Publicado em Switzerland - Assuntos financeiros - 07 Jun 2017 01:21 - 20
Hello friends,
Today i will show you the rewards of the new event and how to get them!

Everyday you get 2 tokens. You use these tokens to play.
You click the button continue to use your token.
If you are lucky, you continue the game round without using the other token.
In every round you are promoted to a new boost level.
You have the chance to stop if you wish. If you stop you cant use the 1st token again.
in every game you take ~8 game points.
You can also buy 5 game tokens for 15 g here


Wooden Chest:

Silver Chest:

Diamond Chest:

Golden Chest:

KromionBusterKaatingaxXScorpionXxhomersimpsonlord sajjadComentários (20)

So, again the str and int is about lucky....



another pay to win event...

dmn i pay 15 gold for 50 warships :@ 

Damn..i pay to win..and i won...50 int..50 str..bosster q5 workers ..huehuehuehue..and i am not even VISA

i dont get it.. how do you move to the chest with better prizes?

Selling str with €

90 gold and 25 int
fuck that i amn t lucky one 

255 gold :

45G for 46sh*t prizes
Thanks, Admn, for the stupid game...

Omg. Thanks admins.. 75 gold for this sh*it.. tanks,warships,food..

What are the game point for?

is it possible to get 50 and 25 int more than 1 time ?

Yes @simpia

What does game point do?

your explanation is completely wanting. I still have no clue how to play this thing. What happens when you push STOP ? You collect the rewards in chest?