Publicat in France - Socializare și divertisment - 05 Mar 2017 06:47 - 46

DarnskoTomislavSKynet00HCorbenConnenNeuteMohan GhaleHalfvolle le triso Suce crabeG 4 M p3trOs V E RUnknown3Loving Pabl0Thomas GreenYamamotoGood bye eRevollutionGood bye eRevollutionGood bye eRevollutionGood bye eRevollutionGood bye eRevollutionGood bye eRevollutionGood bye eRevollutionGood bye eRevollutionGood bye eRevollutionGood bye eRevollutionGood bye eRevollutionGood bye eRevollutionGood bye eRevollutionGood bye eRevollutionGood bye eRevollutionGood bye eRevollutionGood bye eRevollutionGood bye eRevollutionGood bye eRevollutionGood bye eRevollutionGood bye eRevollutionKant Step In Ze Rap InTripelKarmelietvratarxTopSecretIgor IVversinevist3PolarB34rPolarB34rPolarB34rPolarB34rgilles7387SrLukSrLukKhalidIbnAlWalidBlackfuryOgun AlprontowMushvanFatihfaganerosDratalaveambruNonameV2Comentarii (46)


VV logic -

get rekt


well...That reasoning has logic XD

Azza, Kinyas va être déçu de ton comportement.

Game is dead in 30-60 days. Enjoy you time till then VV. o7 XD

@Captain Mais non tqt


VV Brain

We can not lose a war if there won t be any players to fight against 😂😂😂. Hahah haha that one is better 😅

@eevil king ahah yes ofc it s good too ^^

loose ...

@Jean J ai voulu écrire trop vite :/


so true.

Ahahaha funny because u are crying so much before the 6 mpp rule or alliance rule we have only %48 damage and we were winning battles
. Talk less think more

je veux des droits d auteur ! xD

We never talked about the 6 mpp rules and the alliance rules and we were still close to VV when the 6 MPP rules has been created.
And you have 48% of damage, now you have more than 50%. And even if you only have 48% of damage, the rest of the world is not united so it s 48% Vs 20% Vs 15% etc
Talk less, think more

during the 6 mpp rule france was in VV issou


Fake one!
The real:

Georgia leave VV

Thats why you need baby boom guys, if you cant win today, think about an estrategy to win tomorrow. Just stop crying.

Yeah guys, follow vv countries example, make a multie boom ffs

I like this antiVV side loose only because lack of strategy bullshit. VV has more than 50% of world firepower and more than 60-65% of active players. And VV consists only about 15 countries, while the other side s damage consists of more than 50 countries. Naturally it is easier to coordinate the same amount of damage with 10 countries than with 50.
And what is the ultimate strategy or diplomacy on the vv side what the other side cant understand? Attacking every enemy country on 3-4 fronts, tanking like hell and won every battle through power? Or signing NAPs and trying to humiliate the former enemy?
And I dont say anything about countries, who were antiVV but were too coward to fight hard, and changed side and joined the stronger part of world.
If the current situation will remain in long term, this game will be dead very soon. Anti-VV side will leave this game and VV can play farmville till the server shoutdown.

Imperator you are saying only vv uses 3-4 vs 1 ....remember who keeps the record..which side...7vs1 against the facts before you write

Well, they dont have the entire world but most of the 15 top countries yes. A game like this is fun when the war is between these countries. VV already has a really nice strategy and coordination, and now more of the world damage. A babyboom only will make some effect after 8 months atleast at this point.

If u contuniing to accept babybooms = multiboom u wil lose forever. Ofc a babyboom creates vave multi vave but new players too.

Akhonous why don t you unite then

beyin bedava


Hahaaha pole :v


I dont see France and Denmark in VV so its not whole world 

I like this antiVV side loose only because lack of strategy bullshit. VV has more than 50% of world firepower and more than 60-65% of active players. And VV consists only about 15 countries, while the other side s damage consists of more than 50 countries. Naturally it is easier to coordinate the same amount of damage with 10 countries than with 50. And what is the ultimate strategy or diplomacy on the vv side what the other side cant understand? Attacking every enemy country on 3-4 fronts, tanking like hell and won every battle through power? Or signing NAPs and trying to humiliate the former enemy? And I dont say anything about countries, who were antiVV but were too coward to fight hard, and changed side and joined the stronger part of world. If the current situation will remain in long term, this game will be dead very soon. Anti-VV side will leave this game and VV can play farmville till the server shoutdown.


Mantap djiwa

Imperator +1

archimagus +1

we have only 48% of all damage yeah clearly that s not enough the goal off an alliance it s to get atleast 70% right ?

i have bad internet , someone tell me whats in it ?

I like this antiVV side loose only because lack of strategy bullshit. VV has more than 50% of world firepower and more than 60-65% of active players. And VV consists only about 15 countries, while the other side s damage consists of more than 50 countries. Naturally it is easier to coordinate the same amount of damage with 10 countries than with 50. And what is the ultimate strategy or diplomacy on the vv side what the other side cant understand? Attacking every enemy country on 3-4 fronts, tanking like hell and won every battle through power? Or signing NAPs and trying to humiliate the former enemy? And I dont say anything about countries, who were antiVV but were too coward to fight hard, and changed side and joined the stronger part of world. If the current situation will remain in long term, this game will be dead very soon. Anti-VV side will leave this game and VV can play farmville till the server shoutdown. x3

So, you re saying that it is the VV that unified the world, and not the other way around?