Објавено во France - Анализа на војување - 10 May 2016 16:35 - 34

AncestralCaptain HarlockT O R E T T OASAPКоментари (34)

This soap with NAPs and war declarations is getting even more ridiculous over time. When you are doing good, you declare a war, when you start losing regions, you rush into a NAP. Make your mind about it. And, oh, I wish you a nice and clean wipe finally, it s time to reboot your country. o7

@Antimon: are you croitian or serbian? because we are declaring war to serbia not to croitia 


Croatia is a country TO by Serbia ... So we can say Croatia = Serbia, like Japan, Canada, Netherlands and soooo many other countries x)

what if...

Hail France!

Croatia is not TO by Serbia. It is Serbian first neighbour and friend.


Antimon 101
Lool, i never heard something more ridiculous, after Paris battle we didn t sign any NAP before serb was out... and it was both us and Serbian who wanted a NAP

Well, thats an man of honor... There is no cure for being a c... xD

Dorian Grey
Croatia is a country TO by Serbia ... So we can say Croatia = Serbia, like Japan, Canada, Netherlands and soooo many other countries x)
True story

@Babou, on my last article you commented to say that there is no date set for ending the Nap wich mean can be ended in any time.
that was what you said 

Nice work LeTunisien and thank you president for interview ! 


Admin should add warning message, when you starting some laws, eg. ARE YOU SURE
see you guys on the battlefield lets broke some servers and some records o7

Babouche go home you drunk again 

Hail France !
for mad people : https://www.erevollution.com/fr/article/5243

Hail France! ty for b00bs 


S est bien la guerre mais sans hopital on est désavantager là

Bougez à Paris nous avons un hopital

on a reconstruit un hopital a Paris

Serbs are not afraid of anyone, so this should make some fun for everyone... Or not?

Nope, I think Serbia wont give a f**k for France war, not now when you want it. First deletition of Turkey, then we will delete France and fight hard to achieve that, but it will be when Serbia want that, not when France decide 

Merci ^^

Televisa presenta..

I was Swedish that time, Sweden was wiped by Ukraine. I moved to Serbia where I knew I would get help and support.
France then ally Ukraine my own nemesis, if you never would have take side with Ukraine I would probably NEVER have dealt 244mil dmg on the hospital or become an enemy.

Dodjite mi bre u sumadiju da vam pokazem sta je snaga ... Jedva cekam borbe bice materijala za novine o/

so VISA country wants to be world policeman

@Jimmy: What a bullshit. U move to serbia cause u are a kid and u need to feel longed for.