Publicat in North Korea - Socializare și divertisment - 14 Dec 2016 14:30 - 17
Hello everyone!
Finally my very first article in erevollution world is here! So excited, hope you are going to like it.
So this article is something like introducing myself to you people so sit, play the song you like and read this.
Also, this article is going to be test to see if you are interesting in my little show ( Just an Idea for now, but I would like to make it happen if you are interested in.)
Well, many of you already know me, others will hear about me and I am open for friendship with people from all around the world.
So I am using this nick here, Willy Wonka and I believe most of you know about him...Yeah, exactly! The owner of the Chocolate Factory so in game my character will be pointed in that direction, you will see what is this all about.

First of all this adventure started for me in Australia....I ve had a lot of great ideas, but there were some problems and final decision was to leave that community. Start is always difficult but hey, thats all normal. Came up with one congress medal and few friend from there. Also even if I have some bad memories from there, have a good too! ( Wish you the best Australia)

I was looking for my next destination....And woah, few moments and I was in Russia! Huh man, that was an amazing period of my life here, a lot of great and friendly people I ve met! Feel like their brother even now when I am citizen of another country! Just want to tell you guys one thing you already know - You can count on me whenever you need help. Vodka and Chocolate - what a combination. :) After agreement and our way from Russia to Canadian territories across the Far Eastern Russa, and making our goal finished I decided to move on.
One of my friends from Australia was in North Korea and he told me a lot of good stories about another small country and community in this game.
Yeah 3 countries and 3 small communities . It is kind a interesting to me to play this style for now. meeting nice people and having fun with them everyday as much as I can. Now my decision is to stay here a little bit longer and try to help. I gain a lot of experience from all of you everyday, thank you very much.

So that was something like introduction, even if you dont care maybe but thank you for reading haha :)
Another part of this article is one of my ideas I want to implement in my life here, and I need you to be part of that if you want.
Was thinking about what is going to be like to make quiz here. On discord or Rizon maybe so we can have fun all together.
- Quiz is one time in a week, Friday or Saturday ....11 or 12 erev time.
- Every participant needs to buy a golden ticket 0.25 gold ( Total amount will be shared among the winners (1st,2nd and 3rd place) with 70/20/10 ratio so dont worry I dont make this to have a profit - Winners take it all ! )
- Quiz will have 10 questions ( or more if you like ) and winner is player with the most correct answers you all know how it works I believe :)
- Maybe I m going to add some additional and interesting questions for Bonus prizes but we will see
- As you see point is not profit for me, just some place when people from all around the world can have fun together once in a week.
- Also everyone of you can tell me your ideas, or we can think them out there together in chat in order to improve OUR quiz and fun time :)
- We can also make bonus round ( Example : I say Its Football quiz time , and we have alliances in game so in chat every alliance pick their representative and we can make battles even in chat ! )

Thats all for today about introduction and quiz, hope you like this idea people and ALL i want from you is to comment what do you think about this , and do you want to help me to make this alive so we can all have fun together. One more time PLEASE comment your opinion here it means a lot for me !!! Also , if you dont have nothing smarter shout just one time in a day and it is enough for me .
For the end of my article I have special gift for my first readers ! ;)
First 50 people that Subscribe, Vote and Comment this article will get one chocolate ( One chocolate I mean 300 wellness like 300g.....I know it is not too much but I have not established my factories here yet so maybe in future I ll have more to offer you.)
And this is way to thank you for reading this article among the first, and for your support!
Message for others, dont be sad ... Believe most of you like chocolate, but not enough for all of you this time, but that doesnt mean it wont be! A lot of new prizes, gifts, interesting challenges is in front of us...That is the main reason I call all of you to support my CHOCOLATE JOURNAL with Subscribe so you dont miss anything I post! :) One more thing , almost forgotten - If you want feel free to ADD me for your friend ! I ll appreciate that !
And please do not forget to write SUB and Vote number so I know whom to donate !

Greetings from the Chocolate Factory for all of you !
Have a nice day folks !
Willy Wonka
Finally my very first article in erevollution world is here! So excited, hope you are going to like it.
So this article is something like introducing myself to you people so sit, play the song you like and read this.
Also, this article is going to be test to see if you are interesting in my little show ( Just an Idea for now, but I would like to make it happen if you are interested in.)
Well, many of you already know me, others will hear about me and I am open for friendship with people from all around the world.
So I am using this nick here, Willy Wonka and I believe most of you know about him...Yeah, exactly! The owner of the Chocolate Factory so in game my character will be pointed in that direction, you will see what is this all about.

