Publicat in Serbia - Socializare și divertisment - 16 Jul 2016 14:21 - 10

Као прво, хтео бих да изјавим саучешће породицама жртава које су изгубиле живот у Ници. Ни један људски живот нема цену, а поготово дечији. У људском лудилу који се догодио изгубило је живот 84 особе, 131 је хоспитализовано од тога 30 детета. По мени не постоји никакво оправдање за овај акт. Свака реч, текст, слика су овде сувишни. Човечанство се мора тргнути и запитати куда ово води?
Од једне обичне шетње, прославе Дана Државности. Где су родитељи извели своју децу да заједно погледају ватромет и попију часу шампањца са пријатељима. Завршило се у ноћну мору. Тужно, веома тужно.
Али најгоре је то што , сваког дана, минута, секунде деца умиру због наших грешака. Човечанство Пробуди се !!!

Firstly, I would like to express my condolences to families of victims who lost their lives in Nice. Not one human life is priceless, especially children. In the human madness that occurred were killed 84 persons, 131 of them were hospitalized 30 children. For me there is no justification for this act. Every word, text, photo here superfluous. Mankind must snap i wonder where this is going?
From an ordinary walking, the celebration of National Day. Where the parents are carried along their children to watch fireworks and drink a gl of champagne with friends. It ended in a nightmare. It's sad, very sad.
But the worst is that, every day, minute, second children are dying because of our mistakes. Humanity Wake up !!!

Због чега је човек одузео право овој деци на детињство? Због чега ова деца немају право да иду у школу, да се играју да певају да се радују?
Why is the man took these children the right to a childhood? Why do these children do not have the right to go to school, to play to sing to rejoice?

Bane NPJinky JonstonComentarii (10)

Condoléances pour les enfants français! 

Zapadno licimurje. Niko nepominje kada izgine narod u Libiji, Libanu, Iraku, Siriji, Avganistanu itd. Znaci zivoti francuza su vredniji od zivota ljudi navedenih drzava...

[SRB - ENG] Дечији Плач - Children Crying; https://www.erevollution.com/sr/article/11671

U just cant bomb anyone u want, and ruin other children childhood and than expect yours will be just fine...

v c

dechiji plach.
a po ruski budet detichi plach :d

People and Children starve to death and get massacred everyday in Syria and nobody gives a fu*k, People got massacred in France and everybody is in pain and sorrow, changing profile pictures on facebook with France flag and posting #prayforfrance, thats bulsh*t! Thats sounds like racism to me. Syrian imigrant got hit by a train in Macedonia while following the railway, it happened some 20-30m from me, thank god it was dark so i didnt see it, and after the accident some guys stole his bacpack with some cash... anyway people were talking about it for 15min and then move on with their lives as nothing happened, but would it be the same if french guy got hit by a train? hell no.


Svaka čast o/

nice.. keep it up..