Објавено во France - Финансиски бизнис - 16 May 2016 05:40 - 31

here i am again...
i was allready posting all that in a comment under another article but i think its enough content for a new article and some of you didnt read my comments...
persian version: https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/6528
french version: https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/6523
so lets start with the basics...
wich company you should build:

as you can see the q3 has the best output per gold coin you invest in it...
but if you want to be a strong soldier and dont care that much about your money income you should choose the q5...
the difference of hits is not that big but you need the double energy wih the q3 than with the q5 to produce the same amount of raws...
and as we can see too the other companys are nearly useless in the competition against the q3 and the q5 one...

so what happens if you have enough money for your first company, sell your production every day and reinvest the earned money?
your q3 company income whould raise very much faster than your q5 company income...
i calculated it at a food price of 2000 energy per 1 g and at a raw price of 0.001g each (like it is a common price for weapon raws at the moment...)
from D1 to D200 all profits are reinvested...
from D200 to D250 all money is earned (and maybe used for something else)
here the important days around D200:

and here the stats about the whole 250 days:

at those conditions you have a daily income of 3.055g with 15 q3 comps after 200 days...
if you decide to build q5 comps you have a daily income of 2.502g with 4 companys...
the longer you reinvest your gold with this system the bigger is the gap between q3 and q5 income...
not to mention that you can start with building q3 comps much earlier (because you need to collect 25g less for your first investment) than wth building q5 comps...

and because it was such a hard work to read my article as always at the end some entertainment...^^
eCarterAncestralLecourbeno0bsailbotlord commanderJyuzo OkitaКоментари (31)

Aha, I tried too much to explain it to my people your graph is perfect. I think it is best for them.

interesting ;p

Great Article o7

To have 3.055g income per day with 15q3 comps you use 150 energy. For q5 you use only 40, i m a fighter so i d pick the second.


@BH as i allready said in your article... its a question of time... also its not realy the same... if you collected enough gold to start with your q5 comp you are at the same point like with q3 comps at day 117 (3 companys and 5g earned money in account)... so as a new player with 35g in account you whould have to decide if you start with a q5 raw comp at D1 or with 3 q3 comps at day 117 of that calculation... and for the most new players even 10g are a lot...
btw yes at the moment i just use q5 raw comps (q weapon raw and 2 food raws) too... but just because i dont care about the invested gold anymore...^^

What if you hired some man to work in q5, you will gain more resos,

Awesome dude

@fingolfin in france the cheapest salary is 56 FRF (on international market 0.8g and more...)... wich is worth 0.56g... you earn just 0.5g with selling 500 weapon raws on the international market... so you whould make a loss with every worker you hire... or you whould have to pay a very low salary and i doubt that you will find enough workers with such a low salary...

Nice RAF /^^ I started with q5 raw companies and now going with q3 :3


Can you translate in french ?^^

@karalia: french version done... tangor was very fast today...^^ https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/6523

s and v

Very, Very, VERY good article, but please stop writing the .... Why the hell you end each sentence with ...? It s horrible


Persian translate of this article(Thanks to RAF904):

@DonaldMcKwacz its my break for thinking when i am talking... and i am talking the whole time... so it continues forever...
btw if you dont like it you can try to ignore the text and just look at the numbers and the graph... 

Voted!!!Great job as always!!!

nice article +vote

Excellent. ... But i thought, there was a limitation of numbers of the same product/quality? ... Thumbs ... (booth) ... Up ... o/

Btw ... I hate my mobile, it does filter the inline-videoclip. For my maximumpleasure gibbe link too. 

@ednau: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCBS5EtszYI also: yes there is a company limitation... but just for q1 and q2 companys...