Publicat in United States of America - Dezbateri și analiză politică - 14 Feb 2016 09:14 - 4

Good morning or good evening fellow Americans in a days’time we will have an important elections that will define our great nation’s greatness. Well before any news about the candidates I would like to say sorry or the delay since in life hasn’t been fair because the workload for me inreal life is too much but I promise that every week we will get an update. Ok Now to congressional election we have so many new and even old potential candidates that will represent our great nation. Now many party leaders and even the leadership has commended this time the candidates are filled with potentials and quality ones who will not Slack or become inactive hopefully. Because the experiences which we had to endure due to the lack of activity.
This is the list of our candidates and their achievements:
Mr sharp
Current Secretary of Defense
Officer in the Seal Team 6 Militarily Unit
He is also speaker of the house currently
A crazy fighter in the military and also a keen minded businessmen
A Lovely subject that loves war and death
Currently an Officer in Seal team 6 Former NSC (National Security Council) director
Congress Whip
Political Director (Feds)
Former Secretary of Treasury
Currently one of the most active congressmen Check his campaign article for more information about him http://www.erevollution.com/en/article/2494
Currently the recruitment director for the Federalist PartyA
potentially good candidate and has fresh of new ideas forthe country
Check his campaign article http://www.erevollution.com/en/article/2366
Mine a crazy Tank :P
Another crazy tank :P
A great businessmen that produces weapons to the government
Currently the Prime minister of USA :P Currently the vice president of eUSA
Currently Secretary of Media
spitfireYG aka Smokey
Current Vice of party president of the Federalist Party
Training officer in Seal team 6
Check his campaign article: http://www.erevollution.com/en/article/2478
Moderator in erev
IES Director
Currently a congressmen
An officer in rUSA militia
Former Vice President of eUSA
A fighter :P
An inspiring Candidate Check his Campaign : http://www.erevollution.com/en/article/2365
AN innovator
Jack Strong
Not sure LOL :P
Secretary of Interior Former Secretary of educationA Hard worker at heart
NSC DirectorDepty IES directorFED MEDIA Director Commander/Chairmenof the rUSA Militia My campaign will be short and sweet.
1.) I aim for new reforms that will benefit eUSA byimplementing the idea of legislative commissions that will investigate law that is ped so they don’t become inefficient and also to understand what our
citizen thinks about them
2.) I am against policy of High taxes and ifany laws that will aim for high taxes I propose methods that will discourage
the government to increase tax and set them accordingly to the wealth of our citizen and not to over tax them
3.) Anyone in the country can leave a message about their issues so it can be resolved effectively
4.) Also when it comes to the issue ofimmigration it is a must to make them American and at the same time to keep out
the PTOer and terrorists
5.) The promise of transparency
Ok these are the candidates for this month’s congress and hope it is an active one this time and remember as usual have a nice day o>

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