Publicat in United States of America - Dezbateri și analiză politică - 01 Dec 2016 14:37 - 7

Date: 12/1/16
Author: Edgar Figaro
Today’s Topic(s):
As promised I am back to deliver to you my cabinet. However, we can always use a hand and extra support in the government, so if you’re interested in lending a hand please send me, Edgar Figaro (, a PM, or find me on Discord! If you would like to play a part in the eUS government, please reach out to me, whether you’re a new player or a veteran, whether you have a political background or not, no matter what party you belong to, you would be a helpful and valuable addition to our team!
CP: Edgar Figaro
Detailed in my announcement article (, over the past couple of months I have taken on an active role in all areas of politics, ranging from a party level, to a national level, as well as being an international representative for the eUS. I plan on using the experience gained through these roles to revitalize the eUS.
VP: Thomas Killah
As my Vice President, I have selected an eCitizen with a long history in national politics, and the knowledge it takes to help run the eUS, Thomas Killah. Along with serving as VP, Thomas will serve as my closest advisor for government decision making.
CoS: EddieA
For Chief of Staff, I tried finding someone who was a people person, and more importantly, could rally a team of people. For this reason, I have selected EddieA for the position, where he will serve to keep our cabinet coordinated.
SoS: Ace
Ace has been a perennial head of the State department, and no one knows international politics quite the way that he does. He will be tasked with managing foreign affairs and being the main representative of the eUS to foreign nations.
Deputy SoS: Selvaris
To serve as Ace’s deputy and help out the eUS on an international stage, I have chosen Selvaris. Selvaris has served a term in the State Department already, in which I personally saw him improve considerably as a diplomat and representative for the eUS. I am hoping that he can continue this through his role as Deputy Secretary of State.
SoD: Tancred
Due to his experience in the position, as well as with leading Military Units in the past, I have appointed Tancred as my Secretary of Defense. His valued knowledge in the military sphere will provide critical help for keeping the eUS safe from foreign enemies.
Deputy SoD: Bamapana
Serving as Tancred’s Deputy will be another military figurehead here in the eUS, Bamapana. Leading the eUS’s most active and powerful military unit, Delta Force, Bamapana will be isting Tancred in coordinating eUS military efforts.
SoCA: dk3dknight
Taking the helm of the Department of Citizen’s Affairs will be dk3dknight. He is loved by all...except fishes.
Deputy SoCA: Trumpets
As dk3dknight’s deputy, I have chosen one of the most innovative thinkers in the eUS, Trumpets. Trumpets will bring forward thinking and new ideas to the Citizen’s Affairs department and will work with dk to come up with new and improved ideas for the eUS citizenry.
SoT: Talesweaver
Talesweaver has a long history working to improve America’s economy, in both the executive and in Congress. I would want no one else to head up the Treasury Department.
SoTech: Hunburry
The eUS’s most notorious technology wizard, Hunburry, will be reprising his role as the Secretary of Technology.
Arith has protected and defended the US from potential immigration threats. He has done a great job thus far, and there is no reason to fix something that isn’t broken.

So there you have it, the Figaro Administration for December 2016. However, keep your eyes peeled for another article within the next few days. This article will deal with my platform, as well as programs I will seek to implement. Once again I would just like to reiterate that any and all help is welcomed and encouraged, so reach out to me if you would like to be involved in the eUS government!

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--STRENGTH THROUGH UNITY, UNITY THROUGH EDGAR-- o7 I like the new image, its pretty hawt.

Technically only the heads of the department get to choose deputy s lol

Not really Nicker, usually the department tells the CP they need one and the CP finds them one. Unless they already have one in mind which the CP just appoints them (assuming there are no issues with said persons). Or a CP may not want to find Deputies and leave it up to the Departments to find their own :/

On a completely diffrent note, gl Edgar I wish you the best of luck.

Why do the fishes not like me...
Good Luck Edgar