Publicat in Iran - Socializare și divertisment - 04 Mar 2017 02:34 - 59

We came to end of hard campaign against Délos alliance, after Russia, France and Spain signed peace with Vae Victis. Argentina has already ongoing agreement with us and Hungary approached to end battle with Turkey, we did not sign any agreement with Hungary, just ended the active campaign.
As you know it all started with articles of Carapicho, which he advised anti-Vae Victis countries about how can they defeat us. Later, they have found their leader (the one) and eventually two alliances have been formed against us. We were expecting such cooperation between -alliance of France- and -alliance of Serbia- even since France left our alliance therefore we were getting ready for it. Our strategy has been discussed and executed accordingly. After our opponents tried hard against Albania, as I mentioned in my previous adresses we decided to take more offensive position towards them. Our goal was destroying every capital of Délos countries. Madrid, Paris and Central Croatia are captured by our alliance. Few days after Paris battle, Commander of Délos approached us for an agreement between alliances therefore we have decided it is now pointless to go after other ones.
I must mention Croatia here, they were quite brave by leaving their alliance and try to fight against us on their own. Just the other day, I announced in alliance channels that it is not fair to fight against them like this and I will approach them to propose all their core regions without any condition. Yet I later saw that they are trying to mock with our member, Brazil, just because they managed to win a battle with 13 billion overkill by using their last bullet. I wish them luck in the rest of campaign.

We will now go after our other opponent called Fre United. I know that some of their members are already left/leaving and I am not sure whether they have active leadership and organization or not. Denmark is under occupation for quite a while and most of their citizens are already left the country. Greece is often fight for their last region. Germany already signed peace with us. I do not expect serious resistance from their remaining members and although I will not be around to lead, I have faith in my team-mates.

It has been great month full of victories for our alliance. We have witnessed epic battles and I like to congratulate every single citizen of our alliance for being part of this success.
For our 100th day, we announced that 100 gold will be given to one Vae Victis citizen. I used Google to randomly pick a number and Kizancik won the prize with his vote number.
I stop counting how many alliances we did beat so far, I am sure there will be many more on the way.

minnak insanSultan Haydar BasSandzakG 4 M p3trOs V E RSahkbamgiovinco10sorkhpostno0bsailbotnakituminayashiATEHTATOPOTATEHTATOPOTATEHTATOPOTPanzer AceDieselLyell ThirdTHEGUYPiromanlmperiusYamamotoComentarii (59)


Hail Russia !


Thank you! #delostronk

kızan sal 

Hadriel, I have no idea about the original version of that pic. Someone from our opponent side draw it in his article, I liked it and I used it.

i think this picture is not a coincidence and i am sure kinyas knew it. @kinyas in your opinion you=hitler?

VV o7

Seems like it.

@George Best, as I said I did not even check the original version of that picture. I am familiar with your propaganda tactics so just drop it
Credits is given under the image, If you have any problem you can talk to that person. I wish you would show same sensitivity when people draw countries as dogs.

reported for Nazi leaders picture. (Hitler v.)

türkçesi yok mu bunun

hitler varsa nolmuş olum Allah Allah 

what an unpredictible outcome.

Naci Türkçesi dönem sonu makalemde olacak.

Unbeaten. Hail VV! o7

Brazil stronk hahahahhaahaha

Well, a part of Delos is beaten not all 

@kinyas i believe you, if you say so
sonradan düşündüm artık hitleri de kendine idol almamışsındır heralde kemal 

@petros2, The clock is counting 

@kinyas bu arada propaganda falan, ayıp etmişsin. Bununla propaganda yapabileceğimizi düşünmek çok zekice olmaz sanki, bana uygun bulmana içerledim kardeşim.

