Publicado em Romania - Entreterimento e interações sociais - 13 Dec 2016 03:39 - 5
It's been a while since I published any articles..and the reasons are numerous. But..if I were to name a crucial one, that would certainly be - disinterest. Also, I finally have the time, before the holiday madness starts at the shop I'm working in, to play The White March II - which is unquestionably more fun than eRevollution. As you may or may not be aware, the focus of my paper is satire and (e)social commentary or, as some would label it, toxicity. It's hard to sprinkle poison when you're out of the loop. It doesn't help that I don't get enough feedback..while I do get that most of the Turks, for example, are too scared to enter a fun, casual spitting contest with me, it pains my heart to realize I'm not loved back.
On the subject of graphics, I'm getting A LOT of orders these days..and sorry, I'm not able to meet them. It's my down time and I'm going to spend it, well, on me. I know that the period ahead will require to stare at Photoshop non-stop (framed gift pictures, cards..etc blah) and I don't want to get sick of it with doing something non-rl-profitable.
Oh yeah..the title of this article - vampires! As I'm still farming in Romania, I thought it would be a good idea to use the prejudiced ociation further. This morning I received an eagerly-awaited package: the English edition of the Carrion Comfort novel (previously I only owned the Serbian translation). There is an interesting part of the introduction there, that I would like to share with you:

Reader, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but blood-drinking, form-shifting, bat-flying, kill-with-a-stake-in-the-heart, walking-undead vampires aren’t real. They’re purely fictional constructs. You’ll have to trust me on this. I’ve stalked Vlad Tsepes to his birthplace (in Sighisoara) and grave site on Snagov Island (it was empty) and tumbledown castle (the real one that the Romanians won’t talk about, not the tourist trap one at Castle Bran) in Romania and Transylvania and the Carpathian mountains and, I regret to be the one to inform you, Dracula and his blood-slurping ilk are make-believe.
But mind vampires are real.
Few if any of us get through life without being preyed upon by more than one mind vampire. Even children are not exempt from falling victim to these foul fiends.
Mind vampires feed on violence, but the ultimate violence for them is the imposition of their will over yours. I long ago discovered that such an exercise of will and control of one person over another is a form of violence, and one we can all gain an unholy taste for if we’re allowed to.
As adults, we suffer such mind-vampire attacks in almost all of our jobs— some petty, power-mad manager making our work harder and daily life miserable, some administrator or supervisor who revels in exercising arbitrary power over us and then lapping up the violence of that power as if it were warm blood— and we also encounter mind vampires in our daily lives, on the highways, in public places, in politics, and, sadly, in too many of our personal relationships.
No one carries scars on their necks from actual blood-drinking vampires, but all of us have psychic mind-vampire scars that heal slowly, if at all. And once invited into our lives, a mind vampire can return whenever he or she or it wants. And they do. Always.
Well I guess that's enough banter. Stay awesome.
Kind regards,
Demiurge -- Supreme Artisan, Arch-Cleric of Turkish Tears, Master-Lingust of Georgia and Grand-Inquisitor of Kinya
On the subject of graphics, I'm getting A LOT of orders these days..and sorry, I'm not able to meet them. It's my down time and I'm going to spend it, well, on me. I know that the period ahead will require to stare at Photoshop non-stop (framed gift pictures, cards..etc blah) and I don't want to get sick of it with doing something non-rl-profitable.
Oh yeah..the title of this article - vampires! As I'm still farming in Romania, I thought it would be a good idea to use the prejudiced ociation further. This morning I received an eagerly-awaited package: the English edition of the Carrion Comfort novel (previously I only owned the Serbian translation). There is an interesting part of the introduction there, that I would like to share with you:

Reader, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but blood-drinking, form-shifting, bat-flying, kill-with-a-stake-in-the-heart, walking-undead vampires aren’t real. They’re purely fictional constructs. You’ll have to trust me on this. I’ve stalked Vlad Tsepes to his birthplace (in Sighisoara) and grave site on Snagov Island (it was empty) and tumbledown castle (the real one that the Romanians won’t talk about, not the tourist trap one at Castle Bran) in Romania and Transylvania and the Carpathian mountains and, I regret to be the one to inform you, Dracula and his blood-slurping ilk are make-believe.
But mind vampires are real.
Few if any of us get through life without being preyed upon by more than one mind vampire. Even children are not exempt from falling victim to these foul fiends.
Mind vampires feed on violence, but the ultimate violence for them is the imposition of their will over yours. I long ago discovered that such an exercise of will and control of one person over another is a form of violence, and one we can all gain an unholy taste for if we’re allowed to.
As adults, we suffer such mind-vampire attacks in almost all of our jobs— some petty, power-mad manager making our work harder and daily life miserable, some administrator or supervisor who revels in exercising arbitrary power over us and then lapping up the violence of that power as if it were warm blood— and we also encounter mind vampires in our daily lives, on the highways, in public places, in politics, and, sadly, in too many of our personal relationships.
No one carries scars on their necks from actual blood-drinking vampires, but all of us have psychic mind-vampire scars that heal slowly, if at all. And once invited into our lives, a mind vampire can return whenever he or she or it wants. And they do. Always.
Well I guess that's enough banter. Stay awesome.
Kind regards,
Demiurge -- Supreme Artisan, Arch-Cleric of Turkish Tears, Master-Lingust of Georgia and Grand-Inquisitor of Kinya
Loving Pabl0Jinky JonstonMengrelianComentários (5)

nice read 

loved this one

Remarkable at every way...

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