Publicat in Romania - Analiză militară - 30 Sep 2016 09:50 - 10

Hello everybody!
Romanian Military Unit AvengerS, ranked #2 in Romania and #18 international in terms of Total Damage, presents the following standings for it's player damage in (game) period Day 240 - Day 260. The purpose of this article is to show our members how well they performed on battlefield in the recent period of time and for UM leaders to see who is following battle orders and who is not helping that much.
Only top 40 fighters are represented in the tables (not enough space for all sorry) but pie charts does still display the total amount for all members. The data was collected at the end of day 260.
Top Fighters - Damage from both True Patriots and True Ally combined.

In the image below we see the top 10 damage dealers and their damage share out of the total UM damage. Top 10 players dealt together 5.897,85m (55,79%) of total UM damage while all other members dealt the rest of 4,673m (44,21%). Top 3 fighters were BattleHero, Imparat and sutanu dealing together about 33,71% of the MU damage.

True Patriots - Damage dealt only in Romanian battles.

In the image below we see the top 10 true patriots fighters and how much damage they dealt (in millions). Top 10 players dealt together 4.196m which was 59,26% of the total damage while the others dealt 2.884,5m respectively 40,74%. Top 3 fighters were again BattleHero, Imparat and sutanu dealing together 35,81% of the total UM damage.

True Ally - Damage dealt only for allied counties via MPP.

In the image below we see the top 10 true allies fighters and how much damage they dealt (in millions). Top 10 players dealt together 1.900m which was 54,46% of the total while the others dealt 1.589,7m respectively 45,54% of the total. Top 3 fighters were BattleHero, Imparat and Gollum dealing together 30,63% of the damage.

In conclusion, in last 20 days our MU dealt a little over 7 billions in patriot fights and around 3,5 billions fighting for allies.
Thank you for your time and see you on the battlefield. Hail AvengerS! Hail Romania! Hail MDP!
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