Publicado em Canada - Análise da guerra - 13 Sep 2016 22:20 - 8
Hello, My name is ItsColour(or just Colour) and I am eager to present to you the creation of the Royal Canadian Legion. A military unit that I envision bringing all of Canada's active community together. We are but a few compared to the world at large and I see no reason we should be split. Create organization and a unity with me. Join the Legion today!
As always Vote+Sub, leave a comment, send me a message if you want to speak. I will see you in the future!
Royal Canadian Legion
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As always Vote+Sub, leave a comment, send me a message if you want to speak. I will see you in the future!
Royal Canadian Legion
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Vlad the ImpalerComentários (8)

A vote from UK...


@duchman, o/ salute is mine, my trade mark..must pay if you wanna use it xD

no one wants to be the first
help me help you

I am just a 2-clicker around here, not very active except for a few fights here and there. I like my MU already though, but I do wish you the best.
