Publicat in Germany - Dezbateri și analiză politică - 23 Jul 2016 14:14 - 33

As you are aware, Germany declared Japan, the member of MDP, as Natural Enemy some time ago. Right after that, Germany attacked Canada and made a path to regions of Japan.
Many of MDP members have great friendship with Germany for quite long time. We fought for each others in many battles and we have witnessed victories. However, Germany has been hostile against our member and did not contact nor inform us so that we could find a peaceful solution between Germany and Japan. Instead, they choosed to ignore our friendship that we have built and go after our ally. It is important to state that Japan has no hostile intention and did nothing to harm interests of Germany ever. Therefore, the current behavior of Germany has no reason.
As members of MDP, we had a meeting today about this conflict and hereby we declare that MDP advices its members not to renew MPP with Germany as long as such hostile act continue. In case of direct tension between Germany and Japan, MDP will stand by its member and give its best to ally as we always do.
Kind Regards
no0bsailbotGiovanno69Grey WindPatroklosGrandTCXooKaip3Captain HarlockComentarii (33)

We support our allies!


MDP first ...o7

Hail our one and only fuhrer, Fricler o/

Turkish Power:

france doesnt support this

o7 Hail allies!


I don t know about France, but i dont support this, for sure.

Well, who gives a shit about dorian grey if you support it or not. By the way you dont support Germany attacking or Japan deffending?

When they shoot for they are ok oh my turks where is honor

Because this is shit, if we forgot the shit about Natural Ennemy, where are the proofs ? Just because someone said : Hey guys, now Germany is our ennemy ... We have to forgot how they were good ally ? As i said, this is bullshit.

Oh Japan, you did article about this, why, you advised your allies 3 days ago not to sign MPP s , why suddenly urge to make article about it, and I am sad that Japan is using Turks to promote it.

Oh you really love propaganda. I am PR of alliance so I publish this. It has nothing to do with nationality.

başkan bunu bir ara türkçeye çevirsene 

@Kinyas, my bad, I forgot that you are in charge for public relations for MDP, but still , Is Germany so dangerous that MDP had to write an article about that, maybe we are exploring Canada or such...

We have MPP with portugal almost 150 days and you will force them to not extend ahhahaahahhaha

@Peaky, your CP said /The NE stays and we will fight with Japan/ so we had to take proper measurement about issue. @Fric, we are not forcing anyone. It is just an advise as you can see.

Actually, it is known in the alliance that Germany wished to attack Japan. Please let me remind you of this article here: - Quoting your own CP: The NE stays and we will fight with Japan, even if they got all e-world with them. Cause we know them. You used to know them too, but it seems that people easily forget. - I believe this final statement is very clear. However, I can also observe you are in the process of changing CP, so maybe your CP doesn t want to go to war with Japan and this may be resolved, in either cases, it was clear Germany wished to attack one of our allies which compells our alliance to naturally defend one of its members.

members not to renew MPP with Germany this advice or order? ahhhaahhaahhah BTW kinyas i dont remember you who are you? you change name?

Yes my nickname was Frank Underwood @Fric. We do not order anything, let me repeat it again, it is advice just like we wrote.

Abraham, mine comment was supposed to be funny, of course we will fight with Japan in near future , but meanwhile I will be satisfied to read this articles( I hoping that this is just first one) where a few of you will be by Japan side and 80% of your population wants Japan out of MDP and dont want to fight against us.

Brothers, we know that MDP is in dominating side now, there s not many people who want to be against this if anyone is close to MDP or even in neutral position. MDP is the most powerful alliance I ve ever seen in this game. I just hope we can preserve each valuable relationship between nations. It will be sad for me to see if we lost our relationship. It can ruin game if we just follow profit or forget true friendship. I would like to go after my heart.

Shit Japan with his shit rules

i actually dissapoint to japan. let we see the next global condition. lol

BlackFury: dog bark!! lol

canada is mdp member

For De friends comes first. If friends decide they are no longer friends it s not a De problem. We will be disappointed of course cause we know that alliances come and go but friends worth everything. We have shown this at battlefields whenever a friend asked for help no matter the alliance.

Obviously, CP of Germany is losing himself. Although I despite current leadership in Japan (not the all Japanese) declaring war against member of the MDP without any agreement with the other members is the suicidal move? I am asking myself, what such a incompatible politican is doing in Germany? Or, more likely, it s just a previously prepared trap for Germany?

oooh mdp s help for japan was huge, enormous as always