Publicado em Japan - Entreterimento e interações sociais - 30 May 2016 00:25 - 18

HelbrechtLausianAncestralComentários (18)




she can t find the big japanese di**

More like she can t resist it.

Savage. Brutal. Rekt. xD

Pathetic how Macedonians a month ago were your brother, now your biggest enemies. Life s hard when you can t do anything but trashtalk about other countries. I bet half of you Japanese are born on the highway, because that s where most of the accidents happen

its sad to see how much effort you put in theese kind of articles

HIROSHIMAAAAA not even close

@orkan - I ll answer only this time out of respect I once had for you. Macedonians where never an ally (or as you say brother) of Japan, besides on paper..and I won t deny that probably goes both way. It s just a fact that you never hit for us.
When we left the alliance and after the first fight we hit against you, I couldn t even count how many of your people started shouting rude things about Japan and people here..if anyone started trash-talking, it was you (MKD).
Trash-talk and expect to be trash-talked..that exactly how things went, so stop playing the victim or the betrayed party.





I like Synhro

say no to anime xD

This drawing was made 4 months ago.