
EReJS - Ziar din Georgia -

Publicat in Israel - Analiză financiară - 22 Nov 2016 00:51 - 5

Israel starts the new project.
Build or demolish your companies settled on territory of Israel and get back 70% of your gold from the budget of Israel. For this operation it is equired to send me the screen of fulfilled operation. So, I will try to give your deserved gold in a very short period of time.

*sale is dedicated for every kind of activities, which will bring the gold to the budget of Israel


Comentarii (5)

You don t get taxes from downgrading companies.
Israelshi raga gindat??? Laugh
shemtan var dzmaa
Laugh Laugh Laugh xoda gamikvirda Laugh dagexmarot agordzinebashi? Laugh? aris vapshe mand vinme motamashe?
ara aravinaa qartvelebi viqnebit kide ramodenimee