
Kinyas - Ziar din Turkey -

Publicat in Albania - Analiză militară - 16 Feb 2017 01:34 - 81


We are almost completed our adaptation to new alliance update so I like to inform our citizens regarding the latest events.

After meetings with HQ and Country Presidents, it has been decided that it is best to form two alliances so Alpha has came out. Vae Victis Alpha will work same as Vae Victis. There will no differences and Vae Victis Alpha will be also mentioned in the official documents in order to avoid confusion. It is just a requirement because of new update.

Another impact of alliance update was considering membership applications. We have been taking many of them for a quite while yet because of 6 MPP rule, we could not accept new members since  we cannot directly protect them against possible threats. 6MPP rule was allowing us to help only few countries therefore we were hesitating. Luckly, alliance update now let countries have 9 MPPs so we have approved membership of our friendly countries.

Latvia, Lithuania, Morocco and Peru, welcome to Vae Victis! I am looking forward for full cooperation and I am sure that we will witness great victories together.

In every adress another country launch campaign against our member, Albania. The most recent one is France. They have been stocking up for a while so they went in to help their alliance after we defeat Croatia, Spain, Hungary, Serbia, Italy and Switzerland repeatedly.

It has been an epic battle and we enjoyed it quite a lot. Yet France could not manage to defeat Albania and shared same faith with their new allies. They have launched coordinated attacks with Croatia and both battles are won by our alliance. It was excellent example of team work. While Turkey showed amazing effort in French front, with the help of Indonesia and Romania; rest of alliance did hold Croatian front. Albania made over 6 billion damage and proved that it is impossible to bend them. Iran did over 1 billion by move-fight, which was great work. Our tanky baby Malthael picked a perfect battle to show around after a while ^^

In other fronts of our alliance, Spain campaign is still hot and will go on. We have launched last couple of attacks at night for Spanish timezone. In first battle Bulgaria successfully landed in and in the second battle Spain had to make 4 billion of overkill to defend the region. We will crush Madrid pretty soon. Until then, well done Spain.

In Italy, after they got wiped we started two RWs in a row in Marche, the bonus region of Croatia. More than seeing Italy wiped, we wanted to see how will new allies of Italy make a choice when it is either fre of ally or bonus. Croatia did not let Italy get liberated in order to keep their rare resource. After 5 days, they finaly managed to start RW in Albania and Italy is liberated now. Denmark is another country who finally took a region again. They immediately DWed Poland and Turkey DWed them.

As you all know we make our plans not for a day or week but for months. We do not need to make up false causes and expect pity of Admins like our opponents like to do. The future is built by us and so far everything works just as we planned.

One last note, since I am extremely busy IRL due to work, for a while I will take less active role in HQ and handed SC position to Ready to Die after meeting in alliance.

Vae Victis o7

Kind Regards,


Grey WindGrey WindLyell ThirdYamamotoBosnian tankCaptain HarlockPatroklosGrizzly021SrLuk

Comentarii (81)

