
Kinyas - Ziar din Turkey -

Publicat in Turkey - Dezbateri și analiză politică - 29 Jul 2016 17:03 - 43


I felt obligated to publish this article because no matter how nice we approach to our opponents, they are trying to use our good intention against us and they just keep false propaganda and lie to people.

First of all, let me clear a quite important issue. We have -no wipe- rule in MDP, yes. But why did we put that rule in first place? Because we are mature enough to respect our opponents and we understand that this game is only fun when they are strong enough to stand against us. Also, we have witnessed a quite humiliating allegedly NAP offers in the past and we did not want to treat in the same way. Therefore, we made that rule one of our principles.

However, our opponents kept abusing our principle and always used it for propaganda purposes. Especially in Ukraine and Hungary issues, it is a topic that have been discussed a lot so I will clear few points.

I was MoFA of Turkey when we attack Ukraine. Ukraine was powerful and serious threat for our alliance. Our purpose was eleminating it. Therefore, we have launched an attack as Turkey, Japan and Iran and conquared most of their regions. The first time I approched Ukraine for NAP, we offered all of their core regions back and we just asked them to -no DW no DO- against three of us. We did not ask them what they asked to Hungary in the past, we did not want them publish a humiliating apology article. We did not ask them huge amounts of golds like Croatia did to Turkey. As I said, our purpose to start that campaign was eleminating a threat and we were the winning side so we proposed a proper peace agreement. However, they refused it and kept fighting. I cannot even remember how many times did I talk to them for NAP. They used scripts and so on, even then we never disrespected them.

About campaign of Hungary: I was the President of Turkey in the begining of campaign. I immediately PMed Nighcher and asked him to back off from Romanian regions. So as you can figure it out, our purpose was securing Romania there, not wiping or punishing Hungary. NW said -I want to deal with Romanians-. But Romanian government was refusing to sign NAP and Hungary was just bullying them. I spesificially told NW that we do not want to break defense systems and hospitals of Hungary, there is no need for war, we just want to secure Romania. They refused and we had no choice but fight.

I will come to the our latest NAP offer to Hungary but before, I hope you do understand why MDP had to attack these countries. We always propose our opponents fair and honorable peace agreements. We always aproach them with respect. Our intention is never making people leave this game. We want to have fun all together here but this is strategy game in the end. When our opponent keep refusing our offer without any reasonable request, we have no choice but to solve conflict in battlefield.

Our latest NAP offer to Hungary involves a reply to article of Batasha.
He claims that Serbia has no intention to attack Bulgaria but BG attacked them. It is an example of false propaganda that I have been talking about. So let me share some logs with you.

Day before -last region front- of Hungary, President of Serbia PMed me and wanted to talk about agreement. When I joined the meeting, there was Nighcher, President of Hungary as well. They were requesting an agreement that involves Turkey, Romania, Hungary and Serbia. They asked me to free Hungary and get out of Europe. In return, Serbia promised not to attack Romania.

There is no way I would accept this because as I said, we are fighting to secure allies and what Serbia asked was just leaving our allies behind. People were talking about possibility of Serbian attack on Bulgaria so first thing I asked was -what about Bulgaria?-

-Bulgaria must be punished- he said and made his intention very clear. As you can see, the claim -Serbia had no intention to attack- was just BS.

We discussed this offer in alliance meeting and decided to reject it. Instead, we came up with a solution: TR-HUN-ROM NAP without Serbia involved. We proposed a fair NAP to Hungary and their President was okay with that. Because he knew that the offer was fair enough. However, the offer is declined mostly because of influence of allies of Hungary.

You can see the arrogance of Serbian CP here. He believes that we will just obey him and leave our allies behind just because Serbia signed a NAP with France/Italy and MPP with Germany. He is very wrong, we proved it today.

He did not just harm his country, but harmed Hungary as well. After this meeting, Hungary lost 2 DS5, 1 HS4, around 15 MPPs. Estimated cost is 500 gold. Not to mention the loss of daily income due to occupancy and people who had to change CS. This is the loss that we could avoid by diplomacy and I am deeply sorry about it.

I wrote this article as an answer to endless insults, propaganda and BS. Our opponents already know that they cannot beat us on battlefield. Because they have not the organization, communication and friendship mentality we have. I am not very fan of publishing this kind of statements but as I said, I felt obligated. Please, either use diplomacy channel and negotiate or just stand up and fight against us. You cannot gain the victory by just lying and hoping that people will believe you.

As a last note, whoever is the opponent and no matter how strong it is, we -MDP members- will always step in for our allies.

