Publicat in Bulgaria - Socializare și divertisment - 24 Jul 2016 14:48 - 38
OK, in last days or maybe week I kinda grow tired of being blamed for a lot of things everytime I go in public chat and congratulate winner, whoever it is, congratulate losing side also for being honorable opponent and etc.
The blame I do it in fake way - this is only blame I won't accept in this article.
Jus7LeTHaL is :
- Normal guy, 22 years old in real life, studing constructional enginering in Sofia, where he usually lives also, but his home town is the beautyfull place of Kaleica, Troyan, in Lovech District in Bulgaria.
- Jus7LeTHaL like to listen music when he can loud, watch games with loud commentatory and show loud hi emotions when Liverpool play and Jus7LeTHaL support this club with all his pion.
- When Jus7LeTHaL enter game he do it for following : help some players play, organise some stuffs in Bulgaria, organise supply, give credits to some people and try be wanna-be-economist type of player, having self-confidence he do it well. When he enter battlefield, he enjoy to see how players from both sides deal damage, while he do it also. He feel great when his fellow soldiers in Bulgaria battle chat fire hard. He enjoy hard the spam in Bulgaria spam chat, he enjoy have some fun and joke with allies and etc.
Jus7LeTHaL don't hate anyone - he is ready to congratulate every winner, even those who enjoy Blaming him for whatever comes to their mind.
To prove that, and to prove he is enjoying every aspect of game realising (sadly some people don't do it) that this game is great mostly because we all play it, do our damage, share our expirience and communicate for spam, fun, enjoy and last minutes tanking, Jus7LeTHaL will do the following:
Every vote + comment in the comment sections which Blame Jus7LeTHaL for something will receive reward of 250 energy (food types will be different according the quantities)
Every screen shouting the article in comments will be awarded with 5 Q5 helicopters even if they go to people who will shoot with them against Jus7LeTHaL.
Every screen with shout I receive as comment or on my personal messages I will award with more 150 energy !
Every blame which get me laugh or I decide is attractive I will award with additional 250 energy + additional Q5 helicopters.
All people can participate in the event. nationality is not important.
The blame I do it in fake way - this is only blame I won't accept in this article.
Jus7LeTHaL is :
- Normal guy, 22 years old in real life, studing constructional enginering in Sofia, where he usually lives also, but his home town is the beautyfull place of Kaleica, Troyan, in Lovech District in Bulgaria.
- Jus7LeTHaL like to listen music when he can loud, watch games with loud commentatory and show loud hi emotions when Liverpool play and Jus7LeTHaL support this club with all his pion.
- When Jus7LeTHaL enter game he do it for following : help some players play, organise some stuffs in Bulgaria, organise supply, give credits to some people and try be wanna-be-economist type of player, having self-confidence he do it well. When he enter battlefield, he enjoy to see how players from both sides deal damage, while he do it also. He feel great when his fellow soldiers in Bulgaria battle chat fire hard. He enjoy hard the spam in Bulgaria spam chat, he enjoy have some fun and joke with allies and etc.
Jus7LeTHaL don't hate anyone - he is ready to congratulate every winner, even those who enjoy Blaming him for whatever comes to their mind.
To prove that, and to prove he is enjoying every aspect of game realising (sadly some people don't do it) that this game is great mostly because we all play it, do our damage, share our expirience and communicate for spam, fun, enjoy and last minutes tanking, Jus7LeTHaL will do the following:
Every vote + comment in the comment sections which Blame Jus7LeTHaL for something will receive reward of 250 energy (food types will be different according the quantities)
Every screen shouting the article in comments will be awarded with 5 Q5 helicopters even if they go to people who will shoot with them against Jus7LeTHaL.
Every screen with shout I receive as comment or on my personal messages I will award with more 150 energy !
Every blame which get me laugh or I decide is attractive I will award with additional 250 energy + additional Q5 helicopters.
All people can participate in the event. nationality is not important.
AZAZELdragica1PersesComentarii (38)

:/ vote

ahaha good

he enjoy to see (more offen from the back) how players from both sides deal damage, and than backstab the weeker one

Your newspaper should be named Army of traitors.


I Blame you Jus7LeTHaL for not betraying at least 1-2 alliances each day, i mean how can butthurt people hate you if you not betray more, a lot more....Or create a new small alliance with just Bulgaria + 1 other country and betray them daily please! o7

I sentence you guilty on all blames to a prison 




blame jus7lethal for creating article

Blame justlethal for having a hard to write pseudo

#BlameLeTHaL For dah gel.

Blame Jus7LeTHal because i can. and his name is hard to write, who still puts the numbers in 2016?

i don t understand how old are you :|

http://prntscr.com/bx0ztn Jus7Lethal is friend of Marlock. he likes to vote from the back. i vote his artssticle

Blame Jus7LeTHal for not giving me the additional awards!

Blame Jus7LeTHal for not used he friend sitting acc for stolen 2 country plus destoy the entire economy, and no make move pictures ( gifts ) for see more and read minus 


Jus7LeTHaL - U are so ... ugly
))) sub+v+c http://prntscr.com/bx42x1

Blame Jus7LeTHal


v+s+s cuZ i blame u for playing this game

Bro, u did the best for Bulgaria in that moment. Noone should blame u, couse they aint u. Now they can talk whatever they want, true gamers know how much u did for Bulgaria, and they respect you couse of that. Salute my friend 0/


Why would i blame you you re the only one that s not salty when you lose, even if you win you still commend enemies.

You must blame me because if I send you award when you speak good for me they will say I pay to people to like me ..... which will be awesome blame by the way and will earn them extra award !!

Blame Jus7LeTHaL because he is only man in Bulgaria which isn t crazy. Honestly you are great man,Savior of Bulgaria.
(This comment coming by old player,old friend of Bulgarian players, one of alliance hq member of Nexus,TRS.Now out of game) so don t complain this is my opinion. I really believe it. It is hard job to find someone like him in Balkan
. Good luck bro o7

i blame Jus7LeTHaL for being a looserpool fan 

i blame u for Azis and Toni Storaro are still singing!!!
voted btw

Ne smrdi više !

^^ e kad mu ti kazes da smrdi, onda je sve jasno xD


Kad ga ti braniš , onda je sve jasno ! Imate karte u jednom pravcu !

^^ ajde pali sabane, ceka te gomila multija da se odrzava xD

Blame Lethal for backstabbing his allies

well you are bulgarian,only idiots can trust bulgarians...so there is no need to blame you,but those who trusted you