Publicat in Peru - Analiză militară - 17 Jan 2017 20:43 - 36

Dear Citizen,
As we know that currently Indonesia is involved in war with Andina Federation. At first, I thought it was a kind of alliance who share the same goal to all its member. But I was wrong. What become matters in AF is, Venezuela has to be the king. All member should bow to Venezuela. All member should give their region who has bonus resources to Venezuela. All they did just for the sake of Venezuela. No wonder Bolivia leaves AF because it doesn't make senses at all.
We have already offered them NAP twice. But Venezuela rejected twice. Saying that we should give all Peru's regions back (so that Vene can take it). We dont want unneccesary war actually, because we don't need their region. But their ego are their own enemy. It is not fun fighting with loser who are selfish and arrogant.

We have tried to discuss it diplomatically. But their arrogant answer makes me realized. It is useless to talk with them.

Meanwhile, Peru has been cooperate and has good relation with Indo, and I dont have personal hate to Peru. Although Peru was controlled by Vene to attack Indo. So hereby I state that Indo is liberating and giving All Peru's regions back. All who want to have RW Medal, feel free to open RW at Peru's regions anytime.
Indo President,

Aeon Flux
AridanraThe RedComentarii (36)





Flat.... Flat.... Flat....


Hail Indo...o7

holopis kuntul baris!!!


AFter USA front Green Berets will assist you against that noob country and it will be our pleasure to delete them 

Every federation nation s leadership agreed to join. nothing was forced on them, your just looking for an excuse to justify this attack. no surprise that other VV nations are also attacking SK and India, allies and all members of APA... you might notice bolivia fighting for Vene, if they left and had bad feelings towards them, why would they be helping?


@Its Colour: What attack? They attacked Indonesia first lol. We just need one region on Peru and they rejected it. Bolivia just leave today, at least that is what they told me.

You mean they attacked not your core regions but land you had conquered in south america? Land you have no claim on. Is this how Indo does all buisness? You want something and you ask, if you dont get the answer you want you simply take by force? Would eCan be the ones getting wiped had we refused to allow your passage through our nation?

Well, we are renting the region from Peru. We have paid for it. And Vene attacked the region. Who s fault is it? Indo always try to do it in diplomatically way. About Canada, nope, if u had refused, we were going to look the other way, not by wiping Canada. It doesnt make senses. We had talked it in Alliance.

More concerned with attacking Vene then helping your own alliance member USA. I thought you took regions on the east coast of the USA to prevent that.

Perhaps I don t have all the info, in any case, one attack hardly justifies wiping a nation. you lost nothing and are taking everything out of spite

As you have said Vene regions are useless to you yet you still aim to wipe them. All that will come of this is the creation of a long term enemy for Indo.

Well we are helping USA, and we are following order from Alliance. Including moving to that east regions of USA. No need to worry about that. If you know what they replied to my MoFA, you will see how arrogant they are. 3 nations of AF NE Indo + Vene DW Indo, without any discussion with Indo before.


Hail Indo !! Hail VV !!

Never learn

You have no idea what you write. The CP of the Andean Federation, based in Venezuela, is from Peru and its MoD is from Bolivia. Moreover, we must ask permission to release our core regions? We have not broken any agreement. Please do not publish nonsense words, this leaves exposed your little intelligence. You can win battles, but we know how to have fun without lying.

Losers is always loser.. Winning 1 or 2 battles does not mean winning the war? But keep lossing battles is what? It make me sad and pity to losers. Btw where is Peru now? Do u need magnifying glass to find ?

@Sorrosinzeta. We have paid the region we rent from Peru. And this is what we get? Who lie here?

@Aeon Flux The rent of the region had already expired.


u think that can attack and after escape ?? don t worry , we will have so fun in your country

VCSE done..

Please, attack Java please... Lol

Estamos en Perú y escribo en español, jejeje......
Primero el cp de federación es peruano el MoFA es peruano, el MoD de bolivia y el MoE de Venezuela....
Bolivia se salió por no estar deacuerdo en temas económicos, no por discrepancias de otro tipo, es más hemos visto el daño Boliviano en muchas batallas....
Perú, no es controlada por Venezuela(federación), Perú cedió todas sus regiones menos la capital(lima) a Venezuela eso no cambio, los ciudadanos peruanos estuvimos deacuerdo en eso, de igual forma Colombia ...
Como parte de federación el actual cp de federación(Venezuela), fue el cp del Perú en noviembre, cp con el cual indonesia renovo el nap por si no se acuerdan, hoy como cp de federación está guiando la campaña contra indonesia....
Me da risa el decir q Venezuela es arrogante, cuando sería más conveniente decir q es el cp y más q eso así son los peruanos, le haces una te hacen dos.....

Indonesia fuera de sudamerica carajo!!!!!!hdp

Te lo dire en español para que tengas que traducir... güebon pajuo pon la imagen de la ultima batalla aqui te dejo el link pajuo er sebillo güebon!!! caretabla!!! vayanse al carajo 100 veces!!!

Bolivia, Colombia, Peru y Venezuela, Todos juntos formamos La Federacion Andina. Sin egoismos y trabajando juntos. Como hermanos q somos, compartimos mucho en comun y nada ni nadie frustrara nuestros planes de seguir creciendo.
Arriba la FA.
Todos juntos contra el invasor.

flat, flat flatttt....

jajajaj Indonesio