Објавено во France - Социјална интеракција и забава - 23 Apr 2016 02:07 - 24

success is not luck
but only the result of blood sweat and tears

nothing new is happening...
the weapon raw prices are still falling wich is lowering the profit of the new players...
the weapon prices itself are falling because of that too but because of the cheaper raws the producers still make the same profits...
and because i am bored and dont know what to write about i will make my calculator public...
the polish people have acces since the beginning...
and since i am in france the french people can use it too...
i am updating it every weekend...
when important updates apear i even updated directly...
as you can see we have at the main page (german tab) 3 big parts...
the grey part is calculating your damage... (you can find your rank number if you scroll down...)

the green part is mostly just for fun and statistics how the weapon production is working in erev...

the red part is the salary/price calculator for q1-q5 helis but if you set the q5 tank price for q5 helis it is also calculating your q5 tank profit because q5 guns=q5 tank=q5 helis in the eyes of a producer...
just the price is different...^^

also there are some other tabs like the TP/TA calculators for q1-q5 helis...
i allready updated them so TA damage is now counted 100%...

you have to look for your profit after you added your LVL, STR, Rank and the weapon price that you whould like to buy at...

as mentioned in my last article the first 3 comments will get a small present...

also i will present a very good work of tdha
if you want to send him your gold feel free to do that...^^
in fact its the same as my calculator but its looking very much better...
also a TP/TA profit calculator is included on the second page...
the only problem with it is that you have to download it and after everey update you whould have to download the new calculator... :/
if you need something added or have some nice new ideas wich whould be usefull in such a calculator just send me a PM...
if you found something wich isnt working/you dont understand just PM me too...^^
or use the comments for that... :)
Captain HarlockКоментари (24)

sehr gut

20 q5 helis done...

I like the wax, you do. O7


I dont get it, why you are talking about ta and profit
For some of us, the only profit is the ta, so it realy doesnt matters, that how you hit it 


alexander if you buy 100 q1 helis for 0.04g each and you just do enough damage with them to reach your next TA medal with it you are paying 4g for the helis and get just 2.5g from the medal so you make a loss of 1.5g... for every medal you have it gets more expensive... so you need a higher damage per hit to stay in the profit zone... if you allways hit without weapons just ignore the TP/TA profit calculator... 

Yes, but you forget that there is boosters and your strenght is raising with military skill too, anyways if food isnt an espense than its total profit 

tomislav hit without weps

i forgot nothing alexander... i dont care about food costs... maybe i will add it later if its such a high problem for new players to pay their food... and your STR is raising? how? you can just train once a day... you just have to train BEFORE you add your STR in the calculator... -.- nearly the same with the rank... if you are close to a rankup just take the next higher rank and add this in the calculator... same with level... but that should not happen that often because the damage needed for rankup/XP needed for level up is getting bigger and bigger...


maybe what pistolev meant is damage increase, not str increase. from rank up and lvl up

as i said if you are close to a LVL/Rnk up just take the next higher Rank or Level for the calculation... i could add a dynamic damage calculation but therefor you whould have to add your rank points and your level points... and tbh for that much work its just useless because you do just some less points more damage...

food cost and damage boosters to TP TA calculator added...

hard voted! great calc you have there RAF

this one.. deserve a sub


hehe orthographie-korrektor: *wax-way


Aaaaaa big like for the last song v+s o/
