Publicat in Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) - Ordine de luptă - 14 May 2017 09:12 - 11

Dear admins, 

In your MAGNIFICENT event called BURIED BOMB, i've encountered a bug and got helis once. Please fix this, what am i gonna do with such rewards

dje vojvodina??



Comentarii (11)

Lucky man Laugh
if you are not petros, you are atehtatopot -
probably is not a but, are only you not lucky, in the next days u ll gain more prize... anywere this time the bomb are more than in the past Sad
im know that feel bro
or u r Georgian Legend
lol Laugh Laugh
That s called luck, not bug
Očito nisi za pirotehničara! Laugh
forty keks
i have this problem too