morocco ❤️
Wow 4 new countries joining the monstruous alliance that already erase the world, wow, so clever, so brilliant, so much fun. Cowards
morokko ...
Haha VV kicked Myrmidons ass, now Myrmidons come begging for some protection xDD, now you are a puppet of VV (another one)
Misunderstanding the game is a reason why opponents are cruying because of joining new countries to alliance. There are two options, join the free world of players, leaded by VV, or be in world under Admins control. I prefer freedom. You?
What s the difference in VV and Free World ??
The main difference is influence of Admins.
Most of countries are in vv.. it s like China Russia joined United states alliance in real life. Ensuring peace and safety is good but opposite side should be died due to no change. People are looking for better future. No dreaming better situation, it means ceasing game is better.
Hail VV ო7
Irony. I think vv needs more enemies not more close nations for all of us.
Hail VV o7
Morocco joined the club of traitors. Congrats. Their personal anger towards Spain cause them to join VV, not realizing they also punishing many of their friends. Including Greece where they originally from. Lame.
Wow 4 new countries joining the monstruous alliance that already erase the world, wow, so clever, so brilliant, so much fun. Cowards. x2
nice to see new members o7
Hail Morocco!Hail VV!
@NightwatcherHUN , First of all is a game . I came here at Morocco and i fight for Morocco. Morocco is not Greece or Spain or anything ... Morocco is Morocco ! And something else , there is no rule in the game about game citizenship and rl citizenship so i can be Greek in real life and i can be even Hungarian in the game.
El Tarlo: but it is still lame to be in an alliance that against your RL country
i think Tempus Vitae is better than VV Alpha like tokyo ghoul √A.
Night, you have no problem by accepting Denmark as your ally. They are also enemy of their RL country. But when Morocco do that, it is treason. I dont think so.
Welcome o7
Disgusting, shameful little multiland. Your RL country is led by a wanna be dictator who fucks your lives up pretty well. Therefore you need this game (used for money laundry) as a toy to play God. Egoist, racist, hypocrite scum. The same pathetic way of cheating you showed in Brazzda. This game will end like Brazzda did.
Thank you szelemerke. Please tell me how many multi account Hungarians created in order to pTO USA 3 months ago. After that we can keep discussing where is multiland.
Join to the club morocco. Tr puppets o7 / swiss never surrenders
Swiss signed NAP actually, bad news for you.
Welcome! o7
o7!! Welcome!!!
no portugal no party
no portugal no party
hail Perú hail VV hail SIRVAMPIRO xD
Perú ❤
❤ PERÚ ❤
Hail Perú hail VV...
VV o7
Frank Underwood - you have 6,988 -players-, ONLY in Turkey. So leave fairy tales behind and talk about truth. Do you want to talk about what did BattleHero do? About his moral and fair (Laugh) decisions? But the fuck cares, I wont waste my time on psychopats, as ktab said, therapy costs money. All hail the bright future of eRev.
i am in Swiss HQ kin. i know #everything and for VV multies of course
,The future is built by us and so far everything works just as we planned., Did you plan that France would change side ? :thinking:
Good battle. At least there is a bit of fun in this game
You were already saying that alliances were not unbalanced when France was on your side...
once your texts were interesting even if I wouldn t agree all the time. Lately, the newspaper title hardly represents the content of the articles. Cheap propaganda, and passion for the masses. Unsub, sorry :/
Hail Indonesia! Hail VV!
Morocco, you mean exGreek MU bro
France was neutral Laugh
Coward Victis
if i failed so hard in any game like ktab did in eRev, i would definitely quit the game. Guess who s the psychopath here...
Talking about psychopath... Just read own comments, szelemerke. I was surprised, that moderators are tolerating your comments and insults, I know that they are reacting for much less insults. Who gives you a right to lecture someone about RL? Also, bringing RL content is forbidden here. After all, what are your reasons to play this awesome game? Don t you live in a perfect country? I see here only difference between skilful players and crybaby players. VV is winning on the battlefields, and this is a fact. Admins wanted them to disband, but they refused. So, we had many updates here, as a attempts of Admins to limite the power of VV, but all of them failed. Also, we have some eternal losers crying here and talking about psyhotherapy, although it is obvious that they need it on the first place. Stop complaining and continue to play, or find another game more situated for you. Ofc, there is a hard way, but I don t think that you are capable to choose it. Change yourself, adapt to situation in the game, gather other players, organise baby booms, win the game! But, for those, who are unable to find friends in the RL, such an action is mission impossible even in the virtual world of ERevolution.
Spain had to make 4 billion of overkill , bad looser Cheeky
Two weeks of war in Spain and bulgaria has only occupied one region, we have DS Q5 installed in 7 regions and we have more, every 2 days we have another. We have 14 regions remaining and 14 will be defended with DS Q5. Maybe VV will crush Madrid pretty soon but it will be the most expensive war in its history.
Really, why even bother to answer smth to Levi. WHo is he ? some clever guy? NO. he is just guy who is not happy at home, so we all see his frustrations trough comments.
@Petros,Switzerland has NAP with VV,also Switzerland was pro VV country,so Switzerland never surrender is something fake Laugh
why?oh why?why om telolet om?why? XD
Fyroman if i was such a failure rl like you are, i would have commited suicide and relief world from such a pathetic presense.
Helping unknown people makes me always happy, Fric. Struggling with the rude players, also.. But what is your angle, Fric? Loyal servant of Admins, who got the opportunity to brake rules, and improve your accounts, until you sale them, thanks to this service. Why you even have a need to comment my comments? Doesn t this make you pathetic?
Are you accepting new members?
Preato tell me who is coward? Who was saying i am neutral and tanking vae victis rw s?
Death comes for you VV
Seems like kyli aka lucifer love to be puppet of kinyas? :-)
Levi, red or blue pill?
Wow 4 new countries joining the monstruous alliance that already erase the world, wow, so clever, so brilliant, so much fun. Cowards. x3
Watch Matrix, Peaky. Your call :-D I was worried about you, but in the end you are always here, watching and trying to be funny. It s a pleasure to play with, sorry AGAINST you.
Hail VV! o7
Estamos en vv???? Bueno a respetar las desiciones Haill vv Haill Perú Hasta quemar el último cartucho! !!!!!!!
Hail Marroco !!
Εγώ τουλάχιστον ΔΕΝ ΘΑ ΧΤΥΠΑΓΑ ΠΟΤΕ ΥΠΕΡ των κεμπάπ και κατά της Ελλάδας! Δυστυχώς, το MoGRocco πήγε με τα kebab. 🔪💳💸
@Levi the world is not that binary
:-D. Be free, describe the world, Marcial