Publicado em Turkey - Entreterimento e interações sociais - 24 Jun 2016 06:26 - 33

I feel sorrow that in this game the relationship of our nations doesnt going well. But we like to thank you that you support our nation at the #Euro2016! Maybe time will come when we will fight shoulder to shoulder like our ancestors did!

During this time the haters:

ferrum88Inarius RebornInarius RebornInarius RebornInarius RebornInarius Rebornemrex421LormComentários (33)


I do personally support Hungary in #Eu2016 also but reel issues dont interfere ingame issues 



we like hungary but the game is different issue 

Thank you mate. You have a big heart to talk these.



O7 Hail Magyarország

Assimilated Turks o7

yes but why you guys help crotinians for deleting etr
ı feel so bad like little poor children
so dont worry we are going to for crotininians winter is coming antimon=racist kit

We have any problem with any society but this is game, let it be.

Too bad that you didn t share these thoughts when you were deleting Tr with your cro friends. At least i remember Turks getting stubborn on this attack and not sending *love letters* to enemies. They had dignity in defeat. So you got alot to learn by your *friends*

Magyar Garda, Vona Gabor, JOBBIK, Andras Biro.. I like and support them.

best part Maybe time will come when we will fight shoulder to shoulder like our ancestors did!.
Turks and Magyars (Huns) fought more against each other than together, at least their ancestors did. Unless maybe you are going so far back at time when both Huns and Turkic tribes ware roaming across vast Asian steps . In any case, GL to both in Euro s o7

Göz göz göztepe.

Turks will be stopped in Budapest ! Once again. Once again...

Hajra Turan! o7 #Hun-#Tur

We are not friends in this game since you deleted us for 18 hours with your friend croatia. You will pay for that 18 hours at any cost, nothing can stop us except NAP, sorry about that 

Wellcome Brothers - Magyar konyha a testvéreknek

@ktab it is not *love letter*...this is a *irl real friends letter*. @Imperius I think it was wrong of the previous government. One thing I do not understand...Romanians that you were able to get him to fight in against us? :/ You can not be trusted.... Thanks friends!!

if the realities change the game, we had to make war on Italy. they sell the match to ireland!!!

anyway friends believe that, one day in the future everyone will be in favor of Fenerbahçe.

The most important fact in this article is that Antimon is a racist kit - 

Jesus, another love letter. These guys are really scared


Atilla is already grandfather of the half of the world s population. İt s true 👲

At least one roma nian has to shit under our articles. Pathetic scum.
