Publicado em Germany - Análise e debates políticos - 25 Mar 2018 04:52 - 97
Kind regards fellow players and dear administration,
After years of offering (mostly) fruitless suggestions, the whole of eRevollution community decided to put their differences aside and try ONE LAST ditch effort with the goal of saving (improving) this game. During the course of these 2 years, most of us forged connections, gained friends and enemies through this bunch of pixels - and it would be a shame to let it all be for naught.
On 22nd of March a meeting was held on Discord (Naduvani Lik made the channel, AtropatesS offered main ideas..). Most CPs - Country representatives were present, along with many influential players, representing the strongest alliances in this game. As I said, we put our differences aside and formulated a simple list of demands. These are just some of the key points we agreed on:
1. world-wide bonus reshuffle (in a manner which will be discussed later)
2. disbanding the current alliances (for too long there has been the -two sides- in this game, time to put a stop to that)
3. all countries return to their core regions (MOST of the representatives agreed with this, providing that the manner of bonus reshuffle is fair to all)
There were COUNTLESS other suggestions, which would take hours to list here..but we have them all stored and noted if the respected administration is ready to work with us in an effort to make this game enjoyable again.
Here are just some of them:
+ return the old MPP system
+ add a 3 round battle
+ add more regions to countries
+ return the old medal gold awards
Again, as I stated before, we have them all..but first we need to know if you are ready to cooperate with us.
LAST BUT NOT THE LEAST..I encourage ALL PLAYERS to offer their feedback, comments and suggestions in the comment section of this article.
Kind regards from
After years of offering (mostly) fruitless suggestions, the whole of eRevollution community decided to put their differences aside and try ONE LAST ditch effort with the goal of saving (improving) this game. During the course of these 2 years, most of us forged connections, gained friends and enemies through this bunch of pixels - and it would be a shame to let it all be for naught.
On 22nd of March a meeting was held on Discord (Naduvani Lik made the channel, AtropatesS offered main ideas..). Most CPs - Country representatives were present, along with many influential players, representing the strongest alliances in this game. As I said, we put our differences aside and formulated a simple list of demands. These are just some of the key points we agreed on:
1. world-wide bonus reshuffle (in a manner which will be discussed later)
2. disbanding the current alliances (for too long there has been the -two sides- in this game, time to put a stop to that)
3. all countries return to their core regions (MOST of the representatives agreed with this, providing that the manner of bonus reshuffle is fair to all)
There were COUNTLESS other suggestions, which would take hours to list here..but we have them all stored and noted if the respected administration is ready to work with us in an effort to make this game enjoyable again.
Here are just some of them:
+ return the old MPP system
+ add a 3 round battle
+ add more regions to countries
+ return the old medal gold awards
Again, as I stated before, we have them all..but first we need to know if you are ready to cooperate with us.
LAST BUT NOT THE LEAST..I encourage ALL PLAYERS to offer their feedback, comments and suggestions in the comment section of this article.
Kind regards from
PeakyAjkeNLajbachAtropatesSByeeGovernadorOfirageBiHSt0L3nJinky JonstonB A T A S H ABunnyLiuLoving Pabl0cOSHiKavehMi Lui MigaYusuke UrameshiShooT1GuepoRomyDisko NindzaDroogieCaptain HarlockThe SlavethekrekcFudalamtrifoisnReturn of KiNGMilosRavnogoracViperano0bsailbotKuekuatsuArthur ShelbyTs1loGradatim FerociterPew PewMarko ZZBastianJerkFacebookt_errorPaladineMonforteMenard atyaMFAN25Comentários (97)


Signed by Turkish CP

make the game at least a bit interesting again

Give XooKaip3 supreme rule over the game and build a wall!

Signed German CP

Not agree with Most CP present, the first part was invitation, and young alliance CP was not invited by anyone (This is sad), Now moving on I vouch for MPP return, this alliance restriction is pretty stupid, I also vouch for resources reshuffle. 3 round battle ahh need a lots of coding which they dont have still a good option. Gold medals rewards are not the problem, the traveling cost is i do have any idea for that, however i will wait ans watch if some of these suggestions were implemented or not.

