Publicado em Japan - Análise da guerra - 04 Oct 2016 22:57 - 10

Greetings eWorld,
I've just read a silly article, that accuses Japan with some untruthful claims in regards to Thailand. First, I need to point out one thing: for a long time Japan didn't have any bad relations with the people of Thailand and we didn't have any NAP or RENT agreements. They are a small community and according to the MDP charter and common courtesy, they are left with one region to build their society..and at any time their representatives could come forward and talk to us, with the goal of reaching some sort of an agreement. They did not do so..but the option is always at the table. But - for the REAL representatives of Thailand present.
Which brings me to the second issue and the main reason for the Japanese attack. Recently a group of people was given a citizenship there, without approval of the current representatives of the country. The citizenships were given by the new-and-very-concerning practice: arbitrary will of the administration of who will get the right to REVIVE (lol) a small country.
The said group of people has a clear and hostile intentions towards Japan and we were forced to act and protect our country with a preemptive attack. Again, we're not attacking a country we're fighting agains a group that wishes to destroy Japan.
Japan will cease all hostile actions against Thailand as soon as the hostile group leaves Thailand or the original rulers of Thailand are back in power.
Kind regards, Emperor of Japan

Comentários (10)

cCc synhro cCc

xD Thailand mega power

RUN! the mighty thailand is coming for japan

@Izanagi save this article i have idea

bullshit synhro. agreement is agreement, you have no word and no shame. you afraid the smart people know it.

Well what you have expected , shisui has come to Thailand (now known as Levi), manipulation game has begun

Because synhro kid and cry always about kami he attack Thailand ^, ,^

Russia 2.0

I love Japan Russia ♥

Pole xD