Publicat in Iran - Primii pași în eRevollution - 20 Apr 2017 03:15 - 155

UltramagicRebazartarezzizoJoker EvilAmirdesmondmilesHulkingLip GallagherrBusterVeTeRaNBattleHeroAce EconomistKiansjUnIqUeMiNdTosunrevenger81haftvudNightwatcherHUNsorkhpostMrBl3ndPew PewMETURKAN ZEROLaziGibeGibeMrBogdanahwazzNieltonCFPhossein2001JotaNew GuyAbramelinAbramelinAbramelinAbramelinAbramelinAbramelinAbramelinAbramelinSandzakSandzakSandzakG 4 M p3trOs V E RdefaultMea988CoGaIran2pingComentarii (155)

i bought 4 k q5 tanks if you will cancel that event it will not be fair

Giga all you need is 1500

We want this challenge!

Biskvit 1500 or even 1000 is too much. Because it is too expensive.

We want this challenge!

Nope, I like new challange...

We want this challenge!


1500? why do not 2k? i bought it for others as well

Next challenge is gonna be about q1 food consumed

better make challenge 5k hits with RPG´s o/ so you all can cry even more with your multies who cant make it
so please stop crying little child and grew up o7

i hope this challenge can be goood so, i want this challenge


@Tannin so you think all the new players all multies. you re so selfish who just think about himself

We want this challenge!

@Tannin This is Iran not your own ruined country. Write less, be quite more.

we want this challenge 

ağlamayın la keranacılar

Tannin ro dadin avabeq ham dare nemitoonin begin harf nazan

Meh screw this, not like 50more strength would do me any good at this point, i will just ignore this challenge and not vote in upcoming whatever, let the admins do their thing, ruining the game

challenge=/=daily task
i think this challenge is too easy
it should be like 10000 hits

we want this challenge o/

@kaveh ishalla ke havasemun bashe to ru ye ruz rah nadim:-)))

the people who want this challange are the one that stocked up already...
if you are going to shit on not rich players at least make it as a suprise next day. this way people who where online at tight moment got the news faster..

I didnt by weps or tanks yet but it makes sence

True story :-s
we need smth better than this
we need more offers and players
dont blame us admin do smth

guys u buy stock and want this f*** challenge ??? but think about future this game gona die and next year u are alone in this challenge 

astapour khoshbakhtane daste to nis ra dadane man hame irania mano khoob mishnasan

Alanam behtar mishnasanet
To Ham engar mano khub nemishnasi

ok harchi shoma migi 

Shitty event, even for older players. :|

I have bought no weaps no tanks and i do not intent to. I lost battleships challenge i will lose this and next too. But it s not me that I am actually loosing...

Voted. But, why don t you protest the same way about the warship challenge or the heli challenge? Were they easier for the poor or new born accounts? I don t think so!...


this challenge makes no sense

@MyCrow maybe I should do the same for ships I just hadn t any idea of how terrible can it be at the beginning and helis price didn t increase a lot. There were also enough stock of both heli and ship... Thanks for your vote and comment.

If you can t afford the challenge, JUST DON T DO IT! I can t understand what s the big deal! I have skiped the last 2 challenenges and I m ok! I don t think that 3 q3 lf, 50 intelligence, 3 rockets and 3 work hours are worth 40 or 50 gold. Just do the math!

@MyCrow, because there is enough production to supply people with warships or helis and there was no protest for these events. People were waiting increase at heli prices but it didnt even go up. There is not enough production of weapons or tanks because of the shitty system of the game and its not our fault. We dont want to pay same price as Q5 heli for a Q5 weapon thats why people is protesting it.

I spent 50 golds buying stupid weapons give my gold back cancel the challenge 

Why make us hit with less powerful weapons?! This is ridiculous...

How do you guys know about future challenge???? I will be forced to fight with weapons and tanks paying more than helis/ships q5 for them... what a cool challenge...

we want this challenge period

The worst challenge of all time

resellers are prepared to make 100g out of this challenge already 

we want this challenge period
.. rest of you crap don t shit and make profit of it .. you can helpe each-other

You may complete the challenge but boy, i will get all BHs shooting with Q5 helis. And save my money of course not having to buy garbage

ktab thank you if you disagree with sth it will happen for sure xD

it is very bad challenge

I want this challange

Bad decision from admins

ادمین فازت چیه ؟

People already purchased tanks and weapons in order to completing the challenge, at this point no one can cancel the challenge. But you are right this challenge is not a smart idea.

