Publicado em Switzerland - Análise da guerra - 15 Mar 2017 01:44 - 5
These are major changes, but the game is heading in a wrong direction as you all must see in player's numbers. This game has many good features, and i sense a slight will-to-change even in admins, however, we have big problems to solve. as i wrote in my previous article:
all DS have the 25% effectivity, the country's number of regions cap their level
All the hospitals recover 250 energy but with different capacities
Not that important but still would be fun, and works toward our first problem:
Revive the dead weapon industry
What else?
We need to see: one company does not need as much raw materials as a thousand (wow, insane). I dont care if we count active citizens (at least work and train) or companies (advanced economics: companies per sector). What is think is good: the bonus is calculated this way:
A base value (not additive):
0%: you have nothing
5%: your ally has the raw material
10%: you have the raw material connected (without airbase only 5)
And you also get an extra 'you dont use that much, the aluminium you get from your beercans is enough to produce' bonus somewhere between 0 and 25% (per raw materials). A country with 5 active people, gets almost 25% (lets say 24-23%, the totally citizenless country gets 25%:P), a small country gets 15%, a medium sized country gets 10% and a giant one gets 5%.
If you have a second rawmaterial, that would give you more bonus, than you could recieve from this compensating rule, you get your bonus from that (if you have two iron regions connected to your capital, you get 20% at least)
So a noplayer country may get 120%+, even without any useful regions. with a connected it could get 130%+, but it caps at 135% (for this onemancountry).
A small country with allies of every rawmaterials, gets 5+15% that is a full bonus. No more could be achieved by a small country, than to have strong allies. Even in this case this small country wants to have more bonuses, as can get 10% base instead of the ally provided 5%.
A medium sized country is struggling to get the 100% bonus, but still gets 75% (from 5% ally provided and 10% extra). A top power is in the same situation, will get somewhere between 75 and 100%, and is highly motivated to get more bonuses.
This applies to the citizens only, when you are in a foreign country, you get the bonuses calculated in the old way.
With the hospital and DS changes this could give an edge to the small countries - not to conquer the world, but to have fun in the game.
The second problem? War compensation. If you attack someone and you lose, you must pay. If a region is liberated, you must pay. The money will land in the others country's treasury, and your country's account is locked (can not spend any money) until it has enough to pay it (out of the game/to admins, who lent the compensation). So only defending and resisting side may get it if wins. The attacker/oppressor gets the region if wins... In real life tha attacker can not simply walk away, but have casualties, numerous casualties when retreats. So yes, if the defender has its region at stake, the offender has to offer something else - as in real life: everyone risks something...
This is based on the (paying) country's treasury and have three parts:
-number of regions: if you have much more region you must pay more, 1 (day of income) at most, when you have approx the same number of regions your opponent, you have 0.
-number of active citizens (work and train at least): if you have much more you get 1, if approx the same it is 0.
(This two is added and capped at:)
-epicness (awesome word): the difference between the final value of the battle divided by the total damage dealt. If it is a high value you get 2 if not you get 0.
This totals to somewhere between 0 and 2, this is how many days of national income (cc) you must pay. These numbers are continous.
This way giant countries risk a lot by attacking small countries, and rather liberate some puppets than to permawipe. If you want to liberate a region, simply not hit in it. It has lots of great impacts on strategy, that makes this game closer to real life, however are major changes. e.g: if you want to run away by liberating an oppressed region, the enemy may travel and hit for resistance thus ruining your treasury. That is real life: you can not retreat peacefully in a region that is not friendly...
However this gives an other bug i dont want to see: small puppet states with no persons and regions 'conquers' the world. They get loads of money when defending successfully, have nothing to lose (no treasury), and their allies provides the damage. So in no battle can any other nation hit more than the one that is involved. Oh, this way the small countries have nothing to protect them! Are you paying attention? who would attack them, risking a lot of money? and yes, they have their DS bonuses for almost free.
These still apply for this question (maybe numbers are changed, because of the decreasing lation...):
The problem is the following: the economy module is so simple yet you forget to implement two important real life features:
-small countries should be good on their own; with 10 citizens(or
companies) and 1000 citizens(or companies) you must face different needs
of raw materials.
