Publicat in Portugal - Dezbateri și analiză politică - 30 Oct 2016 10:21 - 80

Day 294 - English Version below

Boa tarde caros cidadãos ePortugueses,
O Governo informa que tomou a decisão de abandonar a aliança MDP (Mutual Defense Pact).
Esta decisão vem ao encontro de vários episódios que se desenrolaram ao longo dos últimos tempos como o resultado final da guerra com Espanha, onde Portugal sai com a sua reputação manchada, apesar da suposta vitória.
Outros motivos prendem-se com a falta de apoio de aliados e problemas internos com outros membros.
Informamos também que chegámos a um acordo temporário com o Governo Espanhol de forma a tentar reparar algum do dano feito. Um Hospital Q5 será oferecido a Espanha e ficaremos com alguns bónus pelo prazo máximo de um mês.
Quanto à MDP, as razões já apresentadas e também a divergência face a algumas políticas internas da aliança, bem como a actual supremacia absoluta com a dissolução da INVICTUS, aliança adversária, levam a que a saída de Portugal faça sentido. O jogo tem de continuar activo e animado.
Deixo-vos com algo que mais do que nunca faz todo o sentido:
E ponde na cobiça um freio duro,
E na ambição também, que indignamente
Tomais mil vezes, e no torpe e escuro
Vício da tirania infame e urgente;
Porque essas honras vãs, esse ouro puro
Verdadeiro valor não dão à gente:
Melhor é, merecê-los sem os ter,
Que possuí-los sem os merecer.
Estância 93, Canto IX, Lusíadas, Luís de Camões
Aos nossos verdadeiros aliados: podem continuar a contar com Portugal.
Boa sorte a todos e, acima de tudo, divirtam-se.

Greetings to all eRev players
The Portuguese Government announces that after some recent episodes, the decision of leaving MDP was made.
The cumulative effect of several actions and decisions that displeased Portugal, the Government and the Citizens are the heaviest causes to this decision. Also, the end result of the war with Spain is nothing but a shame to our Government.
We also announce that Portugal and Spain achieved a pact where Portugal will keep some bonuses temporarily and a Hospital Q5 will be placed on Spanish Capital.
As far as MDP goes, besides the reasons already presented, the supremacy in the battlefield and the disband of INVICTUS are other factors to take into account. The game must remain fun to play, after all. Best of luck to MDP.
To our true allies: you can count on Portugal like you have always.
Best regards,
Ancestral, CP of Portugal

TyraelGigaGiovanno69PolarB34rHeIiosPeakyEnrique 10John LucasJean EpsilongabinhetaMiltiadosTadaG 4 M p3trOs V E RG 4 M p3trOs V E RXooKaip3UrzaelRothbartInarius RebornHuMaViGhostringPatroklosDiamond LadyLuciferFromHellHenrique DiasjpcostaMagoPTMagoPTComentarii (80)


Good Decision o7

All of anti-MDP players will come here in seconds :p

Congratz o7


so you are officially out of MDP, like France 

well Ancestral you didnt change, you are same player that we know from beginning of a game, and you proved that once more. Portugal is proud to have you.

Proud to see you have still your reason Ancestral. o7

thank you for your support
GL Portugal , o7

MDP is fail !

finnaly, hope some countries will follow u and this game will become interesting again o7

Ty for ur support Portugal o7

o7 Good job, very brave decesion o7 big respect!!!

I love you ePortugal, correct decision. This alliance will die soon. o7

Brother this came too late. Even Germany had to fight against Portugal and wreck a tradition from the start of the game that these 2 countries no matter alliance they do not fight against each other. Just to postpone the inevitable erase of a good friend and ally like spain is, from another friend. Too bad that time had to roll that long and force us do things we regret. Have fun and good luck. Portugal and Ancestral are always in the heart and mind of Germany and me personally. o7

Yes i love mdp but i think mdp must disband after the german war because game will be boring o7 ❤🇵🇹🇹🇷 new alliances and new stories make interesting this game

Respeito por Portugal o7.

❤ Portugal and Ancestral ❤

Name of alliance doesnt matter, we will always be together o7


true allys will always count with us.

Good luck Portugal!
You re one of the best allies anyone could have.

Wow. Respect

definitly not waiting for this
hail ancestral!

Baller. o/

Respect for decision! o/

so portugal will leave MDP same as france???

Good decision Portugal o/
Many should follow.

Portugal has balls

One more country to delete,Ancestral i am coming for you !!! Do you sleep well?

Someone have ballas ?*

Hail Ancestral

hail portugal, urzael +1

07 Nice cohones my brothers.

Respect mate. I hope this will help to bring balance back ingame, and make it more interesting o/

Good decision

Wow, someone un-subbed from you.. you had 200, and now 199, so i subed.. you hurt someones feelings by leaving MDP.. i hope it wont be just as france did, just by words.. GL

Omg those vultures..hahha what a desperate people you are
Portugal o7 Good luck in your new path.

o/ Good luck

Respect to the choice. Best wishes for Portugal. o7

let the games begin...

Boa sorte, Portugal. o7

Respect Portugal!


Respect Portugal

Respect Portugal

Brave decision. You got the point of the game, after all, it has to remain fun either why would we play it? Respect o7

{oh_seven} bye Portugal {oh_seven}

portugal you got my respect that you are worry about Spain o7

Signed by Secretary of Alcohol, distilleries and related.


Pão com chouriço

Grande decisõe.

Estarei sempre contigo nas tuas decisões Ancestral!

Respect purtugal

Estamos cá para o que vier o7

One more prof of big ba**s o/

We have seen the same decision at the beginning of game ,same from Portugal 

Wow o7

The game is interesting when stuff happens. Change is good for some, bad for others, but entertaining for all (or at least should be if you accept this as just a game).

Good luck Portugal!

Yeah ?
Leave Mutual Defense Pact, now they will form Mutual Offense Pact and all will be the same, this game is unbalanced bu...hit
Give America and France 100 natural regions and yes use some weaker server ..this is too fast 

witch MDP ??? !!!

good move

Brave people. Rare to see a country put aside so much in the name of keeping the game fun o/

Respect o7


sv v194