Can u made a challenge which a much as u tank u take better rewards...and dont put any strenght reward so doesnt effect new players..battles are boring here and we play a war game


I want this challenge

Challenge is good thing, so Ultramagic, instead of resseling, you should invest and make some factory, Challenge is ON, finally it will pe payed of invested gold into tank factory, only q5 helis should go up a little bit , so all industries will be profitable

It is like they tell us where to click everyday to balance the game... boring. Change the war module, instead. Players gave admins a lot of cool suggestions but for the moment the solution is to tell us what to buy every week like we are puppets...

I like this challenge and finally people who have wep and tank factories will have chance to return what they invested, so NO VOTE

I want this challenge

the best time to start rw.. lol

Good challenge for weak players

Dont want this challenge

Challange accepted

After 2000 ship hits , one event ago, I bought 2K tanks, just if admins get some crazy I m ready with no big cost....everybody had the same chance to think further ... so make it happen.

@Restive weak player most buy q1 weapon .03 G price :|

@Resitive, how is this good for weak players? they still cant buy low quality weapons cause prices are high as hell

For your information Ultramagic has tank company as well but he doesn t just care about himself

this is good for the economy model, people just need to adapt more

@Gran7Garde most of weak players have weap company

Dear fric, it seems you know nothing about this game economy. If I m a reseller, the new challenge will be my heaven! But if you can calculate, you see that there won t be enough production for wep and tank, so the prices is increasing rapidly and it will be the worst challenge for the weak players. Of course the prices of helis and ships decrease too but not so much since great wars need only q5 helis and ships. So be aware... if you focus on wep and tank too much, Germany will be wiped again 

Also weaps have small dmg

Add eat q5 food challange and let us(food producters) earn money

Sterat te admine v kurac.

Events like this only give some advantage to players with good economy over their i think its fine. It makes you choose, economy or +50str/int. I mean..its a choice that everyone had to make at some point so far

its fine , now is the time for tank / weapon factory 

me no likey

@ultramagic, you are reseller so you really dont care about young players, you care about your profit, if you have factories you can send tank and weapon for free to young players and help them as we are doing in Germany. I dont really se point of this article and dont threaten to Germany ever, ever again

we want x4 energy recovery and better rewards
dont cry rich bitches this game is not just for heli producers

#nomorestupidchallenges worst idea ever implemented here , think of something else to make dead industries profitable.

I want this challenge

When you are so stupid that you can not find better way to revive economy. Great job admins 😋 you realy know how to lose players. You probably have phD in that.


We don t want this Challenge!

We don t want this Challenge!

@peaky you are so amateur in economy too. When there isn t enough production the price will increase and weak players should pay so much to buy them. How many younger players producers like me can support? It s the best challenge for resellers, like you that are supporting it strongly. Honestly I didn t thereaten Germany. We wiped you once and it s too easy for us to do it again..


The hit with weapon x is just a major disaster - new players are screwed because they can`t really afford to buy weapons by default if they want to build their profiles properly, oldies are screwed because they have to fight below their abilities(or can`t afford helis or warships), and logic gets screwed because the event incentivizes players to make, what under normal circumstances would be called, a bonehead decisions.
I get that it stimulates economy, but it also tampers with the results of battles. If you want to stimulate economy, then build the event so that it doesn`t consume almost all of the energy players can recover during a 10 day span. Lower the requirement to half at minimum - 1000 kills, so that players can fight properly when they need it, and gather these stupid bonehead hits when they have spare energy. Or, remove the strength/intelligence reward, so that players are not punished for not making dumb decisions.

We don t want this Challenge!

answer of admins : money money money

ship and helicopters event are not for new players- like this stupid event too.
we need event for all players not for strong only.

using energy with low damage weapons this is good idea so want to kill biskvit with my pencil 

We don t want this Challenge!

We don t want this Challenge!

biskvit sell q5 tanks for 0.03
write him
unlimitet stock 

I want this challenge

We want this challenge!

We don t want this Challenge!

We don t want this Challenge!

We want this Challenge loosers

Don t want this challenge!!