-great empires should have something they can get only from each other;
the biggest countries should be encouraged to fight each other (and not
with simple nonsense rules like 6MPP or 10 membered alliances).
all DS have the 25% effectivity, the country's number of regions cap their level
All the hospitals recover 250 energy but with different capacities
Not that important but still would be fun, and works toward our first problem:
Revive the dead weapon industry
What else?
We need to see: one company does not need as much raw materials as a thousand (wow, insane). I dont care if we count active citizens (at least work and train) or companies (advanced economics: companies per sector). What is think is good: the bonus is calculated this way:
A base value (not additive):
0%: you have nothing
5%: your ally has the raw material
10%: you have the raw material connected (without airbase only 5)
And you also get an extra 'you dont use that much, the aluminium you get from your beercans is enough to produce' bonus somewhere between 0 and 25% (per raw materials). A country with 5 active people, gets almost 25% (lets say 24-23%, the totally citizenless country gets 25%:P), a small country gets 15%, a medium sized country gets 10% and a giant one gets 5%.
If you have a second rawmaterial, that would give you more bonus, than you could recieve from this compensating rule, you get your bonus from that (if you have two iron regions connected to your capital, you get 20% at least)
So a noplayer country may get 120%+, even without any useful regions. with a connected it could get 130%+, but it caps at 135% (for this onemancountry).
A small country with allies of every rawmaterials, gets 5+15% that is a full bonus. No more could be achieved by a small country, than to have strong allies. Even in this case this small country wants to have more bonuses, as can get 10% base instead of the ally provided 5%.
A medium sized country is struggling to get the 100% bonus, but still gets 75% (from 5% ally provided and 10% extra). A top power is in the same situation, will get somewhere between 75 and 100%, and is highly motivated to get more bonuses.
This applies to the citizens only, when you are in a foreign country, you get the bonuses calculated in the old way.
With the hospital and DS changes this could give an edge to the small countries - not to conquer the world, but to have fun in the game.
The second problem? War compensation. If you attack someone and you lose, you must pay. If a region is liberated, you must pay. The money will land in the others country's treasury, and your country's account is locked (can not spend any money) until it has enough to pay it (out of the game/to admins, who lent the compensation). So only defending and resisting side may get it if wins. The attacker/oppressor gets the region if wins... In real life tha attacker can not simply walk away, but have casualties, numerous casualties when retreats. So yes, if the defender has its region at stake, the offender has to offer something else - as in real life: everyone risks something...
This is based on the (paying) country's treasury and have three parts:
-number of regions: if you have much more region you must pay more, 1 (day of income) at most, when you have approx the same number of regions your opponent, you have 0.
-number of active citizens (work and train at least): if you have much more you get 1, if approx the same it is 0.
(This two is added and capped at:)
-epicness (awesome word): the difference between the final value of the battle divided by the total damage dealt. If it is a high value you get 2 if not you get 0.
This totals to somewhere between 0 and 2, this is how many days of national income (cc) you must pay. These numbers are continous.
This way giant countries risk a lot by attacking small countries, and rather liberate some puppets than to permawipe. If you want to liberate a region, simply not hit in it. It has lots of great impacts on strategy, that makes this game closer to real life, however are major changes. e.g: if you want to run away by liberating an oppressed region, the enemy may travel and hit for resistance thus ruining your treasury. That is real life: you can not retreat peacefully in a region that is not friendly...
However this gives an other bug i dont want to see: small puppet states with no persons and regions 'conquers' the world. They get loads of money when defending successfully, have nothing to lose (no treasury), and their allies provides the damage. So in no battle can any other nation hit more than the one that is involved. Oh, this way the small countries have nothing to protect them! Are you paying attention? who would attack them, risking a lot of money? and yes, they have their DS bonuses for almost free.
KeseTCsakaSzegedFlyingCangarooMax RockatanskyNightwatcherHUNPew PewCacique GuaicaioComentários (5)


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