25 Oct 2016 15:29
You are 100% right Harmak.....also agree with aveun.... It was the poorest foreign affear i have ever seen....they pushed Macedonia to get greece but they failed,then they pushed eclipse to get some visa support but they failed here too, then they pushed brazil because of trolls and it was failure too...instead of adding new power and countries they made invictus even weaker then was unity...its a greatest failure of invictus hq in the history of whole game and mostly the failure of 1 person, its yours ktab... Because you thought that you are almighty and stoped to respect other countries and their interests....counting only the dmg made your eyes blind and forgot everything easily..... And at last you didnot even respect and help your allies like hungary, hungary was your avangard,but you didnot even realise what would happen if army avangard falls... As a strateg and as a politican you showed yourself from the worst side...at the beginning consider this from now:respect others, both enemies and allies, mostly allies because they are not subjects that should be used only and then dropped!