Publicat in Iran - Analiză financiară - 02 Aug 2016 04:56 - 21

Hello Everybody
Here i compared salaries in most of the economically active countries
TO reach more accurate results, i used the average of three topmost values for Salaries, CC Values and Gold Prices in each country
And for each Salary in gold result, i considered the Work Tax too
It is and approximate compare cause i had no choice but using job market's wages
but at the end comparison is right, cause we all know the real wages in each country is more than wages in job market :)
I do hope these information help you to earn more gold...
In the first chart i used CC Value of each country

And For whom they don't have trust in CC Value, here is comparison based on Gold Price ...

Best Regards

Comentarii (21)

I do not know from where you got the date for Romania but those are not accurate ...

@sutanu Please Look at these screen shots that i took now and tell me whats the problem!!!

voted. wondering how you get it all 

@sutanu if you like to see your country in the top, donate me 50 gold and i will make the charts as you like 

Your method of calculation is not good ... you can not make an average of wages when for instance BattleHero can employ over 100 person at 70 ron or make an average of gold when there is 196 gold for 101 ... nobody will work for a wage less that 70 or will sell gold for more than 101
Furthermore I think that you should exclude countries with less than 10k cc and 100 gold on the market because on these it is very hard to change the cc in gold

sutanu is there an article where you don t complain about something ?

ایران الان 99 حقوق میده

@ Sharingan ... read my observations ... and if you think that I am wrong then present us your facts ... otherwise you just make troll 

@sutanu for wages we both know that our wage is more than wages in the job market, but i dont have this access to see players exact salary cuz im not admin, so i have no choice except using job market, and i decide to use the average of just top three ones, not the one in top cuz it will be unreliable

@sutanu and for monetary market you are right, but if i exclude the countries with less than 10k cc and 100 gold, most of countries should be excluded, as your country cuz there are just one offer with more than 100 gold and there is not any offer with more than 10k cc
so i decided using three top most ones again

اشتباهه من ایران 95 می گیرم

@Yashar @Soren میدونم عزیزان من خودم هم 95 میگیرم، نکته اینه که من که تو ایرانم میدونم حقوق واقعی ایران مثلا 99 یا 95 هستش، حالا من از کجا باید بدونم مثلا کسی که توی آلمان هست دقیقا چه حقوقی میگیره، این موضوع برای همه کشورها صدق میکنه که حقوق واقعی در اونها از حقوقی که در بازار کار هست بیشتره و من دسترسی به اطلاعات دقیق حقوقی هر کشور ندارم، پس راهی برای مقایسه نیست جز استفاده از ارقامی که در بازار کار هر کشور دیده میشه، به این ترتیب این مقایسه یک مقایسه نسبی مناسب میشه و بوسیله اون میشه کشورها رو مقایسه کرد و الا درآمد به گلدی که برای هر کشور محاسبه شده در واقع بیشتر از اینی هست که در جدول اومده، اما مقایسه نسبی تقریبا درسته

Germany gold pice is 1g=100cc
100cc-1g (fixed price )

@Kaatinga TO reach more accurate results, i used the average of three topmost values for Salaries, CC Values and Gold Prices in each country, its in the 3rd line of article 

خب من 100 میگیرم حقوق

بازار ایران متغیره
اگه چند روز قبل نگاه میکردی تقریبا دو روز و حقوق صد ریال بود ولی حالا پایین اومده و اکثرا صد ریال میگیرن

Spain salary 60ESP

you mean fyrom


hmmm i pay 120 FRF in france for around 60 workers... (which deliver around 100 workforce per day... should be more than jobs available on the job markets in some of the countries in your ranking...) and we have a work tax of 3%... am i now on place 1 of your ranking? :3 also: we normaly have a exchange rate of 101-102FRF/1g... the MM was just a bit in trouble 2 days ago... if yes i call my country the califat of Rafistan... feel free to add it...