Објавено во United States of America - Политички дебати и анализи - 04 Jun 2016 20:21 - 12

Greetings fellow citizens,
1. Presidential Endorsement and the Federalist Party
2. Foreign Affairs updates
3. Seal Team 6

Some of you may be wondering why the Federalist Party doesn't have a candidate this month. The reason is simple: The few nominated members didn't have interest in running, either due to the fact they were previous presidents or because they just returned and didn't feel confortable in taking such a position.
We have attempted to nominate someone to input our support. Our party started by nominating a known veteran from other similar games: Tanishq.
Unfortunately, Tanishq who just recently returned did not feel comfortable in taking such a role and declined her nomination. The party then turned it's eyes to TheMadCatter who then decided to leave the party and join the Enlightened Contract Party. So who was left? There was Arith, myself and dk3dknight.
President Arith made it known he did not wish to pursue reelection given the fact this is the end of his second term. While dk3dknight showed interest in the position, he did not seem willing enough to do an actual race for the time being. I for one did not want to run because I believe new people who have gained experience should also have a shot at the big chair.
Given all this scenario, you have no one left with the necessary experience to run under the Federalist Party, which left me, as current Party President in the delicate position of chosing to either endorse no one or endorse one of the current candidates.
As such, for this electoral cycle I will be endorsing....
(Please hit the drums!)

After reviewing the platforms of both candidates, I believe TheMadCatter's platform is less risky in terms of finantial investments, more organized and tangible in terms of foreign policy as well as military policy and more feasible in regards of the Domestic policy. It is important to mention that Thomas Killah, regardless of his countless previous experience did not mention publicly his Domestic policy plans for the coming term. It is a remarkable contradiction that the People's party nominee did not present a domestic plan for it's own citizens.
While I do strongly encourage every american voter to vote for TheMadCatter, I'd like to reiterate that regardless of the winner our country will be in good hands!

On the National Front
The regions that are currently under occupation from Canada, Japan, Indonesia and Mexico will likely be progressively returned.
I have been informed by the governments of Mexico and Japan that the occupied regions with the exception of maybe one region due to global alliance strategy are to be returned at the earliest opportunity and in coordination between all governments.
In regards of Indonesia and Canada, conversations are still ongoing but there is receptivity about returning the remaining regions as well. More updates will be given in a near future depending on the outcome of the conversations.
On the International Front
We have joined the Mutual Defense Pact Alliance who suffered a small restructure in the Headquarters mostly due to the fact the Former Supreme Commander Carapicho needed to take time to give his country full attention. He did however decide to stay around in order to advise and help the alliance.
It was agreed by the members of the alliance that Ktab shall take the role as Interim Supreme Commander until new SC Elections on the next 10th of June. Until then, I will be taking the role of Secretary of Foreign Affairs.
On this front, as Chief Diplomat of the alliance, I can only say that there are several ongoing conversations and these conversations are ultimately secret until anything in concrete comes out. Updates are expected to come out soon however.

Given the uncertainty of the current US Military structure and the fact that we still don't know how the next government will act, the Code of Conduct will remain intact as well as ST6 as a private entity. However, should the next government decide to come to the table in order to reconsider making ST6 a national military unit again, we may readapt our code of conduct to the legal needs of the National Security Council.
We also take the opportunity to inform that Seal Team 6 Command is building a website for our military unit. Here is a small list of the expected features:
1. Unique platform where you may request supplies, view your ranks and see your progression.
2. Soldier and Officer areas with different sets of permissions
3. A solid and robust presentation of our Military Unit and our work as soldiers.
4. An internal communication platform between soldiers and officers.
Here are some leaked screenshots of the website in construction:

I hope you all enjoy and I hope to see you all in Seal Team 6!

You may all now return to your regularly scheduled clicking!
Thank you and kind regards,

MonkusRommelJrHunBurryКоментари (12)

First denied! TMC for POTUS!

Good Work!

No meee! o7

Thanks for the support! I Hope to be representing you all as pres after tomorrow!

TK to the end



The ST6 website looks great!

Ok I voted !


