Publicado em Japan - Ordens de batalha - 30 Jun 2016 04:14 - 60

Greetings fellow eRevoullutionists,
Again I have the privilege of sharing some good news with you.
Mutual Defense Pact has welcomed two great nations into our brotherhood : Romania and Bulgaria. As I’m sure all of you are well aware, Balkans and Central Europe have become a cauldron of constant struggles, betrayals and distrust and it safe to say that both of these countries had suffered through the worst of this. Not being sure if the allies will really come through when needed, half of the allied country fighting against your friend, disregard of the existing agreements and NAPs, lack of organization – no country would feel comfortable with staying in such an environment. Ultimately, both nations have realized that it doesn’t have to be that way, especially when there is a much healthier and more prosperous alternative - MDP. They have witnessed how we treat our friends, how organized are we, and, unfortunately, how it feels to be at the end of our blade. On the other hand, we have seen how selflessly they fight for their allies, despite all of the circumstances, how they honor their word, and last, but not the least - how proud we would be to fight alongside them.
Bulgarian CP issued an official notice of leaving the Unity alliance..and with that all of the hurdles about their joining are addressed.
So, it is a great honor to say..

..to the Mutual Defense Pact.


Secretary of Public Relations
nakituminayashiGiovanno69Giovanno69Comentários (60)

first, welcome 



Welcome o7




Meh, you just killed the ballance totally..

unbalanced game kme kme kme kme kme

Can we all join MDP ?
I mean guys, what are you doing. I like this game, but its already unbalanced. And now even more xD

How is it unbalanced? Do you realise FAS+Unity holds more damage..

Rly ? 

the game will find the way if balance is interupt...
For now lets play

If FAS+Unity actually tries to have a better organization and damage management, we would have a balanced game.

Most of the MDP countries were crying all day long about how unbalanced the game is before 1-2 months and now you wanna take like 80% of the world damage on your side??

We anxiously await next Aga s article to see 

Can we all join MDP ?
I mean guys, what are you doing. I like this game, but its already unbalanced. And now even more xD x2

Why is noone screaming unbalanced game?

No one screaming? Dude please...

MDP is a noob leading alliance. They rely their victories on dmg, not strategy and organization. Same sh*t like EAGLE.

Welcome friends 

Gonna repeat myself: FAS + Unity is much stronger than MDP. Your problem is that your own members are unorganized and pathetic allies. Until you re-organize yourselves we will overpower you.

Hail MDP

@nemeton that noobs put you in this situation.

Welcome Romania Bulgaria... @Nemeton, how r u my girl, long time no see 

Just to clarify, Bulgaria is NOT joining MDP! This article is not true.

Pathetic... Don t you guys have enough dmg? You guys cried about unbalance before now want to take more countries in and take 80% of damage?

Tyrael what situation? Romy did you manage to change yourself or you re still a s***bag..you know what...

Good choice Bulgaria 0/


Just asking is there some country that isnt in MDP, this is ridiculous

Sweden isnt in MDP 


Nigeria is not in MDP, but a MDP sympathiser


Game is becoming uninteresing :/ this looks like cold war

Welcome o7


for those who dont know. BG without MKD aint going nowhere



Bulgarian cowards... Couldn t have been expecting anything more from your side... Prepare to die

el Macedonico BG wont enter simply because they are idiots that bring RL hate in to the game...

Can I leave MDP? Because now you turned me against yourself...

Maybe serbia also join mdp
dont talk about balance. You were invading all over the world 2 months ago and ukraine bravely decided to exit your side. All of you were unhappy on that decision that the game were balancing. Dont tell about balance shit. Dont cry! First go and reorganize. As eTurkey, we born of our ashes on those days, maybe this can be your inspire.

Witamy! Welcome! ;]

turkish bots reborn from ashes, hehe. Bots always reborn, if some m..s stay halfblind

Born from ashes by registering 2k bots lawl... every moderator is from mdp countries no matter if he flames or rages... this game will be succesful like vpop

In that way MDP has decided to fall apart.
No worry Hungary I will be always stand by you!

Kresowiak - good point. 

Short Analysis of Last Situation After Romania And Bulgaria Joined MDP https://www.erevollution.com/tr/article/10875

Kresowiak: Dziękuję moim przyjacielem!

Wilcimi Riminii Bilgirii
Con todo respeto.

Lol koji ste vi debili 😎