Publicat in Argentina - Dezbateri și analiză politică - 23 Jan 2017 16:37 - 57

Dear Citizens of eRevollution,
I am glad to announce that our alliance has signed a non agression pact with Argentina and we managed to stop the war before their last region. Hereby I will share the terms:
1- Argentina will have following regions: Mesopotamia, South East Chaco and Cuyo. Other regions of Argentina that are not mentioned here will be under control of Vae Victis and in case it is lost, Vae Victis will be able to take it again during the agreement.
2- Argentina cannot declare war on any member of Vae Victis and vice versa except the situation mentioned in #1.
3- Argentina cannot fight against Vae Victis in Resistance Wars.
4- Argentina cannot declare war on Nigeria and South Africa.
5- The NAP will be valid until 7th of March.
President of Argentina
President of Bulgaria
President of Turkey
Kind Regards
gabinhetaKizaganKizaganKizaganVorticPanzer AceYamamotocekolkComentarii (57)

Facebood sell farmawill to erev?



Џаба мала десетке на факсу кад код лоле долазиш на праксу



Itavy pio? Ekambuna che rembo!

Nothing new in the horizon.

Signed by President of Turkey

Que güebones se dejaron joder

Terehona ejapiro tunare, tavysho

Kinyas nde rova tembo



Argentinap le baja el mono de Judas pim, cara rota


un asco..... y los latinos que?? pone la version para q la lean el resto

Farmville continue

ne ara savaştınız ne ara barıştınız 

Signed by President of Bulgaria

Another country surrenders in front of VV 

Jesus. I just spent 53kk for Bulgaria and now is ceasefire? No more wars, welcome to Farmville


Admin yeni bir güncelleme yap bu vv durdurulmuyor

Radu Brinzan it s been farmville since disband of invictus. Welcome to reality

Another genocide by VV.

Rip Argentina

Argentina puede pelear contra VV desde batallas de sus aliados y en batallas directas contra VV que nada tiene que ver con Argentina :v


cCc World is TURK cCc
I love Argentina
I love latina ladies.
Turks wont fight against Argentina. They are our blood brothers.
cCc World is TURK cCc


Arranged by Lord Kratos. He knows how NaP is working

The montonera faction of October does not recognize this treaty.
Argentina or death!
Life for Pieron!

evokasi and You know how DW law working

And Argentina got wiped anyway.

@radu, its all that warriors like VV deserve, having all strong countries help from admin (map) on top of that forming one alliance and expecting for game to be fun?? Till we dont get map for this game and some balance in alliances, best way to fight is actually not to fight at all. Map is favoring hugely VV countires who have dead countries all around and free regions, while for example Balkan has about 1/5th of world dmg , 1/10th of world population, while not even 1/40 of regions .. How is that fair ??

Wtf? Why Argentina is deleted then?


Argentina is not wiped, Cuyo is on the map.


Look at these Brazilians, what is funny? Its a lot easier to join an enemy then beat them. Brazil is Kevin Duran. Rip game

@vers, yes its harder to beat your enemies, especially when you got your own ``allies`` fighting against you and Alliance orders. dont keep on judging shit you know nothing about. besides, we never did anything to the argies and still they attacked us. well deserved. #peace

No le veo nada malo el NAP :s

Actually, Admins are giving the chance to other countries with naval wars, and some of them are using this chance, like Koenigsberg Republic, but some of them are blind and don t see opportunity. Also, I don t understand players who are taking citizenship of France, for example, and continue to serve interests of some other countries. You should decide at once, are you now eFrench or not? If you are not, prolonging to play in France is just an act of hypocrisy. Your ECountries failed because of the corruption, not because of VV. Stop bringing your issues with you in the new countries on your journey.

Mierd@ vv se está garchando a todos y vv esta firmando nap con todos xD luego ataca a paraguay a bolivia a uruguay para tener nap con vv que putad@ es esta

Vale verg......aaaaaaa

some one has to show some balls to stop this VV if every one start signing nap then there is no point of this dam war game lets play simcity will be much much better



Those who are angry with farming has a plenty of companies on their accounts, and they farming every day. But they don t want a competition, so they are cruying against farming all the time.


en serio?? que paso con argentina, hasta cuando estos perros de vv haciendo lo que les da la gana, una lastima

@Levi, not all, i just have 5 q2 food factories for my life kit