First of all this adventure started for me in Australia....I ve had a lot of great ideas, but there were some problems and final decision was to leave that community. Start is always difficult but hey, thats all normal. Came up with one congress medal and few friend from there. Also even if I have some bad memories from there, have a good too! ( Wish you the best Australia)

I was looking for my next destination....And woah, few moments and I was in Russia! Huh man, that was an amazing period of my life here, a lot of great and friendly people I ve met! Feel like their brother even now when I am citizen of another country! Just want to tell you guys one thing you already know - You can count on me whenever you need help. Vodka and Chocolate - what a combination. :) After agreement and our way from Russia to Canadian territories across the Far Eastern Russa, and making our goal finished I decided to move on.

One of my friends from Australia was in North Korea and he told me a lot of good stories about another small country and community in this game.
Yeah 3 countries and 3 small communities . It is kind a interesting to me to play this style for now. meeting nice people and having fun with them everyday as much as I can. Now my decision is to stay here a little bit longer and try to help. I gain a lot of experience from all of you everyday, thank you very much.

So that was something like introduction, even if you dont care maybe but thank you for reading haha :)
Another part of this article is one of my ideas I want to implement in my life here, and I need you to be part of that if you want.
Was thinking about what is going to be like to make quiz here. On discord or Rizon maybe so we can have fun all together.
- Quiz is one time in a week, Friday or Saturday ....11 or 12 erev time.
- Every participant needs to buy a golden ticket 0.25 gold ( Total amount will be shared among the winners (1st,2nd and 3rd place) with 70/20/10 ratio so dont worry I dont make this to have a profit - Winners take it all ! )
- Quiz will have 10 questions ( or more if you like ) and winner is player with the most correct answers you all know how it works I believe :)
- Maybe I m going to add some additional and interesting questions for Bonus prizes but we will see
- As you see point is not profit for me, just some place when people from all around the world can have fun together once in a week.
- Also everyone of you can tell me your ideas, or we can think them out there together in chat in order to improve OUR quiz and fun time :)
- We can also make bonus round ( Example : I say Its Football quiz time , and we have alliances in game so in chat every alliance pick their representative and we can make battles even in chat ! )

Thats all for today about introduction and quiz, hope you like this idea people and ALL i want from you is to comment what do you think about this , and do you want to help me to make this alive so we can all have fun together. One more time PLEASE comment your opinion here it means a lot for me !!! Also , if you dont have nothing smarter shout just one time in a day and it is enough for me .
For the end of my article I have special gift for my first readers ! ;)
First 50 people that Subscribe, Vote and Comment this article will get one chocolate ( One chocolate I mean 300 wellness like 300g.....I know it is not too much but I have not established my factories here yet so maybe in future I ll have more to offer you.)
And this is way to thank you for reading this article among the first, and for your support!
Message for others, dont be sad ... Believe most of you like chocolate, but not enough for all of you this time, but that doesnt mean it wont be! A lot of new prizes, gifts, interesting challenges is in front of us...That is the main reason I call all of you to support my CHOCOLATE JOURNAL with Subscribe so you dont miss anything I post! :) One more thing , almost forgotten - If you want feel free to ADD me for your friend ! I ll appreciate that !
And please do not forget to write SUB and Vote number so I know whom to donate !

Greetings from the Chocolate Factory for all of you !
Have a nice day folks !
Willy Wonka
Kant Step In Ze Rap InAjkeNAjkeNkomeng_sajaSwordGiovinco69MiltiadosMiltiadosMarty ScurllinspektorlukicComentarii (17)

I will pay someone to make me Chocolate divider for my Journal ! 


Great Iniciative Willy, nice to see you writing and doing this! Count me in for the first Quizz, and i would like to add aswell that you were one of the friendliest persons i have met in the game, best of luck for your and your journal mate o7 Subscribed

sub 6 vote 8
i follow quiz in 2 countries, both of it didnt need entrance fee. exit fee exist.

Good Job WonKa nice to meet you!! any think pm me and i will help you !

Too big, didnt read. Kkkkkk

Good writer! s+v

But why cost so much? The ticket can cost only cc, and the price, weapons/food/morecc/gold/houses

subtato 10, votato 13 - and thank you for our chocotatoes. Quiz sounds fun but too hard for a numbskull such as me.

s11 v 14


earn gold by voting articles and subscribing newspapers only at erevoters http://ow.ly/AUUZ3059h1s , get cheap votes and subscribes for your articles and newspapers at erevoters http://ow.ly/AUUZ3059h1s

s15 v19 + support. Good luck and that quiz stuff is a good idea! 

stop spamming that shit Cykaregard

Sub 19
Vot 23
Cheers! o/

s 33 v 26