Објавено во United States of America - Политички дебати и анализи - 14 Jun 2016 22:15 - 15

Today, after some deliberation, I present you the official Federalist Congressional List. This will list will contain a small presentation of each candidate as well as an available platform in case the said candidate wrote one. We may be a Political Party that is alligned together for a common goal and ideology: "the good of eUSA" but that does not mean however that our Representatives do not have different ideas and thoughts about what needs to be done in order to achieve the good of our country.
So without further delay, I present you the topics for tonight:
1. Federalist Congressional List
2. Small Party Policy amendment

Official Federalist Congressional List
1. Tanishq

As it was revealed in the Party leadership presentation, Tanishq has just returned from her ventures in Portugal to serve the American people. She is reliable, reasonable and very moderate in her judgement. This approach has made sure political compromises were made for the good of the eUSA in another games before. Her experience as well as her care for new players are her greatest ets to serve in Congress as a mean to help develop the country and help the newer and younger Padawans out there!
2. Abraham Lincoln

As most people know me, I won't get too long here, I will just state what I have stated upon my return and what my true beliefs are. I believe in integrity and ethics in public service. I believe in democracy and in the values written in our Constitution and I will defend them until my last breath. I also believe and will support programs that will strengthen our nation such as: Military funding, Educational and retention funding, USD injections as well as a conceivable tax revision as well as a report on what Congress has been doing. I will not tolerate illegalities perpetrated by any entity or any offense to what is the civil duty it is the Congressional service.
3. Arith

Arith is a very experienced man. Served twice as President and some other times as a US Congressman. He believes in progress through Education as well as other social aspects of the game. He also believes in comprehensive economic plans and a feasible Immigration policy that protects the sovereignity of our nation. As a previous President, he has past experience of what it takes to make sure our country remains functional which will make him again an outstanding Congresscritter.
Arith's Platform here - https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/8086
4. Hunburry

Hunburry is a returned eUSA veteran who has served a few times in the Department of Citizen Affairs as well as the old Department of Interior. He has performed these functions well as well as some previous congressional experience. His experience in the DoI as well as a former Congressman will provide him the tools he needs in order to represent our nation.
Hunburry's Platform - https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/8074
5. Trumpets

Trumpets is another recently returned player who had many projects in mind. Most of his projects are related to either economy or media and he believes in truthful media exposure and good journalism. He is motivated to run for Congress and bring more transparency to the media and improve the national and party means of communication with the people.
Trumpets Platform - https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/8120
6. Badwolf

Badwolf is a rising star. She managed the Department of Defense with efficiency and as been responsible for the management of the National Military Units ever since. She also has some experience in Congress which makes her go for another term representing our country in the Legislative branch.
7. Alexander Valkor

Alexander Valkor is an old veteran, he was responsible for the rise of many stars in previous games where we all played. His experience in all areas in invaluable and he will be a great et for in our United States Congress. It is a great honor to see him around, alive and kicking, willing to do his best for the good of our country!
8. Tricky Dick

Tricky Dick is another of our rising members. He recently joined the Federalist Party due to the fact he believes more in our party platform and he is now working with the Department of the Treasury in order to find the means to conceive a sustainable economy for our country. He also has previous congressional experience and as a rising star, we believe he will continue to do his best in all his new capacities.
Trick Dick's Platform - https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/7932
9. Hellscream

Hellscream is the common folk. He states that he is mostly in a two-clicking mode however he has shown interest in knowing and serving our Congress and our party has decided to support his candidacy as his first start at American politics. We believe that whatever refreshing ideas he may have to bring to the table will be an et to our nation.
10. Brasov

Brasov is the top successful immigrant in our country.He has served Congress this month and despite his struggles he has shown interest in continuing to serve our nation for another term. As a means to support diversity, the Federalist Party will host his candidacy.
And now... The SURPRISE of the NIGHT!
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the first Independent candidate in our country!

Orwell is a new rising star who is dedicated to independent and truthful journalism. Given his nature and his beliefs, he kindly asked to be ran as an independent candidate. Since the game mechanics do not permit him to, the Federalist Party has decided to host his candidacy knowing in advance that Orwell will most likely remain without having any political affiliation after winning his race. We will host his candidacy as a means to support and reinforce our commitment towards Fre and Democracy.
Considering all this, on the 15th of June.... Make sure to vote in our fellow candidates!

After reviewing our party platform, we have found out that the policies regarding Immigration were missing. Since Immigration is very like hand in hand with Foreign affairs, a small section inside "Responsible and Prestigious Foreign Policy" has been added named "Immigration"
The Immigration policy goes as follows:
The Federalist Party upholds to strict Immigration policy where full background checks as well as complementary information from intelligence agencies are to be taken into account before approving or denying an applicant. We firmly believe that complete background checks are necessary in order to keep the country sovereignity intact and protected against possible Political take-overs.
We believe that the intelligence agencies have a very important role in keeping our country safe from external threats and we support their existance and operations. We support all necessary means to secure the United States ets.
Federalist Party Platform - https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/7875

You may all now return to your regularly scheduled clicking!
Thank you and kind regards,

Коментари (15)

On the 15th, vote Federalist for Congress!!! 


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Thanks for the shout out, old friend
Good luck to all of the Feds running for Congress!

