Publicat in Greece - Dezbateri și analiză politică - 21 Apr 2017 13:21 - 23

Hello eWorld Citizens,
As we saw yesterday, North Korea decided to leave FU alliance, one day after they joined us. For some of us it was something that we expected to happen but not so soon. However, every country, every single player in this game is free to play the game, as he wants to and follow his own way. We don’t blame North Korea about their decision, but they should be more decided about this because they knew from the beginning that they would be called to hit against their old friends. Anyway, we wish them good luck in their next steps.

HQ of FU:
SC : Inarius
vSC : Klaudiostifler
MC : santiago
vMC : SpyrosB, djurdjo
SoFA : Koukouroukou
FU is an alliance that has built in the principle of friendship, we were a few countries that could communicate, support, help, understand each other. That was the reason that we managed to make this team. We never counted people as numbers based on the damage they have. That was what made us different than other alliances.
Even countries that left alliance, are still there for us and fight by our side every time is needed. There will never be bad feelings between us.

Our next steps: We have to remember who we are, and the reason that we built this alliance. We have capable people between us, that can succeed in everything they have in their minds. We have to work harder in order to have the best results and we will do it. This time, we have no right to do mistakes, we owe this to our people, in every single player, citizen of our countries that still believe in us.
We invite all citizens of the countries members of FU to join our discord server.
Everyone else that wants to be there, is welcome too.
FU is back. like the phoenix we will rise from the ashes again.
You will never walk alone!
Salute o7
KlaudiostiflerGropiuschicagolupanpainevist3G 4 M p3trOs V E RTyraelxRONxMilesHadrielKocaelispor41entexnosentexnosentexnosentexnosentexnosentexnosentexnosentexnosentexnosentexnosentexnosentexnosentexnosentexnosentexnosDiamantisDiamantisDiamantisentexnosentexnosentexnosentexnosentexnosentexnosentexnosentexnosentexnosentexnosentexnosentexnosentexnosentexnosentexnosB A T A S H AsipinasipinasipinasipinasipinasipinasipinasipinasipinasipinaFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourFerdi CarrefourR I OR I OVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicVitalicPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKPANZER stronKR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OR I OComentarii (23)

FU o7

Greece leave FU pls..


Now that s explained.

Hope you will work with Délos c:

Its impossible to work with Delos

@Koukouroukou, Big vote for the song 



FU o/

FU o7


FU all o7

FU yaaa all

Fail FU Fail Delos and Fail Fortuna too


Kinyas motivator of FU, you are all to chinese