@St0L3n, there was open call on ingame main chat also for several times, we managed to make meeting in less than 1 hour, because everyone wants a change



yust stop playing and go fishing,it is healthy,funny and no stress 

lol losser say restart game :X

It`s weird how you guys keep trying to do something, while you actually KNOW that nothing will happen. It is obvious that admins just don`t care. Deal with it, and let this game go dead.

No Makvistanac, No Vote 



If you want to sell Gold to the COMMON MAN, make 10$ or 20$ actually Buy something. If you think many people can afford 80$ regularly you are really mistaken.

Signed by USA president o/

Support o/

It would be nice to restart all


Signed by the God of Erev.

+1 voted

Also, update your Wiki page. Quote: If a country starts a resistance war against an invader and loses the battle, the resistance force will have opportunity to raise new resistance war in that region without cooldown. Not true ingame (and that is the first article I opened). Not to mention that there are so many topics that need to be put on Wiki as well.


Just restart the game and give to VIP players gold they bought back so they can use it again for better stuff. I m sure now after all know how this game works they will find a better use for the gold they once had.

Too late.

restart regions is good idea not restart acc -s

Signed by TNO vSC 

I agree with all the basics, except to make the fight on 3 rounds

Signed by SPC 

i willl leave game sooner or later so i would agree that you guys go all fuck yourselfs and fuck this game


gotovo je gotovo,nista tu nemoze pomoći vise,admini su si sami to napravili postavljajuci aktivne igrace za moderatore koji sami krse pravila i utjecu na igru a kopiranje a nece popraviti igru jer je ono jos veče smeće

the 22nd was World Water Day! o7



I m against 3 rounds battles it didnt work in sister game about regions dead countries must have max 3 regions or removed from map like Sweden or South Africa and countries with too many regions must be balanced like USA and France


Nothing new would be implemented no matter what plans and guideliness have been stated here.

Some good ideas (would of been nice to have been invited)
Has my support

1.- with the limit of MPP is already good.
2.- Why do you want three rounds for each battle? in what game do you want to convert it xD

most of them are good but restarting the whole game is not fair some of us worked hard to get here only reshuffling bonus and returning to cores

House pack = 4x work



Lol restart the game? Just like old times? restart many times and then the game died xD


Open new server!

No cost in gold to travel. Old reward medal. Add some pack of workers in market or add workers if active house pack for example.

so some of you saying that for 2 years we login daily press train and work button just to get the game restarted and go back to zero please explain how it is good for us?

Please guys Come with reasonable proposal.If they restart the game, after awhile game will be same as it is.Admins should have Vision.Do they have some, i guess they dont

I am going to support my friend in this attempt to improve the game, although I maybe don t agree with all suggestions... Go for it, try to accomplish SOMETHING !

Close the game

I would like to say that game gets on average 17500 gold in game every day. If you want that we make changes you will have to agree to fix this also and max 4-5k gold per day should be max. This means we will have to go true formula and also reward for medal. This is begining.
When this update is made we can also work on bonusess and changing aliances back to MPP.
If we only change 3 updates up we will not make big difference on game.
On ce we have tried to do 1 my suggestion and you know what happened.

agree only with number one ( return the old MPP system)

Ovo sa 3 bitke bolje ni ne pomisljajte jer ni na onoj igri ne funkcionira tj loše je osim sto se vise medalja dobije.MPP sistem nista ne donosi jer nema razlike hoce li jedna strana imati 20mpp ili 2 saveza po 10,cak ce jos lakse se grupirati,vec smo to imali.Ukinuti cooldown na rw jer okupirane drzave nemaju 24h nikakvu bitku za DO ili barem smanjiti cooldown na 12 ili 16h,mozda ukinuti cooldawn na rw drzava koje imaju vise okupatora sto ce sprijecit dogovorene podjele resursa tj otezat zadrzavanje.Povecat vaznost house ekonomije,kronican nedostatak radnika popravit uvodenjem worka za svaku ukljucenu kucu,hp=5 work,natjerat work dvoklikere da morsju pucat ua workove na nacin da se u event doda 2 work za svaki prag plus 10 work na 10k kill,umanjit ce se utjecaj botova i aktivirat dvoklikere.RESET MAPS ne igru.

