Publicado em Japan - Análise e debates políticos - 23 Sep 2016 04:48 - 3

After the war Japan has been through a long period of standing back on his legs. External, but much more, internal conflicts led our country to a period of instability. I'm sure that most of you are aware of those circumstances. Monetary market negligence in the past period was indeed fault of the previous government..but since the start of september things have started to move in a better direction: the internal agreement was made with the second largest domestic MU, our former Governor Erutan was doing a great job with the MM (unfortunately he decided to step down from his post, due to propaganda), government started a project that will help each citizen to strengthen personal industry..and many more things that are still in development.
On a foreign front, we're keeping a stable relationships with our alliance and friends. Since there are no open wars, Japan is, again, doing its best to help allied battles. After some negotiations, we were finally able to sign a MPP with South Korea, which will complete the circle of a secure and friendly neighbourhood.
Also, there have been some staff changes to the Government:
Stoperka - Governor : She has proved time and time again that she's capable and trustworthy, and I have no doubt that she'll keep our MM and finances on track.
Kuroi Kishi - Minister of Education (..and otakusim) : A longterm friend of mine from some other universe. He'll surely bring back some much needed enjoyment to our cultural scene. I'm sure that you'll enjoy his articles and be happy to participate in cultural events.

NOTE: I've seen some public concern regarding Raw for the People project. I'd like to remind you once again: ALL WHO APPLIED AND FIT THE CRITERIA WILL GET THE FUNDS.
Kind regards, Your Emperor

rainy sundayComentários (3)