Kind Regards,
Supreme Commander of MDP



Comentarii (43)

o7 Hail MDP Kind Regards spitfireYG (Ace)
@Ace Sa
As o/ @Malthael
We refused the NAP because our citizens voted NO on a poll - I can provide you link - and because Serbia attacked Romania. Please do not consider the influence of our allies as a reason of this outcome. Yes, I am sure our government discussied this matter with our allies, but we are not puppets. Just read Croatian MoFA s comment under the last Hungarian presidental article. And one more thing: there were no Hungarians who changed CS, we just moved to Belgrade, Serbia, and then back to SGP when it got liberated. About the rest, I can t say anything, I am not into politics that much. Kudos for keeping the plebs informed though.
@Weird, Serbia attack one day after this meeting. You are right about poll, I will fix that part. I did not mean you are puppet or something, I just meant you risked so much for allies who saves billions of damages while you are fighting for last region (as you can see from battles of today).
We do not share the same opinion, but who cares, you do you thing we do ours. Peace!
i see now georgia has much similar goals with serbia rather than with turkey. nice done my Turkish friend s. you tried a lot Wink
You threatened our ally: You lied and insulted our friends. Who do you think you are, do you think that we will scare from your rowdy threats? We can guarantee that we won t keep you deleted if you sign nap, but liars must be punished.
@Imperius, with maximal respect, yes, our president threatened Bulgaria, but we do not regret it. Their move was a classic knife in the back, it would be hypocrism if you would not recognize that. We liberated them from you, and now they helped you conquering Hungary. And could you explain why do you think we lied???
@Weird Howl I am talking about current Serbian gov about lying, not Hungary. Unity has bigger issues than BG. Your current allies didn t hit for you and just watched you getting deleted, after that they hitted 2.5B their own battles. We started this campaign against Serbia just to protect our allies, mostly protect BG. Because they deserve it. That s the difference between two alliances.
No doubt MDP defends its members. But UNITY also does it. Croatia launched an attack against Turkey, and even if they lost, you needed huge damage in that battle, and it helped Hungary greatly (we werent able to liberate CTD though, but its another question). Croatia even had war against Poland, while MKD needed that damage to secure its core. I mean, I dont know why they didnt help us in our last battle (maybe NAP??), but that battle werent the most important, we are already back on the map. Not mentioning Macedonia is a great ally, they hit a lot of us against Romania, I asked about it and got a link of an old battle where they did almost all damage on our side and we won! So its a good tactic to try weakening trust between the enemy and its allies, but it is not useful in most cases. And about Bulgaria: we will fight against them even if they sign 70 MPP.
Haha, France also was powerful and dangerous threat for Germany in 1939
Oh my god, wait a minute, i think i found false propaganda! You forgot to write that conditions to Ukraine were- do nkt put DO, return to core regions, and..... pay cost of q5 ds or let turkey occupy Taurida!!! Also interesting where turks saw threat in ukraine if we never gave reasons for it and we always were in good i see that Unity s false propaganda doesnt work. But your TRUE propaganda works perfect👌
Plus i was the cp of turkey when i DW and warn nightwatcherhun to get out of romanian regions. so he just replied me with threat and he said hungary have power. oh one time nap negotiations from me before i left to be cp. so you guys got what you deserved.
Again, pure propaganda from MDP
Call it propaganda. Call it whatever you want. All I know is: no one can counter what is stated in this article because it is the truth.
So Turkey is the good guy? Xaxaxa. Remember before some months when Bulgaria was deleted for month from you and what NAP you proposed us? Paying you 500 gold and not fighting for our allies.
Vooz, nice trolling? Wiat about trying to destroy Poland for there long months?
I see many People criticizing this Article but as Ancestral said none of your counter it or deny its authenticity since its the truth WITH the screenshots themselves. If your planning to retort something might as well include a screenshot or source of your evidence for people to believe you other wise I will just think your a physopath that has nothing to do except---Talk---Talk--Talk and no action.
If Germans assault Japan, will you be ready to attack Germany or you prefer limit your actions only on the defence of Japan?
Phor, ahah, of course, after signing of NAP we were GREAT threat for Poland. it even doesnt sounds like truth. its not reason.
Great article o7
Phor Killick +1
The screenshots are ok, the way there are presented are not. He just draws conclusions from nowhere, and MDP members buy into that.
We are soldiers of MDP o7
Friendship and organizatio? I do not see it Sad ... I only see more than half of server against few countries o7
Personally I can t forget what you did to Ukraine because I lost many friends who simply quit this game after Vist case.
We didn t tell vist to exploit bugs.
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