Publicat in Germany - Analiză militară - 10 Nov 2016 05:18 - 53
Since there is no relevant article yet, i will publish for them the new MDP alliance structure.
Turkey, IRAN, USA, Indonesia, Poland, Taiwan, France, Albania, Bulgaria, FYROM, Romania, Georgia.
Satellite countries: Brazil, Portugal, Mexico, Sweden, Lithuania, Swiss and more
A fast calculation indicates over 72% of world damage in total. I am not an officer anywhere, so my personal opinion is personal strictly but a good advice to the remaining 5-6 countries that will be the target of this abnormity. Do not fight!! Sign NAP? Be erased? Doesn't matter really.. Destroy their game before they destroy yours. Get your revenge there. An inactivity at all fronts will lead them in economic collapse and community destruction. People will abanddon the game and their countries will suffer hard. More than yours.
Of course you may resist and epic fight to the end, and give them reason to play.
Your choice...
Turkey, IRAN, USA, Indonesia, Poland, Taiwan, France, Albania, Bulgaria, FYROM, Romania, Georgia.
Satellite countries: Brazil, Portugal, Mexico, Sweden, Lithuania, Swiss and more
A fast calculation indicates over 72% of world damage in total. I am not an officer anywhere, so my personal opinion is personal strictly but a good advice to the remaining 5-6 countries that will be the target of this abnormity. Do not fight!! Sign NAP? Be erased? Doesn't matter really.. Destroy their game before they destroy yours. Get your revenge there. An inactivity at all fronts will lead them in economic collapse and community destruction. People will abanddon the game and their countries will suffer hard. More than yours.
Of course you may resist and epic fight to the end, and give them reason to play.
Your choice...
PolarB34rkomeng_sajaXooKaip3Giovanno69Seki333TadaD0kt0rNairobiskofjalokaMao PichittiAnonymous HeroopsyenDoomtouchableRothbartComentarii (53)

dont cry

always cry?

72% of world damage? so Serbia,Croatia,Greece,Germany,Ukraine,Argentina,Hungary,Slovenia,Bih,Japan,Paraguay,Canada and othershave only 28%?

where you see cry naive people? It s warfare plan. Much more advanced for your little minds to understand.

yup. serbia use ED and LK while MDP not.

still cry?

Wow the list is so accurate, how did you know? Oh wait you created it, with your Godlike FA.

σου λεω γυρισεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεε

Only what they know to say us is CRY, i dont see why is MDP disbanded. Nothings changed. For me isnt fun to play a game when I know whats happened. If u want u win battle if u dont want u lose, and if u like you can wipe all of countrys in few days. Thats a fun cry cry cry, little bit more cry cry cry

You say we cry a lot, the truth hurts?

we dont cry, i choose to war with rvatska and BeHa but kratos deny.

Come on grandpa, don t be like that. Also @PolarB3ar, dissolution of MDP doesn t means we re gonna leave our friends behind. so please shut up

Kratos only wants NAP with gays !
Krsta only wants NAP with sheep tart !
Mcmoo , well you know he is hermaphrodite. NAP or not still taking profit

@PolarB3ar they disbanded mdp for kick some countries like Greece and Japan so this big firend have new joy and another little wars and get granite of Greece and weap bounse of Japan haha they have true firendship XD XD

Making an alliance even stronger in terms of damage than MDP is beyond stupid...

Guys... friends and enemies, that ones say about balance and others about cry. You miss the point of the article. It s not to indicate the difference in firepower. Nor to mourn against a situation. It s an alternative battle plan, that goal has the destruction of the economies and communities of the enemies. France lets say, when they refused to participate in an alliance with Denmark, Germany, Portugal, Spain they claimed that their game is social and not war. Demolishing their project offering them an inactive battle page, where their babies will find no battles and no medals to take, is a strategic victory. If this neebie is dead within 1 week, we are successful. What exactly is that, that you don t understand? When overproduction and lack of demand drops the prices of helies, below the cost demanded to constructed, and people will get fired from their jobs, salaries collapse.. that also is a victory.

so what its your plan, is it to nap every country while some of you lay confortable on full bonuses, fighting in tw, because there will be no more real wars, shouting on walls hail allies while number of your players are 3-4x more, player by player will soon leave this unbalanced game because there is no need to have fun in already destroyed game...and i want to go ahead of you so i will say it myself KEEP CRYING AGORIA YA FAKE GERMAN o/

Attackurts..they always attack my kurt.

@ Ktab well France are just a bunch of vultures I dont expect more from them

ktab, say who gave you that idea 

No one wants to make union with srb. Hahaha they had conflict with Macedonia, Hungary, Croatia, Germany. They don t like eachother thats why invictus and every other new union with srv will fall apart. That s why there is no balance. bcoz srv made so much enemies, and ger too 

Iran and Turkey have more dignity than France they fight face to face France just backstabs countries engaged in war and almost depleted

Simple fact is that game is dying out. Invictus lost, MDP won sincire Gratz on that. Now if you wanna see what am I talking about try selling anything else than q5 Helis q2-q3 food for bottles and housepack. Markets are dead, lots of q5 heli factories are empty because there is no workers so people build q3 heli factories for manager work but offer of q3 helis is huge compared to demand. Tons of players are leaving. AND LETS FACE IT Im wondering if admins sentenced this game to death and just want to earn some more money by few P2W updates or they are leaving it to us because we have this disbalance driving players in 2click mode. plus as soon as some new game similar appeat people will massively leave.