We don t want this challenge

I do not believe that administrators wants to kill the game by putting such weak weapons as mission, after all, should we spend energy and gold on something that has little return? What is the strategy behind it? Another serious problem is some people know about the event before the community, this shows a preference of the adm to favor some to the detriment of others, if really this event happens is regrettable.


Its a challenge.

We want this challenge!


admins sometimes you dont have to ask just implement it. one week with tanks one week with weons so tanks and wepons companies will be valuable.

at least don t force us to do it if we wanna vote....

the only problem here is sellers speculation and how crazy the are to put some prices!!
Is a good way to fix market but sellers kill it all!!.... good thing is, tanks no visas will do less damage 

I was dumb to spend those guns and tanks (mostly rewards from events/challenges) when there were no important battles (otherwise I d use helis). Now I know that I should rather fight without weapons (higher rank is useless anyway) and gather as many guns/tanks as possible and keep them for ludicrous challenges like this one (for personal use and resell). This silly idea won t improve their situation, rather on contrary.

Too late I spent 60g for weapons.

We don t want this Challenge!

I want this challenge

We don t want this Challenge!

70g for 1k TQ5 ...

Couldnt care more or less for this challenge. If its here to stay than oh well, if not oh well. Kekeke either Screw this I aint playing challenge lol.

this is so stupid... ;/

Voted, I don t want this challange...
What next? With guns?

We don t want this Challenge!

We dont want this chellenge admin admin admiiiiinnnnnn

We don t want this challenge
خدا قوت

we dont want this chalenge

We want this challenge

This is rather stupid, not to mention the cost and lack of tanks and chaos it will bring to the market. Some will profit, but for me, profit is less important, I want to make as much damage as I can on the battlefield, now you force me to do less.
Also, I ve already build q5 weapon and q5 tank factories and moved on to helis, now I have to build q5 wep again - not fair.

rubno :facepalm
Why would you dissolve Q5 tank company, if you do this you can no longer build new helicopter companies.

Bog vas sapo

mega stupid chalenge. look the price of weapon and tanks ????? maybe admin produce only weapon and tank haha

To complete the challenge newbies need 60 gold to do much less damage than they would do with 45 gold (1000 helis). Worst idea ever. Unless the objective is to get rid of newbies and have only old visa players, like the other game :-)

We want this challenge!

This was one od the best moves towards helping the bew players. Most of them have wep/tank company since they dont have enough gold for heli company. With this challenge they can sell them to to more wealthy players (the one s complaining) or hit so they can finish the challenge. So the conclusion would be that rich players are against this challenge, only cause of their greediness.

Gamster I see no problems for old players to spend 60 gold to do few damage. I see it for new players. Maybe you don t know that weapon factory don t produce 1000 weapons in 10 days. Not even close to that. So they need to pay gold for weapons that don t even allow them to rank properly...


Terrible challenge!

To complete the challenge newbies need 60 gold to do much less damage than they would do with 45 gold (1000 helis). Worst idea ever. Unless the objective is to get rid of newbies and have only old visa players, like the other game :-)

Voted! We don t want this challenge!

You know, they provided us with plenty of guns and tanks if we were active. The spring challenge last week if you logged in every day you had a pretty good chance of getting enough guns and tanks for at least basic voting rights. I unfortuantly used mine before the challenge.

Dont want this challenge!

pada ngomongin apa?

Very bad event !

Terrible challenge!

The meaning of challenge is something new and difficult which requires great effort and determination.

We don t want this Challenge!

Esto sirve para mejorar la economía, se quejan por todo.

is this the most voted and commented article in the history of erev? damn.

this challenge, sucks

i think this is good event and allowing players have several types of factories profitable

Iran Players always using no Brain and greedy as fuck

We want this challenge!

it s true

@Giovinco69 and you are as much as asshole that cant understand intelligence of Iranian players

Two stupid things (waepons, tanks) can t be corrected with one stupid contest.

This is the problem when you put 3 different weapons, with a unique difference which is their % of damage ._.

I dont have sense to waste tons of gold for q1 weapon. i wont do this quest make people rich

Los Visa tenian el monopolio de helis, houses, ships. Con este evento se les vio afectado la cartera por eso reclaman. Y los pequeños jugadores con sus fabricas de wep o tank, pudieron vender los altos stocks que se juntaban en el almacen(por si, el que no sabe. Nadie compra wep y pocos tanks). Asi a lo buen chileno Dejense de wear visas culiaos