Ok. Now make this game fun again, before people leave. Have the guts to create really hard campaigns (not like this one against Délos that in reality lasted 4 days in 3v1 vs France) and achieve real accomplishments like MDP did in the first stages. Reform the alliances, balance things out and stop the farm. When there´s such courage to do such thing, you guys can call me to come back. Meanwhile I´ll be somewhere else other than here. Good luck and don´t get too bored.



I am against this nazi bullshit acusations. If u want to troll him find better reason. @kinyas U are stronger. Enjoy ur success. You should have mention that you are by far stronger alliance(s) and that you are still recruiting new members to ensure your supremacy. If u want real accoplishments find(create) someone equal to you . This is just simple bully not mastery.

Vae Victis o7

Congratulations or something like that.

fall of erevollution. Grats o7

vv destroyed erev. because of you lot of ppl is waiting for other game to begin

Ez when 2 aalliances or 3 dont know to folow lead by 1 man and coordinating together. Start attacks on wrong countrys and dont know to use drains DWs and RWs. Simply as that...

+1 @Archimagus

beside any personal toughts, no doubt, VV is a very organize, active n lethal..this is the world, like it or not, the leaders most chosse his paths in this world, Congrats for your campaing VV...


Hail Croatia
Fail VV and delos

BTW those guys are Germans
You can t hide us niggers

Ottoman Grand Vizier Kinyas who will be next? FF countries? Countries which has one or two regions and around 5 active citizens. When You wipe all countries what happens next??? PAY SWEDEN FOR URANIUM!!!!!!


the peace ll destroy the economy. @i saw broken producers. lol.

When Kindogan wipe all countries nobody stay in the game. Its simple. no region=no income=no more wars

You guys think these so called victories are something to be proud of, you have more damage than all other countries together, its like playing a game using the console commands. I see you as oportunists and not as brave ones.

Türkler Türkçe olarak tartışsın, iyice avrupalaştınız ya

lol look at us we hold the most players and countries in this game, thus having highest damage by far and we fight only 5v1 wars we are so brave! good luck farming bonuses and shit when your every opponent leaves then you can have ultimate victory by destroying this game. this game that you have been butchering for months and you make these propaganda articles to make you look like the good guys. pathetic

Greece will fight for Fre , to the end. Never surrend! Combat for Liberty, or be a pathetic chicken.

MasterAltair, considering the fact that we often fight against Q5 DS, I do not see there is such unbalance as you claim. Talking about being brave, you launched 7v1 campaign against Albania. As for article, I do not really mind what people like you think or believe, these are information articles for citizens of Vae Victis. You can just skip it.

Oh and we never ever fight against ds because mdp is so poor that they cant afford it? Please man dont use shitty arguments like that it doesnt suit you. And as for albania, you mention that one time we ganged up on someone while you do it every singlw war without single exception. I told you who will you fight when everyone leaves?

@masterAltair ofc that you didnt fought against DS. The whole fuckin campaign u were those who were defending...i dont even know how it feels to calculate my dmg without q5 DS debuff and NE... I bet u dont have that problem...

We were the weak side when the MDP founded. Started to defend our cores as Mutual Defense Pact. Croatia and Bosnia were first betrayers while our side loosing, and now i am seeing that some croat is crying for balance, game is dying etc. This is the result of long term good strategy. Congratulations to all VV countries o/

Imperius, when MDP was founded you ware not weaker side. Before that, there was few strong alliances that disbanded after achieving victory, and MDP never done that to create balance. MDP would never exist if previous alliance didnt decide to disband to create balance in game. Also, what about free bonuses near turkey/iran ? imagine if there was 10-15 free regions for every Balkan country , as there you have Serbia, Croatia, Albania, FYROM , Greece, Romania, Hungary, BIH, and yet only 3 cheap regions form Montenegro, So if you want like that, even admins had huge say in rise of turkey or iran to start with.

Imperius wow you are celebrating this games death and the fact you killed it. Cool

Next mission: kill the game xD. Hail VV

that is not true about croatia

No surrender o7


Justice has been served.