yeah we made enemies because we helped Croatia not to be deleted Iran was planning to delete Georgia after Balkan wars so we stepped in we could turn away and remain neutral with MDP or even join them but we didnt choose that way we chose weaker side we are not relying on comfort a massive alliance yeah u disbanded it but u cant live without its comfort so u will remake it yeah we willingly embraced danger of being wiped when we had 3 100% cause we want to play and have fun not joining the stronger side and humiliate our enemies mock their countries and players and grab about our greatness and cleverness

Kaveh, respect o7

well sorry I wasnt going to say anything about the whole stupidity is going on this game but I couldnt control myself it wont happen again 

still crying guys then make a better alliance
but making enemy is easy like germany+serbia 

I saw on main chat that only Turkish citizens are crying, what is that some epidemic?

Ktab well put, problem started when map was copied and passed here. And main reason why i haven t supported game (financially) since and also why im not fighting.

There is simpler solution. Attack Turkey while Ramadan. Muslims are not allowed to kill in that period . (War game - fighting is killing)

Considering situation in eRev objectively, I think it really is your only chance to destroy the MDP alliance web in the long run! I have already seen an alliance with 70%+ influence collapsing under its own weigh ... ;x

If you mean TRS then there were willing people to change the game. Japan indo iran mexico. That same countries now seem too tired to do so. If this game had more *Germanies* it would be a hell of a game

Japan is falling down for you stupid hate a few months ago so shut up Germany you aren t better than turkey. You maked your own hell now enjoy it.

Shirogane absolutely no hell at all. I still enjoy the game, in addition with you lets say.

i agree that there is a bit unbalance sitoation and many players blame admins that they created this unbalance and supported it, but... i have a quastion... if if you knew that everything happens as now than why invictus side push away makedonia? where is logic here???? you need more dmg but at the same time you pushing away 1 of the biggest DD country??? also why invictus side pushed away brazil?? because of brazilians in germany??? why invictus side pushed away eclipse and did everything to make eclipse an enemy? eclipse had a really tought sitoation with turkey and iran, personaly we (georgians) and some turks also were thinking about war and it was really realistic.... eclipse(georgia lithuinia latvia and belarus) was like a wall between invictus ( between germany and europian front of invictus) and mdp, but with your politic you ruined this wall... so should admins teach you how to do a politic?! p.s. nowadays sioation is really....boring to say it short!!!

Tanki did i ask you any analysis regarding past situation? If and when I want, i will open my mouth on all of these matters you mentioned, and all filth will be exposed. Only Brazil is excused from all the above you mentioned. I do not say anything about balance, i present a different kind of warfare. What is this that you don*t understand (too)?

Germany signed mpp with her alliance s enemies to protect full bonuses. Sold eclipse and brazil just for troll army and some visas in russia. Serbia and cro were disrespectful their allies mkd and bulgaria, still they are. who will be in the same alliance with u? Noone wants to become ally serbia, cro or germany but you never stop and think that why they dont wanna become your ally. You have too much thing to learn about respect from Jus7lethal. Today some ignorants used bad words upon Ataturk, still doing the same. Thats why you will loose always. Nice tactic btw, please use it. IDK how much fast did u calculated but percentage is totally wrong.

lmperius I don t want allies
I want to destroy your game, why you people, ALL think that I care for balance? The only thing i have to learn from Jus7lethal is NOTHING btw. Regarding Kemal, I m with you. Game is game, and insult is not trolling.

No,you got me wrong ktab,at this time i am talking not about you or personally about 1person... I am talking about ex-invictus moves that created the sitoation we have now... Just i read a comments above and many people really thinks that this happens because of admins....maybe they are right when talking about some sold accs but everyone will agree that only 1-2 accs cant win the war between alliances... Ok never mind, this is all in paste,just continue to play people and teach on your (on others mistakes) in this kind of games alliances are not permanent, they will be created and will be dissolved hundreds of time....

Mexico is nobody s satellite.

Game is dead since 1day, because admins give unbalanced heli factories 3.0-4.0 so visa players get tons of gold. Next Turkey Iran Georgia make BB and get thousands of player and boost economy. Next many players end game and now we have on market tons of helis tanks and food without buyers, because players going hit only q5 heli or fist. Most of members second ally use ED and have players with over 7000 strength when MDP 2.0 have more poor players. Making BB is not solution because we have wall with strength, new player never get 60% top, and never be a GUY so we never get new alliances and game going to few country with 3x200 abd other with 1-2x200 super game with only one event collect all badges!. It is sad because first 4 month of game never back. At this moment is possible to get all country on one big NAP as France does most time.

Hegemony leads to peace. On such games peace leads to boredom. I see your point but I would not expect countries to make harmful alliance decisions easily.

ktab I meant an alliance in another game

when i signed nap at 70% i was a traitor.

Rothbart your mistake was that you broke the alliance treaty. None called you traitor 

Kbab writing nonsense again. Oh, boy, grow up, please.

For 250 kk your speech would be another !!

Tanki +1 , If serbs didnt push away Macedonia now there would be balance