
Kinyas - Ziar din Turkey -

Publicat in United States of America - Dezbateri și analiză politică - 23 May 2017 07:46 - 52


Grey WindGrey WindGrey WindjukaBoceed0ct0rward0mgiovinco10Oksoko TiginSilent ScreamSilent ScreamSilent ScreamSilent ScreamlmperiusGigaDarken RahlIkta SolorkAphianWardedleaf16Lyell ThirdRothbartRothbartRothbarthaftvudamirali khanEsdeathEsdeathEsdeathBusterMatka DzianaVOLKOFFFLonsdalesafewaiDeath Angel Azriel

Comentarii (52)

prinç mi o
banhammer geliyor
God safe the Queen? Nah. Mod safe the Jokemany!
Heil Hitler o7
emek kokuyor emek
Special Note is for caki?
Kinyas , did I said smth wrong about number of puppets regions, btw, be careful, I think that you didnt read rules section very well, you could be banned for provoking admins and mod team and I would be crushed if you leave and return again.
kinyas, u are not interesting anymore
I am right that peaky is blind, jokemany still so funny!!! Laugh
Game got some life again.
eVokasi, better than whinny articles to return my homeland I guess ^^ I am glad you succeed it though.
@nakituminayashi +1
Special Note is for caki? x2
And again thanks to Germany, what you would do without Germany
Kinyas your problem is you dont got the VISA power XD
Definetely, Tannin Laugh
kinyas, u deserved what you get, both ban and gangbang xD
game has some life because I am in Serbia again
Ban Admins!
Unban lord kiny...ehm kratos!
read game rules especially section about provoking mods and admins btw just to troll a bit we are admin land they give us free gold and ban our enemies I confess here also tc lvl5 is only available with German citizenship Smile))
When someone gets temp banned for shout Poland got f...d up in battle ofc i will remove that punishment and put mute instead, cause thats deserved punishment. When someone accuse mod for abusing power without any proofs and facts, and same pearson does that few times, he will be punished for that act(in your case you didnt even know what happened). And next time when similar thing happen, i will do same, no mather am i involved or any other mod. If you have complaiments abot moderator works, there is support and gmail. Good night o/
Hail Kinyas ... o7
those faces 10/10
@Anti, 1 minute after me Ajken accused with definetely same thing -abuse-. What did you do about him? Try harder, you cannot save Germany, as you couldnt save Serbia back then.
You are ex mod. Which lost that position cause of guess what? Smile Ajken didnt accuse any moderator, he said stg about you. Now think about new theory, maybe it will pass.
No I have never been moderator. Give yourself 24h ban now for false accusation Smile
You were banned for abusing moderation team, not for false accusation. And yeah my mistake, you werent mod and cant be mod cause of thing i thought Smile
You need to be moderator to save your alliance by randomly banning opponents. I dont need to be one.
Anyway, i told ya, complain about mods at support or gmail, you wont do a lot in this way.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahaha kinyas talks about mods. Seems legit
Joj seljaka
Poland stronk. Just 1 german made more dmg then whole Poland. np np.
Why Kinyas isnt banned yet, i must use proper channels to see what is problem with that
Someone got paranoid? My condolences
heil great german Laugh Laugh Laugh
I Love The special note
moderator is member of nazi party? Deutschland über alles?
Kinyas crying again? Lame
Crynias is back !
when the greatest mod abuser talk about mod abuse, you just gota find it funny
Dont say this my little lion
if Antinarodni element can be mod, then everyone can be mod
i applied and i can t be Crying
well I will apply for MOD and I dont have mercy, sooo....