Dragon is here

hossein2001 - Jornal de Iran -

Publicado em France - Análise e debates políticos - 10 Apr 2018 07:29 - 4

Hi everyone!

I suggest you to come to K.S.A
Why I am presenting this offer???
because if you come to K.S.A you will have these benefits:
1) you will get 3000 CC of K.S.A just for 15 golds that you can build q4 food raw materials!!! I think that is a good offer!!!
2) we have empty seats for ministries and congress, so you can easily
fulfill these empty seats and gain exp to play better in future !!!

Your regards,


Comentários (4)

midooni oon enghelab ke order gozashtid ageh pirooz beshe che zarbe badi be ravabet bulghar ba iran mizaneh? Laugh
Eibi nadarehLaugh