Publicat in Turkey - Analiză militară - 11 Nov 2016 17:06 - 25
Well, below chart data explains for itself.
Vae Victis (42.4%)
Vae Victis Partners (8.0%) - Brazil, Sweden, Lithuania, Latvia, Mexico, Chile, Ireland, Portugal, Swiss
RoFG (49.6%)

Vae Victis (42.4%)
Vae Victis Partners (8.0%) - Brazil, Sweden, Lithuania, Latvia, Mexico, Chile, Ireland, Portugal, Swiss
RoFG (49.6%)

KavehTopSecretZE BUNDAInarius RebornComentarii (25)

What the hell is RoFG?

Rest of World ? 

Rest of the **** guys 

rolling on the floor giggling

Logical, just wanted to know what s the acronym :p

Damn 42.4(? Aw shit dude thats a big start.

Where is Eclipse?

there is no point to fight, with admins saying all is great and that players have to create balance if they want, and few strong countries that have headstart thanks to admin as he gave them map with 15-20 territories vs some who have 4-5.. Best way to fight this guys is to ruin their game as well by simple ignoring military module of game and just focus on production, make entire game to overstock with everything and lets see what will happen.

@TopSecret haha

Have you added the damage of satellites (puppets) to new alliance?

rest of fuckng game 


Rest of cryers...

@ktab: tell me who are the satellites puppets and add them separetelly from the RoFG

Brazil, Sweden, Lithuania, Latvia, Mexico, Chile, Ireland, Portugal, Swiss

Wrong data i mean % is wrong

Fix the % or turkish community will leave the game.

o/ Hail sattelites

thanks for mentioning Switzerland

@ktab: Portugal puppet. The lack of respect towards one of Germany s once historic ally has been noted, again. Yes, keep it up. That is the way 

Calling neutral and independent countries as puppets and then you are crying for balance. What you expect from them, to join you
Respect always wins.

@essenin HUE HUE

lmperius, so much independance, it s really beyond me

if i would screenshot Pt MPPs 12 hours later, you could see FYROM there too.. Ancestral friends and allies cannot be seen in a cold MPP. Friends and allies, you can see them in the battlefield, especially in times of need. You remember me fighting for Spain against Portugal, the first action that actually pissed you off against Germany. You have to ask yourself, would it be moral NOT to do that while Spain s last region defending against a friend? 2 friends were fighting, and while my tries to resolve this and not fight, failed, i defended the weaker of the 2 friends, so he would not be desperate that he was abandoned. That s moral, that s what anyone would do. Almost anyone... Cause it also requires guts to do so.