Publicado em Iran - Entreterimento e interações sociais - 13 Nov 2019 04:45 - 11
For questions How many core regions does ... have ?
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For questions How many regions have ... as a resource ?

Some example questions with answers...

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HaveANiceDayAlitaPony of DarknessBhalaurBOSMANmilhojaDerbederzebenkstisBunnyLiuHaveANiceDayHaveANiceDayHaveANiceDayHaveANiceDayHaveANiceDayHaveANiceDayHaveANiceDayHaveANiceDayHaveANiceDayKromiongoneforeverzizizizizizizizizizi123451234512345123451234512345123451234512345Cassio lincolncount zeroimpactonimpactonimpactonimpactonimpactonimpactonimpactonimpactonimpactonPacijentGreen EyesComentários (11)

Voted, congrats for 20/20 !

@Pony of Darkness Thanks dear

Cant highlight or click on snapshots..

@Gabrielz Horn Next time...o7

I know the admins are reading this... and who ever is running this quiz needs to fix it cause I answered the question how many stadiums are in Africa I answered 10 and it marked it incorrect Ref:

@Gabrielz Horn I don t know But in QUIZ questions that correct answer is 5 bro...

You re not reading question correctly. Question was how many NEW stadiums were built for South africa world cup

v c


Which country has more than 15 regions? Not India but IRAN! Which actor traveled with the circus at the age of 15 and was a tamer? Not Christopher Walken but CHUCK NORRIS!