cool. No, to nije razlog da se fašistički odnosimo jedan prema drugom, poput Dorijana, samo zato što, eto, imamo drugačiji pristup igri i komunikaciji
@Dorian - uopšte me ne interesuje da li ćeš se potruditi da pročitaš nešto napisano na bilo kom drugom jeziku osim engleskog. Meni lično ne smeta da mi se obraćaš na francuskom, čak štaviše da u svetu danas ljudi imaju imalo dostojanstva i poštovanja prema svom maternjem jeziku - plaćali bi prevodioce umesto što se trude da im sva komunikacija bude na engleskom jeziku. Ti svoj jezik i kulturu ako ne poštuješ, i podvodiš je engleskoj kulturi - to je tvoj problem. A da li ćeš nešto pročitati ili ne, ako nije napisano na engleskom, uopšte me ne interesuje. Tvoj problem je samo što si šovinista u jednu ruku, a istovremeno ne poštuješ svoj jezik a samim tim ni naciju. Kakav paradoks, jadni dečače

guys comon
this article supposed to be about friendship! plz fight another place!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skF8FCAqclY let s go where you say, where the birds build their nests culture and bonds are eternal

@Nlki great music! εβίβα!

it comes from us both, gifted to us both

https://youtu.be/4b4TDc9NzU0?t=1m2s https://youtu.be/qubItQjdSHA?t=43s greece is the last nation bow down to trs i think, i might be wrong of course.
