Publicat in France - Socializare și divertisment - 21 Jun 2016 01:46 - 48
Greetings citizens of eWorld ,
In my last article i presented you key players of Japan and Amaterasu and i promised in next one to present you French players, so here it is.

From start of game France grow into big powerhouse becoming most loved and most hated country in this game ( after Japan ofc :p ). So today i will present you part of France government and some of their most famous players.Some of ppl refused to give pic due to private reasons or age.
So lets start !
Warning : Words in presentation on every player will contain,sarcasm,trolling, joking.But know that i like you all that why i am writing this.
1) First is Carapicho (ofc :D ) Eternal ruler of France,organizer of France community,most arrogant,fearless noob that i ever meet,with brilliant mind and never stopping trolling and joking on chats.

*Note : he have now 17 kg less so looks better :D
2) Spanki current Prime Minister of France so if you dont be nice to this guy you will get spanked without hesitation :DDD As you can see he have prepared spanking tool :p

3) Shib0 current Minister of Defense of France,dont know guy but from what i saw he is best looking guy in this government so ladies he is all yours,also he wear gles,long looking in maps of eRevollution ruined his eyesight...

4) Magellan ! Current Governor of France ( now we know how he can tank that much :p ) What to say about him,we all know him,guy with great sense of humor always for talk on chats tanking hard in battles.I know you love Cara too much but one day i will see you in Amaterasu,come to dark side bro !

*Note : Bro next time dont put finger in electric socket :p
5 ) gg29 Dont know why 29 but here he is gg29 one of most active and famous French players nice and well mannered guy till you dont badmouth France then be ready to be burned.

6) Agamemnon former everything,one of key players of France,heavy tanker of France army,nicknamed Aga in some Japanese circles :D There you go meet mighty Aga !

7) Argrob one of worldwide famous player of this kind of games,heaved honor to talk with him in some other games and know him better ( yea i played for Cro in other game :p ) Former Cro player who is now member of The Expendables under France flag. Old guy with great mind and priceless experience.

8) Last but not less important,on the contrary he is one of most famous players in this game,former Poland player,heavy tanker, guy who dont speak too much he say everything on battlefields,always looking for more workers,nice and well mannered guy THE ONE AND ONLY :

Inarius RebornnakituminayashiBaiobaAdminAdminLeFrancaisDescartesComentarii (48)

I could not see whom I was hoping to see .P

Voted xD

vV I wouldn t like to meet Magellan in a dark street at night. xD


Agamemnon seems like french gentelman, because he is french and gentelman :p

Nice to see different kind of people here, I think the most attractive part of this game is its community o7

gg29 looks like Clark Kent 

Nice , but You Forget me = no vote, no sub 😝



Synhro do not worry, I have some principles 

Soooo we are overpowered by... few nerds and one grandpa? Damn... :/ And why Karapiche has stomach problems on this picture?

Pretty nice 

fallais pas montrer les photos ca casse le mythe mdr

Omg Argrob xD Heil o/


LOL Babo 


Raf904=Sebastian Vettel (F1)

None of these fuccbois wearing burka, haram af tbh fam

le picho the great : lol babo.

magellan in super saiyan mode 

Heil o7

Did Mage have a bad hair day or what


I wished I could see Vinegifa...

Where is Emerodh?

and Dorian Grey

no vote

not even one picture of a french girl? 

No one has reals boobs : ( xD

V good boys

@Misirac: Like i said to Shiro, i m only 12 and my parents aren t ok. They think it s a bad idea to put my face on this game :/


wuaahahahahahhah..dont put underage pics in front of ktab and shiro

@Dorian you are 12, seriously ?!

Who is Best Bearded[Turkish RL Photos]:
diss from Turkey


@LeTunisien: Yes ...

@Dorian Grey12? What your parents think when you call people from Balkan monkeys and spreading lies and you have two children?

Why you people taking pictures with Tetris?

jesi im počo lizat pakšu? 

o7 content de voir certaines têtes mais j aurais peur du stalk ici moi