Publicat in Germany - Analiză financiară - 20 Jun 2017 05:09 - 26
The implementation of gold pack was a great loss for visa players, that is more than obvious to all by now.
We have all downgraded to numbers far lower than what we had at star cube. At least 10 workers less daily, many rpgs less, while EDs are more or less same (1 or 2 is not a huge difference). My proposal for this is the following:
Use a base for rewards if you like, like 7 workers or 20 rpgs or 5 EDs like you have now, and surplus on star cube system, depending on diamonds one player have. E.g. a player has 5 diamonds. Gold pack gives 7 workers, plus 5 diamonds, he should get 12 workers. Gold pack gives 20 rpg, plus 5 diamond (5*5) he should get 45 rpgs and so on.
When you implement something new, take care not to demolish what you have built.
Hope to see this change soon. Like yesterday, it would be great
We have all downgraded to numbers far lower than what we had at star cube. At least 10 workers less daily, many rpgs less, while EDs are more or less same (1 or 2 is not a huge difference). My proposal for this is the following:
Use a base for rewards if you like, like 7 workers or 20 rpgs or 5 EDs like you have now, and surplus on star cube system, depending on diamonds one player have. E.g. a player has 5 diamonds. Gold pack gives 7 workers, plus 5 diamonds, he should get 12 workers. Gold pack gives 20 rpg, plus 5 diamond (5*5) he should get 45 rpgs and so on.
When you implement something new, take care not to demolish what you have built.
Hope to see this change soon. Like yesterday, it would be great
DictAt0RAyrtiomAphianTopSecretNightwatcherHUNComentarii (26)

My workers system was based on star cube.Now i had to hire more workers....Rewards are good,but worker thing killed me 

greedy germons

Star cube was like the democracy. The rich are getting richer and the poor - poorer.

ChrisGeoRM the real problem is that multies will not work for you, but for their owner. The real problem is that you will have to have loss in order to attract workers. Cause there are ain t any. My case is even worse than yours, I planned my companies upgrade depending on star cube system. That s enough gold. kris124 these rich you say, support the game you play. Star cube was fair enough. And i do not even say, to personally choose your daily rewards like star cube was.

Gold pack only for € that would be only fair

multies multies multies. i think ktab have dreams about multies

one time he ( admin ) did not something terrible and you are cry about it
me ( and a lot other ) like it !!
for 1 time dont be a di*k and accept it 

They didn t add new tg and lk on demand of player btw. They listen to us in some case, don t blame them too much

Dark Boy, you can have it. I did not argue with that. The terms is what i argue with. Don t be an @$$ and accept other people s opinion. And to be more accurate, tomorrow admins, decide to make TP medal 2 gold instead of 5. Wouldn t you argue with this? Cause this is what actually happened with star cube and gold pack.

Gold pack costs 200g and it is your choice to get ir or not.
TP medal from 5 to 2g that is not your choice, its what you get.
Sure i may agree that gold packs rewards are OP but well, some fun for not paying users isnt bad too. That is still better than heli factory buyg 

And we argued a lot about the heli factories, instead : none of them were found and all were legal. So you can argue or not in the end of the day it doesnt change anything...

henrasimus i was one of the first protested about heli factories bug. Change or not, that does not mean that i will not speak out.

I had much more fun with diamond than with this trash. I have no choice only getting workers instead of extra energy or rpg



wtf is cube and gold pack o.O 


i don t understand a single word from this article

yeah,wtf is cube,anyone care to elaborate in PM?

That is a good idea to compensate for those who have stars. But if those who have stars request to get back the benefits of the cube system on top of the gold pack rewards than its only fair that all other players should request getting back their free passport rewards on top of the gold pack rewards as well.
I think it is not realistic to expect adm to be generous but gready. So don t hold your hopes high on this

The free passport rewards, everyone had it. And they also sucked big time. My proposal is even better for this: lower the price of gold pack so it s accessible to more people instead. Not all non-visas are rich. In fact it s exactly the opposite.

Yeah I see your point. So you are saying the cube rewards should be available only for those who in addition buy the gold pack. I had not seen the proposal to lower the price of the packs, but that would make it more accessible to all players.

want more pay more 

vodka - still better than gold pack 

ktab I like gold pack it just need a lot of more workers... I just can t find more workers.... We need a system which they implement in other game 11 workers for 20g it is price in that game in this it can be like 44 g. This could save a lot of pain in searching of workers it is just impossible to find them. I have 10 q5 helisy comany standing and waiting because i can t find workers form my self...

Rich crying poor.