Објавено во United States of America - Анализа на војување - 12 May 2016 13:58 - 22

Greetings Soldiers!
Today's article is fully dedicated to Seal Team 6! As some of you have heard, our Military Unit is rebranding and we are going through a process of rebuilding and understand who is still around and who's not. As such, there will be new rules inside our military unit that will reflect the way we will operate from now on!
Topics for today:
1. Rules and Code of conduct of Seal Team 6
2. Internal Structure
3. Supplies

The Rules and Code of conduct of Seal Team 6 reflect the way the Military Unit operates in order to create a friendly and coordinated environment. As such, all soldiers and officers comply with these rules all the time while in military service in Seal Team 6.
General Procedures:
1. Seal Team 6 is a private mercenary Military Unit who upholds her ties to the United States of America, as such, it is strictly forbidden to set orders to fight directly against the USA.
2. Seal Team 6 Command will answer to the military orders issued by the Department of Defense as well as the National Security Council during times of war where the US integrity is at risk. ST6 command will not charge the US government any gold in these events.
3. Seal Team 6 will only sell damage to United States allies (with a discount) and to neutral countries who's wars do not involve direct military conflict towards USA or one of her allies. Seal Team 6 will not fight or accept contracts with enemies.
4. Damage Contracts with Seal Team 6 shall be handled by ST6 Headquarters and the payment is to be done to the Military Unit Commander upfront. From the money agreed in the contract, 50% reverts in favor of the Military Unit in order to cover up supply expenses and increase production. The remaining 50% revert to the soldiers. The amount each soldier receives is calculated according to the damage the soldier did in the battlefield for that order. In other words: The more damage you do, the more gold you receive!
5. In the event not all conditions of the negotiated military contract were met (example: damage requirement), ST6 HQ shall return part of the paid sum in accordance to the % of damage dealt. The same applies for all other conditions that may be negotiated. Seal Team 6 shall be known for honorable behavior and transparent actions towards all contractors.
Soldier Procedures and conduct
1. All soldiers are required to fight accordingly to the Military Unit Command orders. It is strictly forbidden to fight against orders and such transgression may lead to dishonorable discharge after 2 warnings from an officer upon decision from the General.
2. In military contract orders, soldiers are required to take a screenshot of their final damage and record it in the form that is sent through MU M message for the effect. If the soldier did not take the screenshot and followed proper procedure, he/she shall not receive their share of the money at the end of the Military Contract.
3. Soldiers shall receive their supplies on a daily basis. The given supplies shall be used for ST6 military orders. Soldiers are strictly forbidden to sell given supplies. Officers will check the soldier list twice a day to know who fought, soldiers who did not fight will not receive supplies.
3.1 Selling supplies to the US government or allies may lead to warning and after 3 warnings may lead to dishonorable discharge.
3.2 Selling supplies to enemies leads to immideate dishonorable discharge.
4. It is strictly forbidden to use slang, vulgarity and insults towards your fellow soldiers and your officers. Depending on the severity of the incident, you may be warned, suspended supplies for a certain number of days or in more severe cases you will get discharged.
5. Activity on IRC and on Discord is required, make sure you join us in our servers!
Officer Procedures and conduct
1. All officers are required to show a good degree of activity either on IRC, Discord, forums and ingame in order to facilitate smooth operations
2. All officers are required to participate in daily and weekly meetings with the HQ in order to be aware of the current military operations.
3. All officers are required to provide the Commanding officer their usual timezone. This is in order to shift captains so there's Daily Order smooth transition.
4. All officers are required to show an exemplary conduct towards their fellow officers, their soldiers and their superior Commanding officers.
5. Officers may warn and suspend supplies from any soldier that may be violating the Code of conduct. For dischargement, the officer in question needs to contact the General or the Lieutenant General of Seal Team 6 in order for such measure to be decided.

Commanding Officer - General Abraham Lincoln (CO)
Executive Officer - SpitfireYG (XO)
Gold Division Commanding Officer - Vacant
Red Division Commanding Officer - Vacant
Green Division Commanding Officer - Vacant
We are still deciding where to place each one of the people we've been interviewing. Older officers will take the priority and will likely get igned a squad to lead.
You may find more about how the Divisions are in this article here: https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/5947

As a means to improve the production of helicopters and food, we highly encourage all our soldiers to work for Abraham Lincoln. You will receive a normal wage for your work and you will be working to raise the number of raw materials and produced helicopters!
The distribution goes as follows:
Green division:
Food per day - 150 Q2 food
Helis per day - 10 Q5 helis
Red Division:
Food per day: 200 Q2 food
Helis per day - 25 Q5 helis
Gold Division:
Food per day - 250 Q2 food
Helis Per day - 50 Q5 helis
Note: It is quite possible that these amounts will change depending if we are able to increase the production of Q5 helis and increase the general quality of food.

You may all now return to your regularly scheduled clicking!
Thank you and kind regards,

Leroy CombsКоментари (22)

First denied for the Seals!

Good luck friends o7

Hail! o7


This is pretty nice.

For the seal o7

good luck

Thanks for the update.

Impressive, your comrade from the rUSAM wishes you luck - o7

Good Luck my friend!

ok we are going through a process of rebuilding ...


o7 we need a battle cry


The amount of time the word God appears in all of these logos is disgusting

Congrats and good luck o7

Can i join?


@Legolas yes you can join