Borax +1

i zaboravih bitno,0.5g za seljenje je ok,mozda 0.3g bi bilo bolje ali ok svima jednako je i ovako samo sto se rw-ova tice treba uvest obavezno seljenje u regiju za sve sudionike,branili ili oslobadali regiju treba se pucat u toj regiji iskljucivo,tako je najpostenije za sve

Borax +1


changes or quit

No restart ! I will quit hahah


we have been giving them tons of suggestions but they do only stupid changes on game. last update, they added a quest which requires you to work and train 20 days in a row. what the fk is this? we have been doing this shit since day 1 ahahah xd. they couldnt even think of a good quest to add. we cant expect any good updates or maybe any update at all. so, simply they dont care about it. game is dead long time ago anyway and its so hard to raise the dead.


restart game

Signed by burek aga

We should have a civil war feature.
Also, rename titles, and a stock market.

just disable the game.


Meeeh... Admin will not listen... Just go back to 3rep or play 3dom

Suppory for all, except 3 round for battle. Just 1 is fine. Is escence of erev.


CLOSE SERVERS AND END THIS CANCER :| but really admin should restart servers and stop make updates to just make money . i don t really care about this cause i left this game like one year ago and once in month i just check out the game for maybe some change :|

1. a country attacks and wins conquered region, it can not attack until within 24 hours, while a country can open immediate RW. so you help small countries not to be erased by very superior countries and be able to open RW at any time and all that can be paid without limit of 1 per country.
this generates fun to small country and many more battles for a conquering country that if it has many colonies must take care of many RW at the same time without limits to open RW


game is boring for months, if nothing change just close the game

2. restart territory and bonus. No country will have more than 10 original regions, eliminate a country that does not have active citizens. no country will have 80% bonus in original regions.

3. Open regions that are gray (which is nobody s territory) as regions without owner, that other countries have the option to conquer only if two countries attack the same region without an owner a battle is made and the winner can stay the region as a colony and anyone can open RW in that region and fight it as if it were his region and when it is released it is left without an owner with the option of attacking it again, in this case the liberating country expects a second country to be able to have battle to be able convert that colony region of yours.

4. when one country erases another the citizens automatically take the CS of the country that I erase them with the legend of a slave and can only work for some citizen of the CS of the conqueror who does not have a slave legend. but you will have 10 days to be able to be free asking for CS from another country. or the other way that when the conquering country loses an Rw of a Colony the slaves that fight for the liberation of that RW will take the cs of the country that liberated the region.

This, we should all be aware, will not happen. As you can see, the owners of the game decided to cash in now, and the benefits for players are decreasing constantly. Two words sum up the situation - GAME OVER!

Game Over guys. 800days is enough. this game must have new updates every two weeks if wanna to be alive. its over now. No active admin

+ return the old MPP system
+ add a 3 round battle
+ add more regions to countries
+ return the old medal gold awards

Signed CP of Macedonia , vSC TNO


Vote! I am glad that my favorite game will be more interesting

leave like us Hail players ...

@Fr3kMen off-course there will be tons of gold the number you gave just a auto generated gold it should be more than that when we include the gold which is bought via money i don t see any problem in that, the problem is where to spend it? It is all about the option of wars and events bringing up the events and writing a story behind it is an art and to implement it into the game is skills. What you really need is a good dam coder for this who can make things possible while integrating events into the game in current running mechanism, you do that then comes a part of earning some real money from this portal by introducing promotion. The primary idea of the game is just to gather a crowd that has been done off-course it an ongoing process and should not be stop however primary task has been done now capture the crowd attention should be the objective for you. To make it more simple your we all cyber virtual freaks are here to have some fun to burn our free time and if you want to make some good out of it stop trying to go for unexpected just be regular smart guy who knows when and what should be done to keep things interesting and fun for users.

When the 3 things that you agreed on will take place?

my comment

Dajte zid ko u v1 i cao

My irrelevent thoughts.
Main Points
1. Im neutral on this... I think they can reshuffle it infinite times and not everyone will be happy with it.
2. That is totally something that all alliances can do without the need of calling the admins into this.
3. If the players really wanted this they could do this without the need of admins doing anything.
Secondary Points
1. Neutral on that.
2. I think a three round system would be counter intuitive I think a one round battle system without timer might be a better way to go... if the war takes days then so be it...
3. Sounds good
4. Would be nice but won t happen...
If you truly feel strongly try emailing the admin your feelings... and also can I suggest stop calling them Demands that just sounds silly.